Best of Awards Voting Is Open!

best2014_logoCan we make it a 5-Peat?

Hard to believe, but the voting is open for the annual Hippo Press “Best of…” Awards, and we are asking for your support!

Last year we were just honored as “Best of The Best” gym , which made 4 years in a row we have earned “Best of” in that category.

Coach Nancy took top honors as “Best of the Best” Fitness Instructor for the 3rd straight year (I know, I’ve been hearing for years I am second best), and Coach Dean was selected “Best of Concord” for the 3rd time in 4 years.

As I have said before these are team awards, and we couldn’t do what we do without Erin, Meagan, Sarah and Esther, so when you are voting for us you are voting for them as well. We just don’t want to split the vote.

The competition is always tough, so please spread the word and vote in the following categories:

Best Fitness Instructor: I am still kinda partial to Coach Nancy 🙂

Best Gym: Get Fit NH Concord

Please Vote Here

Thanks again for Making It Happen!

Lessons from the Big Game

footballWorking my way through a continuing education module this weekend, I heard something that really made my ears perk up.

Martin Rooney of TFW was giving the lecture, and he was talking about some of the different systems that are out there, and how his (and our) philosophy is different.

What he said was this:

“You don’t have to do the extraordinary, you have to do the ordinary extraordinarily well”.

What he meant by that is you don’t have to do some of the crazy stuff that is out there on YouTube that only about .03% of the population can even attempt, never mind perform well. You have to focus on mastering the basics first, then worry about the fancy stuff. Even some of the exercise progressions in here are not appropriate for everyone who walks in the doors, sometimes for a very long time.

Simple exercises are not always as simple as they seem.

For instance name an exercise that:

  • Activates the stretch shortening cycle
  • Increases heart rate
  • Elevates core temperature
  • Fires up the Central Nervous System
  • Strengthens the foot (if performed barefoot)
  • Works shoulder mobility
  • Works thoracic extension

That’s right, it’s the Jumping Jack.

Usually treated as a “throw away, too easy” exercise, there is far more to it than that. Master the jumping jack and you have a lot going on!

I was reminded of this concept during the Seahawks dismantling of the Broncos last night.

From where I sat, Seattle’s defense was not doing a lot of fancy stuff. They stuck to what they do, which is go hard after the passer, stay in their lanes, go fast to the ball, and tackle cleanly. This is all “basic” stuff you learn in PeeWee which led to them earning the title of NFL Champions.

There is a lesson to be learned here.

Don’t worry about all the stuff that you are “not currently able to do”.

Focus on mastering what you can do, and getting a little better, every single time you step into the gym, every single day.

“You don’t have to do the extraordinary, you have to do the ordinary extraordinarily well”.

That’s what leads to being the best you that you can be!

Make It Happen,

Coach Dean




From Fat to Fit: Spotlight on Coach Dean

Methinks I should have gone first on these Coach Spotlights so the bar was not raised so high with Meagan, Erin and Nancy!

How about some fun facts to know and tell?

As Nancy shared we met in school, and because we had the same last name we shared a mailbox (it was a small school). For a couple weeks I would find anonymous “interest” notes in the mailbox and couldn’t figure out where they were coming from. Duh! In my defense I just didn’t think anyone as beautiful and wonderful as Nancy would have any interest in me – who knew? Always makes you wonder when the ugly guys end up with the good looking wives. Anyway, we have been married 28 years as of Saturday February 8th, so I guess it worked out ok! 🙂


The Carlson Family (sans Kimberly)

Besides the whole last name thing, there was some other things we had in common. Her dad and my dad are both only children. Her dad and my dad are both Civil Engineers, and her mom and my mom are both nurses. And no, she is not my sister!

I grew up playing sports, and was really not an exceptional athlete at all. I went to a small private school and lettered in 3 sports (basketball, baseball and my first love soccer), but I probably would have gotten eaten alive at a larger school. My strategy now is to outlast all those guys that used to kick my butt back in the day. I actually am doing pretty well so far at that one!

I served 3 years in the Army at Ft. Benning, GA, which is where my son Tim is now stationed, and where he and Jeff spent the first couple years of their lives. Went back there for the first time in over 25 years when he graduated from selection school late last fall, which was kind of cool. Next time we go down I look forward to spending a little more time poking around.

