A Smooth Way To Eat 2.0 – Register Today

strawberrybananaThere’s no doubt there are many mixed messages on the food labels, fad diets, and in the media about how to eat healthy. Combine that with today’s hectic lifestyle that makes “grab and go” a lot more likely than “sit and relax” and you’ve got a mess.

“A Smooth Way to Eat – Smoothies 101” is being hosted by Coach Nancy at Get Fit NH Concord on Tuesday October 15th from 6:45 to 8:00pm.

This “hands on” ‘Smoothie workshop’ will introduce you to the basic points of nutrition and what key elements our bodies need. We’ll be sampling a wide variety of your favorite recipes, from “Melissa’s Mean Green”  to “Chocolate Peanut Butter in a Cup” to “Almond Joy”.

You’ll walk away with enough smoothie information and recipes to fuel your body properly, plus all participants will get a choice of a 2 pound container of UMP or SFH Vanilla or Chocolate, so you can start creating your own quality smoothies right away. (Make sure you check out the bonus recipes below)

A Smooth Way To Eat 2.0

Location: Get Fit NH Bootcamp Concord
Date: Tuesday, October 15th
Time: 6:45pm to 8:00pm
Cost: Just $47 (includes your choice of Ultimate Muscle Protein or  Stronger Faster Healthier Pure Whey in either chocolate or vanilla flavors.)

Workshop Is Full And Registration Closed – Don’t Worry, We Will Do It Again!

Bonus Recipes

Post Workout: Chocolate Cherry Bliss 
Serves 1

  • 8 ounces unsweetened chocolate almond milk
  • 1 scoop chocolate protein
  • 1 cup frozen dark sweet cherries
  • 1 Tablespoon milled flax seeds
  • 1 Tablespoon cacao nibs
  • 2 Tablespoon walnuts

Mix all ingredients in blender until smooth and creamy. Pour immediately into a large cup. Eat with a spoon or a large straw.

420 calories, 26.5 g protein, 19 g fat, 36.5 g carbs

Anytime: Pumpkin Pie Smoothie
Serves 1

  • 1/3 cup pure pumpkin, canned
  • 1 Tablespoon extra virgin olive oil1/2 teaspoon Stevia
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice
  • 2/3 cup water
  • Ice

Mix all ingredients in blender until smooth and creamy. Pour immediately into a large cup. Eat with a spoon or a large straw.

271 calories; 22 grams protein; 12 grams carbs; 15 grams fat (3 grams saturated)


Glazed Carrots that Kids Love


My kids love carrots!

What kid doesn’t like carrots? Those delicious nuggets of orange satisfy whether you eat them hot or cold. This recipe is delicious this time of year as the nights get colder and a warm side dish hits the spot.

  • 2 Tablespoons butter
  • 2 pounds of carrots, peel and tops trimmed
  • 1/2 cup fresh orange juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves
  • salt and pepper to taste

Melt butter in a large pan over medium heat. Add carrots, orange juice, and thyme. Cook, stir occasionally until carrots are tender. Season with salt and pepper. Serve warm.



Fat Loss True or False

starvemodeTrue or False?

  1. Every day I am either in an energy deficit, maintenance or surplus.
  2. Most fat cells are created before adulthood.
  3. Protein is nearly impossible to convert to fat.

How did you do?

Did you say true to these three?

If so you are absolutely correct. All of the above are true, and really important to know and act on.

Leigh Peele is one my “go-to” resources when it comes to fat loss. She cares about the science and she cares about getting results. I have two of her excellent books in my library; You can buy your own copies by clicking the (affiliate) links here:

The Fat Loss Troubleshoot, and Starve Mode.

Leigh has also written an excellent article that drops the knowledge bombs in the quiz above and a whole lot more. Leigh demystifies all the nonsense and gets down to brass tacks.

This is important stuff guys. You don’t have to be a biochemist, but it’s important to know that fat loss isn’t magic. When you understand how the body works and what it actually doing when you eat it is empowering. The fat loss fairy doesn’t exist, but when you know what you are doing and why you are doing it, you may think she does!

Do yourself a huge favor and read Leigh’s excellent article – your body will be glad you did.

 The Deficit – How We Lose Fat

Leigh Peele

One positive thing that has come out of topics like “metabolic damage” and “starvation mode” is people are learning (even though often misguided) that eating for your energy needs is necessary for optimal metabolic rate.

