21-Day Detox Challenge – You Done Good!

21_day_coverWe can’t express adequately how excited we are to see, hear and read the amazing results from the 21-Day Detox Challenge. Pounds melting away, clothes fitting looser, and people just feeling great.

That was worth 21 days of effort, wouldn’t you say?

Before we announce the winners, I just wanted to give some highlights of what a few of you had to say about your experience eating the “21-Day Detox Way”. We are not claiming this is a miracle or the answer to all your nutrition and health problems, but based on these comments it sure made an impact for some people, and we are glad it did.

“My husband Paul and I participated in the 21 day detox and LOVED IT! I believe I already let you know how life-changing it’s been, We are still following it perfectly with no urges or cravings to reintroduce anything at this time. I received a call from my Lupus/rheumatoid doc and had to share the news with you. My inflammation markers in my labs, ALL of them, have not been this low since 2004!” – Mary C.

“Better sleep, clothes def fit better. Really enjoyed eating more veggies and just generally felt “cleaner” in eating…also, facial skin tone really improved and cellulite looks less…maybe my imagination, but it looks that way to me.  Hair also seems a little more healthy.” – Susan L.

“I became very mellow and experienced better sleep and more energy.  Workouts were better and clothes got a bit looser.  (I think I lost 10 pounds!)  The food was good and I even got my husband to eat dinners that I prepared.  I learned a lot about the foods I hadn’t eaten before – mostly the non-sugar condiments and the non-gluten flours, etc.  Although I’ve had celiac disease for several years, I wasn’t experimenting with the alternative flours and oils, so that was very helpful.” – Maura C.

“Lost 10 lbs. I see increased muscle definition. Slept well & had good energy. Found out I love green tea! 3-1/2 weeks later & don’t miss the coffee.” – Dennis M.

And these are just a few of dozens of great “Detox Reflections”. If you have not sent yours in yet we would love to hear it!

Hang in there and keep reading, the winners will be announced soon (no cheating by scrolling down).

I know we said weight loss on this plan was a happy side effect, but it was a pretty BIG side effect.

We had 149 people that weighed in at both the beginning and end of the challenge.

Those 149 amazing people lost 1083.6 pounds, for an average of 7.27 pounds each…that is over half a ton!

Not bad for 21 days work, eh? 🙂

To remind you we are awarding 2 prize packages.

  • Total Pounds Lost
  • Highest Percentage of Weigh Lost

Once again we want to thank our sponsors:

  • Diane Bottcher from Ahhscentials: All natural body and skin care selections.
  • Christen Scanlon from Peace & Balance Body Therapies: 60 minute massage, Signature facial and scalp treatment
  • Sonia Cormier from Thirty-One: One Thermal Tote and One Deluxe Duffel

So with no further adieu…

The winners are…

With a Total Pounds lost of  19.6 – Sue Brouillet

and with a Total Percentage lost of 8.19% – Peggy Crisman

Just an incredible job by these two ladies! Please congratulate them when you see them.

And here’s something else to think about.

Over the last 21 Days.

  • Did you learn something?
  • Did you try something new?
  • Did you discover something about yourself?
  • Did you start to believe that looking and feeling great is possible?

If any of those things are true, and I am confident they are, then you need to be congratulated on a win too. It’s about getting a little better, every day, and that’s what you did.

We appreciate you all for working so hard to make yourself better. At Get Fit NH we are committed to helping you keep the momentum going, so stay tuned – there is more coming!

Keep Making It Happen.

The Get Fit NH Health Team



Reach the Beach is back!

1237226_10153202519165507_645597593_oThe planning for Reach the Beach 2014 has begun!

Reach the Beach (RTB) Running Relay Race is one of the longest distance running relay races in the United States. The race will start on Cannon Mountain and finish on the sand at Hampton Beach. The relay will consist of a 12 person team that will rotate through 36 transition areas as they cover approximately 200 miles. This means that each relay team member will run 3 legs of varying lengths and difficulty and will cover an average total distance of ~16.6 miles.

Now that I have explained to you the craziness of RTB I am looking for all you crazy runners! We are in search of 5 more runners from the Get Fit NH family to complete our 12 person team. If you have heart, soul and desire to complete 200 miles in under 36 hours talk to me today about joining the chaos!

-Coach Meagan

Get Fit NH Closed Tuesday Afternoon, But Check Your Email!

www2011-051Once again we are making the difficult decision to close our facilities for the afternoon/evening. When I make these decisions the best interests of you and our team are at heart.

I also take a look at the National Weather Service, which currently has the following posted:


The final decision comes down to the “Nancy test. Would I want my wife driving on these either now or after dark in these conditions? And the answer to that is no.

But All Is Not Lost!

If you are an email subscriber (and why wouldn’t you be) 🙂 you have been sent a “Blizzard Burner” workout to help tide you over until your next scheduled training.