After leaving the service I got a job with Domino’s Pizza in Manchester as an assistant manager, eventually working my way up to store manager and assistant supervisor of all three Manchester stores. That is really where my fitness journey began, because that is where I started to pack the weight on. It is a tough environment to be in. Fast paced, late night, grab and go – really just excuses I know, but those excuses eventually turned me into a serious fat boy.

Fast forward a few years, Tim is 15, Jeff is 14 and surprise – Nancy is expecting again! God certainly has a sense of humor, because we thought we were well done with kids. I am so glad now that He had another plan, but that was a doozy. I was working in the CAD department at A&B Lumber in Pembroke, and Nancy still had the daycare. Obese, pre-diabetic, and in a couch coma most of the time. Go to work, eat too much junk, sit on the couch and watch TV after work, go to bed and repeat. I still tried to play some pickup basketball here and there, but I am not sure I ever realized how poor of shape I really was. I got a clue at a church picnic, in fact the same one the picture on the wall in the Concord gym was taken at. There were some games and activities, and I came in dead last at a couple of the more active ones. I figured it was a normal part of getting older, I mean I was 33 or 34 after all – practically an old man! Never dawned on me that I could (or should) actually do something about it.

And then the wake-up call. Nancy is 5 months pregnant with Andrew (who is now about to turn 11) and I get a call on my phone at work from my son Jeff, who was homeschooled. “Derek is not breathing. Mom is working on him.”

And life changed forever.

Derek died of SIDS three weeks shy of his first birthday. We thought the stress was going to cause Nancy to lose Andrew. And yet by the grace of God here we are, over 11 years later, with 2 little girls added to our family, and with a whole second family called Get Fit NH.

When Derek died it made me realize I was wasting my own life. I couldn’t keep up with my teenage boys, and our family was going to get bigger soon. How would I ever be able to keep up with Andrew when he was 13 or 14 if I can’t even get off the couch now? At that time I weighed somewhere in the neighborhood of 280 pounds and wire tight 46” pants. 9 months later I was down to around 200 pounds, and that is where you all come into play. I loved training again, having lifted weights in some capacity since I was 14 lifting the old Sears concrete filled barbells in the barn. People asked me how I did it. This is America, so I figured I would make them pay me to find out! 🙂 Seriously though that is when I started my education in fitness training, including a 3 year mentorship with King Sports International, and now have earned more training credentials than are worth talking about. And I continue to work at my craft because now I have a passion to be a better version of who I was for so many years.


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The Get Fit Family!

I started training some clients one-on-one at the house, still working full time at A&B, and then starting mulling around doing group training. Really it was Dan Yeaton (that is Danno to you) that finally got me off my butt and in May of 2008 we started Get Fit NH outside, in my yard under a halogen light connected to my basketball hoop. We had eight friends of mine (including my best friend Nancy) coming, and then 2 days before we were going to start we got our first paying client sign up through the website – we were in business!

And it has blossomed from there. Sometimes (usually) I still can’t believe it. By the grace of God, the support of more people than I can name, especially Nancy, and a bit of hard work I now get to do what I love – which is train you! We have been so blessed with a fantastic team of coaches through the years, and of course I think we have the best clients in the world.

How cool is that?

Thank-you for all you do, and keep Making It Happen!

Coach Dean

On My Way: How I Lost 50 Pounds in 7 Months

A few notes from Coach Nancy – Cara put this out on Facebook. She is daily putting herself out there. She is journaling in public. While some of you may not want to put it out for all to see, Cara’s been accountable to many because many people ‘see’ her posts and they will ‘see’ if it is making a difference. Did you notice the first line of what Cara wrote “A few of my friends”, I bet many more are watching Cara to see if she is going to make her goal.

Cara also uses another powerful tool to help her, she puts visuals around her house. Her before pictures are near or on her fridge and on her bathroom mirror are sticky notes with the number of pounds she has left until she reaches her goal. Cara has goals and like her journaling she is not the only one who knows her goals. She daily does what it takes to make her longer term goal a reality.

Since she posted this, she has peeled two more sticky notes off that mirror. Keep making it happen, Cara!