On the flip side, people are now under the impression that going into a deficit is a bad idea. Boy how fast does that pendulum swing, eh? I am frequently asked questions like…

“I should keep my deficit really small so I don’t crash my metabolism, right?”

“I was told by (enter guru) that I should never be in a deficit to lose fat.”

“I heard deficits make you store fat, not lose it!”

The deficit is becoming the big bad (Whedon reference) especially in those who have had any experience with disordered eating. People in those situations are often times told that “diets are bad” and “deficits are triggers or gateways.” While there can be severe cases where diet monitoring should be under the aid of a professional, it doesn’t exclude the fact that a deficit is our only means to fat loss.

If you learn how to control the deficit and what it means, maybe then you take back the power and shed its mystery.

Click here to continue…



Get Fit NH Pullup and Pushup Projects Are Here!

newlabellogosmallThere are two exercise movements that it seems just about everyone wants to get better at.

In fact when writing year end goals these two showed up more often than any other subject. In fact they are on my goal sheet as well.

Pushups and Pullups.

There is something about these two that drives us. They are basic tests of strength and endurance – “How many pullups can you do?”

To that end we have put a training program together for each of these two. They are designed to be integrated into your 4-day training split on the opposite end of the day that you train. In other words if you are training in the morning do them at night and vice-versa. You can also do them before or after your training while you are in the gym, just understand that is gonna be harder.

Under no circumstance should they be done on non-training days.


Ummm, it has to do with the “non-training” part. 🙂 Seriously though it gives your body a better chance for full recovery, and that is what it takes to get better, so don’t break the rules. My program, my rules!

Important Note:  When you request a copy of the pushup program you will also receive the pullup program. I highly recommend you don’t do the pushup program alone. While it is possible, it is not recommended you take on that much pushing with no pulling to balance out your joints. While you can do some horizontal pulling (rows) to accomplish this, you know you want to get better at pullups too, so why not take on both?

I know pullups are hard, and doing both of these programs will be challenging, but keeping your body in balance and your joints healthy is way more important in the long run than how many pushups you can do.

As stressed in the directions, be patient and follow the program precisely. Focus on quality of movement. No one is impressed by ugly pushups!

Read through the entire program and all the worksheets before starting. Doing so will answer 99.9% of your questions. Your coaches will be glad to help you with the rest.

Work hard, have fun, and Make It Happen!
Coach Dean

Get Fit NH Trains You Like The Pros

fms_certified_expertNow I know there probably aren’t a ton of Seattle Seahawk fans in these here parts, but there is no denying they are on a pretty good run lately.

Did you know that your training at Get Fit NH is laid on the same foundation as professional sports teams all over the country and world?

Take a couple minutes and watch the video below, and discover why teams like the Seahawks use the FMS to build some of the best athletes in the world.

Hint: It’s All About Getting Better!




Are You A “Can’t” or a “Don’t”?

hWords are powerful.

They have the ability to build up and tear down. They can inspire or discourage. Leave us inspired or tired.

And this includes the words we tell ourselves.

I recently read about this experiment from the Journal of Consumer Research.

They took a group of 30 women and asked them to think on a long term health goal, and then they split them up into groups of 10.

Each group got a different phrase to remember every time they came across an obstacle to their health – alcohol, donuts, etc. The phrases they were to remember and recite were:

  • Group 1: “Just Say No”
  • Group 2: “I can’t miss my workout today”
  • Group 3: “I don’t miss workouts”

At the end of every day each women was asked via email how they did that day. When they caved they would have to report it, and they knew it. This was repeated for 10 days.

Remember, every time they came across temptation they repeated the phrase from the group they were assigned to. The results?

  • Group 1 had three people who made it through all 10 days.
  • Group 2 had one person who made it through all 10 days.
  • Group 3 had eight people who made it through all 10 days.

That’s a huge difference between the “can’t” group and the “don’t” group. Eight times better. That’s a big deal.

So what’s up with that anyway?

Why is “don’t” so much more powerful than “can’t”?