Not only that…

Don’t forget this Saturday at 10:00am is our “Winter Wonderland Workout” to benefit Rise Again Outreach – Be There!

Make It Happen!


Does Your Today Count?

logoI was reminded once again of the brevity of life over the past couple of weeks, and once it again it causes me to take pause and evaluate.

Am I really making today count?

You see my daughter-in-law Kimberly’s mother passed away of cancer last week. My heart hurts for her. It is very strange to think someone my children’s age has lost her mother. I am fortunate to still have both my mom and dad still here. And while we know that death is an inevitable part of our journey, when life is cut short by accident, war or disease it should cause us to reflect.

Am I really making today count?

I am not talking in big “save the world” terms here, although if that is your vision I say go for it. What I would encourage you to do is make it all count.

You see I am a big believer that the way you do one thing in your life is the way you do every thing.

Don’t give yourself permission to be less than you can be, all the time.

You might think that picking up 5 more pounds, or kicking up those knees a little higher, or going to bed a half an hour earlier, or eating that broccoli doesn’t really matter that much.

But if you went to bed half an hour earlier over the period of a year that would be over 180 hours of extra sleep.

Don’t think that would make a difference to your health?

I see it way too often. We stop just short of the goal. Could be only going 27 seconds in a 30 second set. Could be stopping 2 yards short on a 40 yard sprint. Could be staying on the 21-Day Detox only 20 days, because “that’s close enough.”

Am I really making today count?

I assure you those last 3 seconds, 2 yards and 1 day count for a lot.

Because every time you finish something you start you are breeding a habit of success. If you can lift 5 more pounds why not 10? If you can eat clean for 21-days why not 35? If you can be just a little bit better today, why would you choose to be any less?

Make today count.

Coach Dean

P.S. – In honor of Jan Thompson (Kimberly’s mom) Team Get Fit NH will be running the 12 Annual Rock N’ Race to benefit the Payson Center for Cancer Care. We want YOU on our team! It is not too late to start signing up and raising funds for this worthy cause!

Sign up for Team “Get Fit NH & Beat Cancer” Here



slowdownAs much as I dislike closing, I have the safety of our team of coaches and y’all to think about.

I have been obsessing about it for the last couple of hours (who, me?) but it is just not worth the risk.

It’s Risk vs. Reward. In life you make the best decision you can based on the information you have, and that is what I am doing. I’ll take the heat. So with that long winded explanation there will be no training in either facility Thursday afternoon/evening.

We will make the call for tomorrow morning by 4:00am depending on the conditions overnight. Thank-you for your understanding.

Coach Spotlight – Sarah Gahagan

I love Coach Sarah’s enthusiasm for life! What I have found in the time Sarah has been on the team is that she is not competitive at all, hates being outdoors and doesn’t have much to say. 🙂 Seriously though you can’t pretend to have passion, and I think most of us who find our way sleepwalking through life could take a lesson here. I am sorry to say that I see Sarah remaining single, because qualification #2 (read below) just ain’t happening!

sarah1Writing autobiographies are dreaded for some, while others may thoroughly enjoy writing them either because they like to boast about their own accomplishments, or simply because they like to boast about the many blessings in their lives that make them who they are.  I am of the latter.

My name is Sarah Elizabeth Gahagan and I am a proud daughter of Hayes & Linda Gahagan (married 41 years!), and sister to four older brothers (yes, they’re very handsome and that’s why I was popular).  I was born in Indianapolis, Indiana on August 20, 1984.  After living there for 6 years, the family moved to Maine (home state of both parents) and took residence in Southern Maine before locating to Presque Isle, one hour South of Canada and North of Nowhere.  Presque Isle is proudly considered my hometown (yes, I picked potatoes and wore Carharts), and it’s a town “where everyone knows your name.”

Ever since my brothers and I could walk, our parents put us in any sport they could (not to get us out of the house, but to give us that lifestyle…hmm, I think).  As the youngest and only girl, my mom desperately tried to make me a girl in every way.  My brothers played hockey and I figure skated.  I was in ballet, gymnastics, and wore pink and ruffles…until I was old enough to have a say in the matter.  I laced up the hockey skates and played goalie, I looked at comics and baseball cards, I played with Legos, I did everything outside, I played contact sports, and I wore my brother’s old jeans (I will never forget how excited I was when they finally fit!).  I loved my brothers and I wanted to spend every minute with them.   I was a tomboy to the core.

sarah2I loved my brothers because my parents loved us.  Never a day goes by that I don’t thank God for the blessing of my amazing parents and the role models they have been for me.  I will never know the sacrifices they made to give us the life we had, but I will always know that their love for us grew stronger and stronger each day we lived.  Why do I deserve such a wonderful family?  I did nothing to earn it; it is by the rich grace of God.