January 16, 2014 at 8:06am

A few friends have asked me to write about how I have had some success in losing weight:

My journey with weight loss began when I saw pictures of myself last spring, 2013. I no longer recognized myself. At my highest weight ever.  Who had I become? My big struggle set in after a medical crisis I had experienced 9 years ago. I survived , but was left no muscle and it turns out you kind of need muscle to burn fat. Add another problem. 4 years ago I took a job, involving 4 hours a day in the car, and very little time for exercise. I ate whatever, whenever, and my body paid the price. I gained 40 pounds in 3 years, on top of old weight, that crept on after having 3 children, etc. Add another stressor: becoming the sole guardian and repsonsible for the all the  care and decision making for a parent. Recipe for a health disaster.

Going back, as a child I was athletic, I swam, skiid, ran, rode horses, biked, hiked, you name it we were outside, and in the mountains almost every weekend. In my 20’s and 30’s I went to the gym quite a bit, and maintained, and was able to lose weight after having the first 2 kids. However, there pieces of habits that were not good. I never learned what a portion was growing up, it was a huge plate of food always. Dessert was a habit in my family. Body image issues were also in my family. I didn’t have all the tools I needed.

So in April 2013,  I knew I had to start something I could handle and build some stamina, so when I was ready for the next step I would have some strength. I started walking. It hurt. My feet, ankles and back hurt.

I did it anyway. I levelled out at walking about 3.5 miles a day, and did that at least 5 times a week. I felt a lot better. I lost about 15 pounds from April to July. I started to work on portion size in this time. I removed fast food, soda, and desserts ( with a few exeptions now and then). I focused each month, on taking one type of poor choice out. So things were going well, but I knew I really wanted a BIG change. I wanted to change my body for real.

I started searching around. I had tried a beautiful gym the year before, but I never connected to the programs there, and never got any help. It was a waste of money and too far away. And frankly their coaches sucked and should not be called coaches. They cancelled my first training session. I did spend some time in the pool their with my daughter. But I actually gained more weight in that time frame.

So then I stumbled on Get Fit NH, a bootcamp training program. It was about 15 minutes away and I read online a lot of positive things. I didn’t call, I just decided to show up and take  a look. I had seen the transformation pictures and was inspired. I went and it was different than anything I had seen or done before. No treadmills, no bikes, no tv’s , no mirrors. The program is a group training session with individual coaching as well. We do very short intervals of challenges exercises using weights, bands, and our own bodies to create resistance. It’s a mixture of cardio and weight training, that blasts fat off like no other program. The workout is different every single day. Your body never gets used to it so you are always challenged. I lose weight every single week. I work hard when I am there. I train 3 days a week, for 1 hour. I started with 2 days a week. I was so sore I couldn’t even move across the bed at first. the next week was better. And better. Then I moved up to 3 days a week, and now I do some of the Saturday events which puts me at 4 days a week, when I can.

My coaches are amazing. They have so much knowledge and I have learned so much. The program focuses on turning us into fat fighting machines through building muscle, and we all work at our own levels. Somedays I’m sure I am the weakest link in that room and it doesn’t even matter because I am doing it, moving and making progress and everyone cheers you on.

I move more, on the days I am not training. I am now jogging, hiking ( even in the snow) and doing other things at home on my non training days.

My next step was to dive into the nutrition. Clearly I had never really learned what to eat, how, when, or why to lose weight. This program focuses on having us eat Protein, Produce and water at each meal. They give us a shopping list, recipes, menus. and yes we eat that for breakfast too. My coach Nancy had me just focus on eating a PPW breakfast for 2 weeks in the beginning and I dropped 5 pounds.  If it is not protein, produce or water I don’t eat it. I allow myself 1 treat meal a week, but it has to be worth it and many times it isn’t.

I drink water, 100 ounces a day. Sometimes black tea, or green tea, and yes I do drink coffee but that is on it’s way out too. This is not easy but I have eliminated: pasta, all processed foods, potaotoes, candy, ice cream, desserts, and anything fried.  I was addicted to sugar, and carbs, period. Those foods, for me, do not allow weight loss.  I am not perfect, and my trainers help work with us during the holidays, etc with a plan. I lost 10 pounds during the holiday time frame.