Heidi Grand Halvorson of Columbia’s Motivation Science center explains:

“I don’t” is experienced as a choice, so it feels empowering. It’s an affirmation of your determination and willpower. “I can’t” isn’t a choice. It’s a restriction, it’s being imposed upon you. So thinking “I can’t” undermines your sense of power and personal agency.”

In other words when you use “don’t” you are calling the shots, while using “can’t” makes you feel helpless, whether you are or not.

This is not mumbo jumbo or voodoo. This is key.

Are you in charge of your choices or not? Say you are out with friends at a party, and you are confronted with all sorts of goodies.

Is it:

“I can’t have any of that stuff” at which your friends pressure you to eat it anyway, and you go along to fit in?


“I don’t eat more than one piece of dessert when I am out” at which your friend are floored by your self-discipline and will power? 🙂

Which makes you feel better?

Which is more empowering?

Who do you want to be?

“Don’t” be a “Can’t”

Make It Happen!

Coach Dean



I Just Cried. I Was So Inspired, I Cried.

my deskI know it is hard to imagine, but I sat at my computer desk and cried. Cara, who trains in Epsom had sent me an email. After reading it take a long look in the mirror and find an excuse for not dreaming big dreams and working for what you want. No other words from me are needed. -Coach Nancy

“I’m sure every client who comes through your door, has each their own special story, and their own life challenges. Mine is no more important or interesting than anyone else’s, but it may help you to know who I am , and it could inspire a few.

9 years ago, I had a near death experience after the birth of our daughter Emma. I had a very misunderstood complication at the time, that was causing all of my vital organs to shut down. (called HELLP syndrome). I was not expected to live, our family was brought in to  say goodbye to me. I fought for survival and actually have a conscious memory of what it took to do that. I was in a 10 day coma. My liver and kidneys were failing and my brain and entire body was swelling.  Doctors told me later they had never seen anyone recover so quickly from being so sick.

They discharged me abruptly, with no clear after care plans. I had memory loss, no use of my hands, couldn’t walk or talk. I was sent home and rehabbed on my own, climbing the stairs somehow within a few days. I had lost all of my muscle, and nearly all confidence. I could not hold a cup of water in my hand, it was too heavy. I couldn’t hold my own baby. I couldn’t speak a full sentence. Each day I pushed myself and saw improvement.

Shhhh.... don't tell Cara but she is earning her "I Survived Shirt next week." Thank you Cara for choosing to train with us.

Shhhh…. don’t tell Cara but she is earning her “I Survived Shirt” next week. Thank you Cara for choosing to train with us.

Within 6 weeks I was back to work. I spent the next few years improving our living situation, my career, and made great strides. I was happy to have survived but had lost my body confidence. I gained weight over these next few years of changing jobs, moving, etc. and not putting myself in terms of fitness, on the map.

One of the things I laugh about now, I given a walker when I went home and I told my husband to get it out of my sight and put it in the barn. We never took the tags off, I refused to have my kids see me that way. I hobbled into the house on my own just 3 days after waking up from the coma. Nurses dropped trays in the hospitals when they saw me stand in my room at the hospital before I left. My feet were like a size men’s 14 from all the swelling, no shoes fit. Now that was a funny sight.  

I am in the process ( again a slow stepping one) of writing my story , I hope to have it published one day.

 I have found many other HELLP survivors and want to help with that cause as well.  

This has been my year of putting all the pieces of my Humpty Dumpty life back together again 🙂 It is a great feeling, thank you for such an amazing opportunity.    And thank you for all you do to inspire me to be even better.    

I am happy to have found your program, and my only regret is not finding it sooner. This is the type of exercise that can really rebuild and reshape someone inside and out,  no matter what you have been through. I am only just beginning on my fitness journey, but can see what a difference this is making.  

I look forward to the next year in my new chapter at Get Fit!”          


Spinach Avocado Salad

avocado spinach saladThe last days of grilling for the year are on our horizon. Take advantage of the few days of warm weather to enjoy this salad. Your favorite grilled chicken right on top is incredible!

Not able to get to the grill today? Open a can or a bag of tuna and add it crumbled on top.

I can’t wait to cook up some extra shrimp and add those chilled to this salad.