Yes, God.  I said I was a proud daughter of Hayes & Linda, but more than that, I am a daughter of God.  I know that I was created by Him and for Him.  It is He who has given me these healthy lungs, this heart, and the hands to help those around me.  It is Him I thank when I complete a race or while I’m out training by myself.  My health is a gift and it is my desire to take care of that gift and honor the One who gave it to me.  There is freedom in knowing that I belong to Him and He will be faithful to me, and there is joy in knowing that His will for my life will indeed be good for me!

So that brings me to His will for my life…after high school I attended Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA where I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science.  I had the naïve idea that I would be married right after college and wouldn’t have to work…false.  I chose the degree because I loved to exercise and was fascinated with the human body, not necessarily because I thought I’d use it.  When senior year came and the fact that I had four older brothers probably kept me single (read on to know why), I realized I needed to find a career!  Ever since high school, I enjoyed giving people massages and I was told that I was good and that I had “magic fingers.”  I knew I had a gift, a gift God gave to me, to bless others.  So I decided that I would go to school and make it an effective blessing.  While I was in school, I got a job at a gym as a personal trainer, which would eventually turn into their massage therapist as well.  During that time, I started seeing my own massage clients while learning more about personal training and coaching, and developing a love to help others, to inspire them to reach their potential, and to help them see their worth.  Everyone must see their worth before change can be made.

sarah3 After some time, I moved away from Virginia and spent my summers in Alaska and winters in Maine (yes I know, I’m strange).  I was a tour guide on a historical train in Skagway, AK that followed the path of the 1898 Gold Rush into the Yukon in the summer and a substitute teacher and middle school ski team coach back in my hometown of Presque Isle in the winter.   I eventually cut the ties with AK and resided in Presque Isle for 3 years.  I started my own massage therapy and personal training business, was a ski team coach, a youth ski program director, an outdoor adventure director, volunteered at our local mountain bike/Nordic ski club, and had frequent lunch dates with my amazing mom, gleaning much wisdom and guidance for my life after being gone for 6 years.

“The County” as my area is referred to, was truly a wonderful place but it came time for me to leave again.   At 28, I decided it was time to move so I began the hunt.  There were three reasons I wanted to move:  1) To be near a local Presbyterian Church (I drove to Canada an hour away), 2) To have a bigger market for business, and 3) To have a larger pool from which to fish… J After some searching, Concord was the winner, mostly because of its close proximity to my New England-based family, as well as Get Fit and the methods of their training.  I was intrigued to know more, to work with others who are smartie pants, and to go where I didn’t have any connections…a reason to rely more on God.  So I became a Get Fit Coach in September 2013!

sarah4By now, many of you know that I’m not married.  I’d love to be, but I blame it mostly on my brothers and Dad.  Their love and care for me over the years, and their care for their wives has set the bar so high that it’s hard to settle.  For now, I’m confident knowing that God has a good plan for my life, and I’m content that until the day comes when I meet someone, my faithful Dad has my heart in safe keeping and I will always be grateful for his love.  But if you’re curious – my two main qualifications are 1) He must love God more than he loves me, and 2) He must look good in spandex. J

Through high school I played soccer, softball, and was on the ski team, and now I road and mountain bike, strength train, swim, run, roller ski, Nordic ski, and snowshoe run…and anything else that can be done outside!  I love to train and I love to race, but oftentimes it’s by myself.  Another blessing that I have is you.  Yes, you and all the others who I have trained in the past.  It is you who I think about when I’m out training and pushing myself to be better.  So, thank you for choosing Get Fit to help me be better.  I hope that I, along with the other coaches, will be a blessing to you as you seek to better yourself.

Writing my Coach Spotlight was not a dread to me.  It’s not a dread to write about the great blessings I have in my life that make me Sarah Gahagan.   Ask me more about those blessings and I’ll talk forever because my cup overflows!

Cheers to seeing your worth and finding joy in life! J


Is This Moderation? You Decide.

Junk Food “I eat sweets every once in awhile”, “I have just a few treats each week”, “I eat pretty good”

These are just a few statements I have heard as I review and look at nutritional food logs each week. Recently I did a comparison study of actual food logs.

Now before you say, “I would never eat that, I eat healthy”, I want to say prove it.

Do a three day food log. Make one of those days a weekend. Then turn it in to me for review.

Are you going to take me up on my offer? Why not?

Are you living a lie and don’t know it?

Are you eating foods in “moderation” not realizing they are hindering, if not stopping the progress you want to make?

Is moderation really moderation?

These two food logs are loaded down with a lot of  vegetables. Both of these have more vegetables in the average log I look at, and that is a good thing.

But what else is in there?