Another note that may help some of you. And I’m here to bash other programs or those that folllow them. But here it is. I tried Weight Watchers 3 times. First time with success. The next 2 I actually gained weight. And here is why. Those programs have you counting and saving points and somehow making you think you have saved enough to eat that sundae. But in the end, that food doesn’t serve me and doesn’t allow my body weight loss. It kept me trapped in the sugar cycle. I needed to get off that wheel, which always led me back to eating the wrong foods. Here is the second reason that program did not work. I was always always STARVING.

Now off from sugar, carbs, etc….I am FULL when I eat PPW and NOT hungry, and have almost no cravings.

Excuses? I was the queen of all of them. Time? At times I have the job of 2 people in my work. I still travel. We have 2 girls who dance 5 times a week. I have high demands at my work, and at home.

Money? I know, I may step on some toes here. But I wish someone had stepped on mine years ago.  I am going to ask you now, what you spend on drive through, soda, beer, fast food, pizza, take out, cigarettes, and your copays for medications for high blood pressure, diabeters,  or high cholesterol. What does that add up to? Imagine the health and the money you will have when you save on all of those. You can afford to go to the gym. Time? How much time to we all watch tv, or are we on facebook? The time is there.

Visuals: I keep sticky notes on my mirror that cheer myself on, and that state my short term goals of what, by when and why. Know your why and never let go of it, it is powerful and you are worth it. I have pictures up that insprire me.

My next goal is to lose another 14 pounds by mid March. Then on to another 20 off by the end of May.

My why’s : to be a great example to myself, my children and husband, so I can live a full, complete, long life and enjoy it all. I don’t want to be limited by my mind or body.

Forgive yourself for the past and pick yourself up and move today. Do something. Then do more tomorow. Get help. You are worth it!


Passion and Perseverence – Coach Spotlight Erin Constantin

Coach Erin is our longest tenured coach and has been a huge part of Get Fit NH Concord’s success. Her enthusiasm and passion are infectious. BAM! Her story of persevering through injury and never giving up is both instructive and inspiring. No matter how many times she has been down, she always gets back up!

unnamedI have always been involved in sports.  My main sport and first love was soccer but in 8th grade the varsity track coach at my high school decided that since I was a goalkeeper and had upper body strength I would do well with throwing the Javelin, Discus, and Shot-put.

While practicing with the javelin in very slippery conditions I dislocated my shoulder.  That was followed by months of intensive physical therapy and eventually surgery in the spring of my 8th grade year.  Following four months of recovery, I was allowed to return to soccer and get ready to be the starting goalkeeper for the varsity team.

Within the first week of practice I tore my shoulder up again and had to have another surgery.  After recovering, I played soccer all year round every chance I had until the end of my junior year of high school.  During my junior year of high school I suffered 6 concussions and the doctors advised me to discontinue contact sports.  I was looking for something to stay active during my senior year of high school so I joined a local gym and started working with a personal trainer.  I fell in love with weight lifting and got in great shape which helped prepare me for Rowing at the University of New Hampshire.

Wedding picture family in backThrough my love of sports and fitness and battling through injuries, I decided to major in Exercise Science at UNH.  I knew I wanted to help other people achieve their health and fitness goals.  I also wanted to help others reduce their risk of injuries.  While at UNH I had the privilege of being a member of the Rowing team for 2 years, but rowing contributed to severe back strain.  It was even more discouraging when after graduation from college; I injured my knee and had to have yet another surgery followed by a 4 month recovery.  Let’s just say, I became good friends with my orthopedic surgeon in Boston!

I can certainly empathize with professional athletes and how injuries impact their careers. While there are times I wish I didn’t have so many injuries,  I think it has prepared me for my career  in health and fitness and given me an ability to understand what my clients go through when they have injuries.  My past has enabled me to understand the human body better and how it responds to different exercises due to orthopedic issues.  It is also why I am so passionate about the Functional Movement Screen process to help reduce the risk of injuries to others.  I truly love working with people and helping them achieve their goals.  I am so blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful people at Get Fit NH!

Quick Facts:

Hometown: Foxboro, MA. Home of the New England Patriots!  Born in Denver, CO. where I was a young Denver Broncos fan before moving to Foxboro when I was 4.