  • 1 Orange
  • 1 Tablespoon Rice Vinegar
  • 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • 5 cups Spinach
  • 1 Avocado, sliced
  • 2 Tablespoons of pinenuts, sunflowers seeds, or pepitas (optional)

Peel and open up the segments of orange. Squeeze 1 Tablespoon of juice from part of the orange. This orange juice is added to the olive oil, salt and pepper to form a dressing. Put the spinach in a large bowl, add the avocado on top, along with the rest of the orange segments. sprinkle with seeds and toss with dressing. Your grilled foods can be served alongside this salad or right on top. (On top is my favorite way!)

Enjoy this salad and let me know what you think,

Coach Nancy




Shopping in the Garden

Veggie -rific!

Veggie -rific!

Our gardens are overflowing with veggies. Often I go out to see what is going to top off my dinner’s salad by shopping through my garden each afternoon. These Veggie packed recipes are delicious and easy. Thank you Jenn and Helen for sharing them with Get Fit NH.

Zucchini Bake is what Jenn has been hooked on for lunch. 30 minutes at 350. Delicious! Her creation is normally filled with turkey but she has substituted cottage cheese as the protein.  Jenn says, “I usually have a container of it (made up ahead) in the fridge ready to go at all times.”

Zucchini Bake

  • 2 Cups Zucchini, about 2 large
  • 1 cup mushrooms sliced
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes
  • 3/4 cup cottage cheese
  • 1/8 cup parmesan cheese
  • 1 teaspoon basil
  • salt and pepper to taste

Slice the zucchini with a mandolin or into very thin slices. Place these along the bottom of a 8×8 pan. Top with sliced mushrooms, the cherry tomatoes, cottage cheese and parmesan cheese. (In that order) Sprinkle with basil, salt and pepper. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.

Don’t forget to make this a whole new recipe by adding cooked, browned hamburger or ground turkey in place of the cottage cheese.

Jenn trains at 5am in Concord. She is doing something most of us would consider crazy – Reach the Beach, a 205 mile relay run with 11 others Get Fit NH team members.

Helen can be seen showing off her newly earned 4 Year Forged Get Fit NH shirt on Facebook. She is not a quitter when it comes to training or her nutrition. It is almost soup weather but this cold treat will work great when Indian Summer hits us.

Gazpacho Soup

  • 4 cups tomato juice (or a few fresh tomatoes, if you don’t mind it thicker).
  • 1 large cucumber, peeled and seeded
  • 1 large green pepper
  • 1 large red pepper
  • 1 rib celery
  • 1 large carrot
  • ¼ cup chopped red onion
  • ¼ cup chopped cilantro
  • 3 scallions
  • 1 or 2 jalapenos (I, Helen, usually use 1 unless I’m feeling sneaky and then I add the second)
  • 1 Tbsp. fresh garlic
  • 2 Tbsp. red wine vinegar
  • 2 Tbsp. lime juice
  • 1 Tbsp. olive oil
  • ½ tsp. salt
  • Fresh ground pepper to taste

Coarsely chop veggies and add to blender:Depending upon the size of your blender, you may need to do this in two batches. Refrigerate.  Enjoy!

Thank you ladies for sharing these delightful recipes. You are taking action in the gym and in your kitchen!

To your best health,

Coach Nancy


Blood, Sweat and Tears?

onefundWe are gearing up for the 205 mile Reach The Beach event Friday and Saturday, so don’t be shy with sending some prayers our way! 🙂

We will be tweeting during the race, so make sure you are hooked up with https://twitter.com/getfitnh so you can get updates along the way.

And while our RTB team is small , there is some good work the rest of you can do this week too.

While RTB is out sweating, why don’t you head on over and give some blood this week? The anniversary of 9/11 is always a good reminder of the constant need that our hospitals and clinics are in for blood and platelets. Couple that with our support of the Boston One Fund, and you have a winner.

There are a number of blood drives being held this week, and Helen Dutton sent a reminder that there will be one this Friday at the New Hampshire Supreme Court. It is my birthday Friday, so it would be a pretty great birthday present if all y’all got up there and helped out. You can make an appointment at the Red Cross Website

And the tears?

Well I just found out we may be one team member down for Reach The Beach, so I may have the, ummm, opportunity (yeah that’s it) to run with the team.

And no, I am not the one doing the crying, it’s the rest of the team realizing their shot at a good time just went down the hole! 🙂

(Update Wednesday Morning – I am off the hook, whew!) 🙂

Get out there and do some good this week!