Food Log #1

  • Summer Squash           28
  • Lettuce            8
  • Asparagus       8
  • Pasta Sauce     35
  • Salad    33
  • Salad    33
  • Carrots            35
  • Tomato Sauce 25
  • Salad    33
  • Salad    33
  • Celery 2
  • Carrots            12
  • Green Beans    43
  • Salad    10
  • Pasta Sauce     47
  • Green Beans    86
  • Yellow Peppers          12
  • Pasta Sauce     35
  • Broccoli           51

Total Calories           569

–           Loaded with Vitamins, minerals, and fiber

Same food log…

  • Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup    230
  • Subway Cookies         400
  • Frosting           140
  • Swedish Fish   140
  • Dove Chocolate          210

Total Calories           1124

–         no nutritional value

Food Log #2 

  • Peas   100
  • Veggies 120
  • Spinach 5
  • Peppers 19
  • Carrots   35
  • Peas  62
  • Lettuce 15
  • Tomatoes 11
  • Cucumber 23
  • Carrot 23
  • Broccoli 2
  • Salsa 20
  • Spinach 5
  • Peppers 19
  • Carrots  35
  • Peppers  31
  • Peas 100
  • Spinach  5
  • Spinach    5
  • Lettuce  15
  • Tomatoes 11
  • Cucumber  23
  • Carrots  23
  • Broccoli  2
  • Lettuce  15
  • Tomatoes  11
  • Cucumber  23
  • Carrot  23
  • Broccoli  2
  • Peppers  19
  • Spinach 7
  • Peppers  19
  • Spinach  5
  • Carrots 35

862 calories

–  Loaded with vitamins, minerals and fiber

Same Food Log:

  • Lindt choc   230
  • Chocolate chips    210
  • Chocolate chips    210
  • Reeses p-nut butter cups  210

Total Calories 860

no nutritional value

The take home

The calories consumed by the few sweets on the first food log doubled the amount of calories eaten by the same person through veggies. The bigger factor is that the ‘sweet’ calories provided nothing for the body as far as nutrition.

The calories from moderate eating of sweets on the second food log equaled the calories in that long list of veggies eaten. This person really did a great job getting their vegetables in, and it shows you the power of veggies. LOADS of vegetables. relatively few calories. I bet it took longer to prepare, eat and enjoy them.

I could go through that much candy in about 3 minutes, you?

But where is the “moderation” in this? If your plan called for 1700 calories a day you are eating half in sugar, which not only saps your body of nutrients but is taking the place of nutritious calories, like in lean protein and healthy fats. And if you are just adding it on top of everything else you eat, is it really a mystery you are not losing body fat like you want to?

Like Dean says, moderation isn’t always the end all, and you have to be realistic in what moderation really is.

Something to think (and act) on.

I am waiting for the food log.

Coach Nancy

Are You Incompetent?

incompetenceWhat you say?

I am being mean, you say?

Not at all. In fact a willingness to declare your incompetence is the first step to getting better at something.

Here is the definition of incompetence: “The inability to do something”

What’s mean about that? It’s kind of a fact of life, that we all aren’t naturally good at something and actually have to work at it to get better.

Have you been watching any of the Olympic Games?

Do you think these amazing athletes popped out of their mothers wombs ready to ski, skate, jump and fly at a world class level?

No, rather they found their level of incompetence and then worked to overcome it.

Too many times in my own life I have reached a certain level of success in an endeavor, hit a roadblock, and given up.

“It’s too hard”

“I can’t do it”

“I’ll never be good enough”

Self – SHUT UP!

As coach Erin says, you need to Reset Your Mindset.

“Not now” doesn’t mean never.

Too often we give up, just before we were about to break through.

Determination and Perseverance are what separate achievers from mere dreamers.

The successful from the discouraged and disappointed.

And the Olympic Champion from all the rest.

Don’t get down on yourself for what you “can’t do”.

As one of my mentor’s Martin Rooney likes to say “The way to seeing you are making improvement is by finding the things you cannot do.”

And then going out and doing them anyway.

Make It Happen,

Coach Dean



Training for a Cause February Edition!

This is going to be a fun one!

On Saturday, February 22, 2014 we are going to get our sweat on for another great cause. You guys completely rocked it last month and we hope to do the same thing this month except this time in EPSOM! (Yes, Concord that means you have to travel over the bridge and through the woods all the way to Epsom!)

This will be an outdoor “Winter Wonderland” training. We have always had a great time with these!

We are looking to gather toiletry items for a local charity called Rise Again Outreach, which is a local faith-based ministry looking to serve people in crisis. We are looking to fill the Get Fit NH mobile with all your donations, so please bring your friends, family, and co-workers to Epsom February 22, 2014 at 10 AM!

The admission price is one or more of the following items:

bathroom tissue
body lotion
cotton swabs
dental floss
foot powder
personal hand sanitizer
thick hand wipes
shaving cream
baby powder
band aids
laundry detergent (individual size)

It’s gonna be a blast, so don’t miss it (and pray for snow) 🙂