Sports teams:  Huge Patriots fan!!!  Also love Manchester United (soccer team in England).

Animals: We currently have a cat but I LOVE dogs and take every chance I can get to dog sit.

Hobbies: Lifting weights, hiking, reading, spending time with my husband, friends and family.

Ten Things You Might or Might Not Know About Coach Nancy

(in no particular order of importance or significance)

  1. nancy2I have three brothers and one older sister. My brothers are to blame for any competitiveness you see in me. They are also the reason for me being on the winning team of anything I play. My siblings and their families all live in or near Indiana, which is where my parents still live. I of course had to make sure I won the “moved farthest from home award”.
  2. I stalked Dean for about three weeks before he noticed me. Yes, I was a secret admirer. I wrote him notes and left them around where I knew he would find them. Eventually I fessed up and we’ve been together ever since. And of course, I won the award for “meeting my spouse in the most unusual way”
  3. Dean and I will soon celebrate our 28th anniversary. While I didn’t win the award for being married first in my family. I did win the award for having the most children. Tim, 27, Jeff, 26, Derek, Drew, 10, Karalynn, 9, and Amy, 7. My youngest brother has since tied me with six children but I did it first!
  4. While I have worked in many different jobs, the longest was owning my own day care. I had this day care in two different states in three different locations. I operated the day care for almost 17 years. Again, I am the only sibling to own her own business.  I win that category as well
  5. nancy2When I met Dean my name was Nancy Carlson. Think about that for a minute…… My married name is actually Nancy Carlson Carlson. I just happened to fall in love and coaxed a man with my same last name to marry me. This makes for a very difficult situation when we tried to explain to our kids going to grandparents and Aunts and Uncles. They were almost all Carlson’s. So now I am winning and making unique impressions on more than just my side of the family. I have yet to meet another person who has done the same thing.
  6. In high school I played football. Yes, my brothers are responsible for the competitive edge. In fact I am so competitive, in my high school yearbook each senior picture had a list of accomplishments during their school years. I wanted my list to be long so I joined as many different clubs and teams as I could. If being well rounded was an event back then, I would have won. Some of the crazy things I did was be a Pom Pom girl, cross country, swim, French club, football, several plays, and other things that I can’t even remember.
  7. I was raised to love my God, my country, and my family. I remember so clearly the celebration of loyalty when our country turned 200 years old. I am still in love with this great nation. I am a patriot through and through. Sure I wish some things were different. There is not a perfect place on this earth.  I have so much joy in traveling around seeing all the great monuments and natural occurrences in the USA. I wish I could say I’ve been to all 50 states but I have not. In fact I have only been west of the Mississippi to travel to Texas, where Dean was stationed and our first son was born. If I could give out an award it would go to the best country ever.
  8.  Nancy skydivingI am a swimmer through and through. I swam competitively from 6 years old to high school. I love being in the water or near it. My parents have a small cabin in Wisconsin. We would stay there all summer as kids. My dad was a firm believer in making sure his two daughters could do everything his sons could do. (maybe that is where I get my competitiveness from). If I went fishing I found all the worms I would need, put the worm on the hook, as well as cleaned the fish too. I enjoy fishing to this day. By the way, I can drive a standard car and change oil because my dad made sure I could if needed.
  9. I would follow Dean to the end of the earth. There are quotes from the movie: Show Me the Money, “You had me at Hello” and “You complete Me”. That sums up Dean and I. He has always wanted to own his own gym. It was a no brainer when he suggested Get Fit NH. I was in. I would do whatever I could to make his dream come true. In doing so I have found my love of coaching. I was a shy kid. It would shock most people to know I talk in front of people. The Get Fit NH family has made me break out of my comfort zone in more than just this one way.
  10. God is a very important part of my life. I have gone through too much, seen too much in life not to think it was organized and put together by someone greater than myself. All that is good in me, is from God. I trust you see it.

I love my Get Fit NH family. I am so thankful you choose to train with us. The stories you’ve created because of stepping out of your comfort zone inspire me and your Get Fit NH family. Continue to Make It Happen.

Coach Nancy


The Get Fit NH Family Comes Through Again!

fofclogoYou deserve a great big THANK-YOU for opening your hearts (and wallets and purses) and helping your friends, neighbors and community by coming out in force for our fundraiser for Friends of Forgotten Children last Saturday morning.

Over 70 of our clients, friends and family came together and flung some sweat, and in the process raised $1015.00 for this worthy cause – wow! You truly humbled your coaches and we are grateful for your kindness and proud of your effort.

Just a few shots of the fun we had. Can’t wait ’til the next one!


Deep Dark Secrets of Coach Meagan – Coach Spotlight

pic6Coach Meagan has been a “go-getter” from the first time I met her. From the pre-interview process to today, I can always count on Meagan to get things done. When she suggested that we help you get to know our team better, I knew she wouldn’t disappoint when I asked her to go first. As a veteran myself I want to thank Meagan for her service. It takes a special person to do what she has done. There is more here than meets the eye! – Coach Dean

As most of you know, I am Coach Meagan Sbat. I coach the “Morning Motivators” with Coach Dean. I have had the privilege of working with Get Fit NH since October of 2012. When we decided to do a weekly “Coaches Spotlight” for the month of February I was excited and a bit nervous to share my extended background with you all.

pic1I will start with the basics and get in to the juicy stuff in a bit. First off I was born and raised in Weare, NH. I graduated from John Stark Regional High School when I was 16 years old. I was one of those geeky kids who crammed all of my credits into three years and passed on the study halls so I didn’t have to stay in high school any longer than I had to! After graduation I went to New Hampshire Technical Institute for Hotel and Restaurant Management. At the time my full time job was at the Holiday Inn in Concord and I thought that’s what I would do when I grew up (wrong!) After two years at NHTI I was accepted to Penn State. So in 2008 I packed up and moved to PA on my 18th birthday and found myself a beautiful 1 bedroom apartment in an old farm house. I lived there for 6 months before I got home sick and called it quits.

pic3When I returned to NH I got my old job back at the Holiday Inn and returned to my old life. As I am sure you all remember in 2008 the economy was on its way down. There was a lot of talk about the hotel industry laying off employees because travel would be cutting back. I panicked and knew I had to figure something out sooner than later. So I did what any sane human would do and joined the Marine Corps (sarcasm intended.) I had absolutely NO clue what I was getting myself in to. I had no family and only a handful of friends who had ever joined the service. I only chose the Marine Corps because a “friend” had laughed at me when I told him I was thinking of joining and told me these exact words, “You would never make it a day in the Marines.” Well, let’s just say I am thrilled to say I proved him wrong.

pic2I served 4 years in the United States Marine Corps and that is by far my proudest accomplishment. I did two 7 month tours overseas; one in Djibouti, Africa and the other in Helmand Province, Afghanistan.  I have traveled through countries I didn’t even know existed and have met some of the most incredible heroes. I have lived in spaces smaller than most people’s bathrooms and thoroughly enjoyed (almost) every second of it. I have had the opportunity to see people and places that make me truly grateful for the life we have in America. In 2012 I had to make a decision. Do I get out or stay in? I really struggled with this decision.  I loved my job. I loved thpic4e people. I loved the financial stability. I loved traveling. But I wanted to start a family. The Marine Corps life was not the place to start a family in my opinion. I couldn’t imagine having children and then having to leave them for 7+ months so I denied my re-enlistment and moved back to NH with my husband (Justin- 4 years married this year!). There is still not a day that goes by where I don’t think about what our life would be like if I had stayed in. I don’t necessarily regret getting out, but I miss it more than I could ever express.

pic5I got in to the fitness industry because I wanted to see people reach their goals. Training is what I love to do. It is one of my only hobbies. I am not an athlete- never have been. I don’t enjoy sports. If you throw a ball at me, I will most likely duck.  I decided I wanted to be a trainer while I was in Afghanistan. The Marine Corps has height and weight standards and I was in charge of physically training the Marines who were not within standards. I had 12 Marines training with me and every single Marine was within standards by the time we left Afghanistan. It was at that moment that I realized I would love to do that over and over again. That wasn’t work- that was fun and they were so grateful. I always tell people that I have the best “job” in the world. I feel beyond blessed to be a part of Get Fit NH and there is nothing I love more than pushing you guys to reach your goals! 🙂

Meagan Sbat holds an Associates Degree in Exercise Science, and is a Certified Fitness Trainer, Specialist in Fitness Nutrition, Youth Fitness 1, Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach and Specialist in Senior Fitness with the International Sport Sciences Association.

Success Story from Doreen M.

Doreen M in blueWe love hearing about the Get Fit NH family has reached goals, living life out loud and being better. Being physically fit just makes every other facet of life just a bit easier. Notes like this one from Doreen make our world go round! 🙂

Thank you Get Fit!

This past October, I have earned my 2 Years Strong shirt. I have been wanting to write this for a while but never knew quite what to say. The best way to start is to say thank you. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for believing in me even when I had shoulder surgery last November. I think that is when I realized I wanted to make a change with my life.  I soon started this change, but this was not easy to do. Although it was hard, I am proud to say I have made it through the year.

This was possible with the help of coach Nancy (the best coach ever) along the way. Also, my 9 a.m. ladies have made a difference and are happily now a part of my life. I had to work hard to get here, where I am now. I am also happy to say I have met my huge and personal goal of losing a total of 50 pounds.

But with losing that weight I have gained so much more. I have became a better person, mom, wife, and friend. These little, but life changing accomplishments have had a great impact on my life, as well as my entire family’s. So, as one amazing, but hard, year is passing, I am looking forward to another great year ahead of me. The only goal I am setting for myself is to make each day better. Again, I say thank you for everything you have done to make my life better.




Basic Barbell 101 Starts January 18th

51qninUnshL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA278_PIkin4,BottomRight,-53,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_Update January 6, 2014

We are already getting enrollments for this new training offering, which is phenomenal, but we are also getting some really good questions about the training. Cara asked a question I think many of you may have on your mind; “What are the top benefits of this training? I am working on building strength and muscle, and weight loss. How would this help me exactly? This is all new to me.”

Here was my answer to Cara; “A focused session of Barbell training will help get you stronger, which will allow you to increase your intensity and loading in your regular training. Train harder = more results. An added benefit for ladies is helping them see how strong they really are and what they are capable of doing. For instance after having a bar on your back with some heavy (appropriate for you) load, it won’t be so intimidating to pick up something heavier for a goblet squat. Make sense?”

Well of course it makes sense! And while our group training continues to lead the pack, I can tell you from personal experience while developing and training for this course that my loads have gone up all across the board. It’s a win-win.

We are really excited to get things started on the first workshop series of the New Year!

When we sent out our year end survey, Basic Barbell Training and StrongHER were your 2 most requested workshops. For this first go round we are going to combine the men and the ladies; I am just hoping the ladies don’t put too much of a hurt on you gentlemen! 🙂

Basic Barbell 101 will cover 3 of the 5 main barbell lifts as outlined in Mark Rippetoe’s seminal work “Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training” – the Squat, Deadlift, and Bench Press. If you would like to get a jump start on barbell training philosophy and technique, you can pick up the Kindle version for less than $10 bucks here on Amazon.

Ladies, don’t shy away from this one. As Coach Meagan reminded us in her excellent article Seven Strength Superstitions Women Believe, stronger is better for the ladies too.

To enroll for this 6-week workshop series you must have been screened with the FMS and be clear of yellow and purple bands. We also will want to evaluate shoulder stability and integrity on an individual basis. If you have any questions about this please let me know.

Enrollment for this intensive 6-week workshop will be limited to 12 athletes (yes I am talking to you!), so don’t delay. The workshop session will run on 6 successive Saturdays starting January 18th through February 22nd. Each session will be 1 hour in length. You will never see this course offered at this low introductory price again, so take action and Make It Happen!

To enroll through MindBody:

  • Click here to access your MindBody site
  • Select the “Online Store” tab on the right side of the menu bar
  • If necessary select “Workshops”
  • Select “6-Week Basic Barbell Intro”
  • Click “Yes”
  • Confirm your purchase and select “Check Out”
  • Login to your account to complete your purchase. If you have never logged into MindBody the system will help you out. Please let us know if you have any questions.

I look forward to seeing you Saturday the 18th!

Basic Barbell 101/StrongHER
6-Week Workshop
Starting Date: January 18th
Time: 8:15am – 9:15am
Place: Get Fit NH Concord
Cost: $97

See you there!