Training Package Updates

Wanted to give you an update on some recent changes to our pricing structure and packages.

Over the past 4 1/2 years we have kept our pricing structure the same and to this point have never raised rates. Our best priced training packages have always been based on a 3 month commitment. On July 1st we changed our pricing structure, however some of our print material did not get changed out, so I wanted to clear up any confusion.

The new packages reflect a 3 month, 6 month, and 12 month training commitment with tiered pricing. You can see the new pricing structure and packages here:

Why the change?

We have found over the last 4 1/2 years that our clients that are truly committed to gaining long term results are our most successful clients. We are a long term development training program, not just a “workout”. Our training programs are carefully designed and evolve as the science and real world results dictate. Our training looks far different than it did even 2 or 3 years ago for that very reason. We have been committed to invest in infrastructure and education to make sure you are getting the best training available, bar none.

That commitment works best if it works both ways. Frankly we are looking for clients who have the long term in view, not just “Let’s try something different for a couple months.” Sometimes it takes 3 months just to get a client moving well enough to train hard, and we want to encourage that kind of long term thinking.

You might be wondering why we shorter term packages at all. It is a concession to the fact that not everyone is able to commit to longer terms or may not want to up front. It is our goal to have everyone see the long term value, and you will always have the option to upgrade to a longer term at any time.

What about existing clients?

For now nothing changes at all. You will remain at your current pricing and structure. In the future when we do roll this new structure out to all our clients you will have the chance to lock into the best price at that time.

If you have any questions, please give us a call or send and email.

Thank-You for choosing to train with us!


17 Things I Learned

Nancy and I had a great trip to Kentucky, travel craziness notwithstanding.

Spending a few hours each way in a plane gives my some time to catch up on some reading, and I finished a book called “Leadership and Self-Deception” which was published by the Arbinger Institute.  Very interesting read, and one that really gets you thinking. Put it on your list.

After reading the book and attending the conference I wanted to download a bit so I did a “brain dump” and wrote down what I learned or was reminded of, and I thought I’d share.

1. There is always someone out there better than you – learn from them.
2. Hard work trumps natural talent. Put the two together and change your world.
3. Be yourself, people see right through you anyway.
4. Make small improvements every day.
5. The playing field is more level than you think it is, and even it is not, put the effort into overcoming,  not complaining.
6. Luck usually involves an incredible amount of hard work.
7. Getting better always includes admitting you don’t know something.
8. The problem always involves me, not with the circumstances or people surrounding me.
9. People don’t always do their best, don’t let it affect you from doing yours.
10. The most important thing in life will never be how much money you do or do not have.
11. Who you are is greatly affected by those you are friends with and associate with. Want to be a better coach? Hang out with great coaches. Want to get stronger? Hang out with strong people. Want to be leaner? Hang out with lean people. Want to be cooler? Hang out with me (or get an air conditioner).
12. Counting your blessings is always more fun than recounting your problems.
13. Evaluate what you really want, because it is always going to take more effort than you think.
14. Although it is human nature to blame others, I alone am responsible for outcomes.
15. Putting others first is never a losing game.
16. Good enough never is.
17. Life is hard. Live it to the fullest anyway.

Get Fit NH Rocks The Fire Truck Pull

Jen & Jenn make custom shirts to support the team!

We’ve had a number of y’all ask us how the Fire Truck Pull went last Saturday, and I appreciate the enthusiasm for your team!

“Get Fit & Don’t Quit” came in 2nd place, losing out on the top spot by only 0.16 second – that’s close!

Thank-you to all the participants and all the great team members who showed up to cheer them on – you guys are awesome.

Here’s a few shots of the event, and if you have a Facebook account there are some picture galleries and a video to watch.

Keep Making It Happen!

Taryn’s Facebook Album

Concord Safety Foundation’s Facebook Album

Scott’s Facebook Video

Run Where NASCAR Drivers Race!

I thought it was pretty cool when Raechel of the 5:30pm Concord told me the 22nd Annual D.A.R.E. Classic 5K was being held at the NHMS, so when she asked me to pass the info on it was a no brainer.

And how about this?

They are even running it on a Wednesday so we can all go! 🙂

D.A.R.E. as it is known, the Drug Abuse Resistance Education program was founded in 1983 in Los Angeles and has proven so successful that it is now being implemented in 75 percent of our nation’s school districts and in more than 43 countries around the world.

D.A.R.E. is a police officer-led series of classroom lessons that teaches children from kindergarten through 12th grade how to resist peer pressure and live productive drug and violence-free lives. (source

As the parents of a police officer, Nancy and I are happy to help spread the word. Take a look at the course below – it’s pretty cool!

New Hampshire State Police 22nd Annual Dare Classic

Wednesday August 8, 2012

1 mile fun run at 6:00pm

5k starts at 6:30pm

Register Online Here

Come Support Team “Get Fit & Don’t Quit” This Saturday at Market Square Days

On Saturday July 21st, during Market Square days, team “Get Fit & Don’t Quit” will participate in the Concord Public Safety Foundation’s (CPSF) Inaugural Fire Truck Pull.

This event is for a great cause, as the CPSF is raising funds for a LUCAS hands free CPR device for Concord Fire, and also seed money for a future Concord Police K-9 program.

The team is assembling at the corner of Pleasant and Main at 9:00 a.m. Saturday morning, and we would love to have as many of the Get Fit NH family as can go and cheer them on starting at 10:00 a.m.

The team and alternates are listed below. Congratulate them for stepping up to the plate and Making It Happen!

For more info on this great event click here...

Nutrition Knowledge: S3 and Beyond

The Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown might be over, but eating healthy is here to stay.

Join certified Precision Coach Dean Carlson, PFT, YFS2, Pn1 as he shares the why’s and how’s of eating to live instead of always living to eat.

This seminar covers how Coach Dean earned “Former Fat Boy” status by dropping over 80 pounds and shares how to keep making steady progress toward your goals, even after the thrill of losing the first 10 pounds wears off and real life sets in.

Nutrition Knowledge: S3 and Beyond
Get Fit NH Bootcamp Concord
Tuesday July 31, 2012
6:45pm to 8:00pm


Ice Cream, We Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream

It’s hot and it’s summer, so of course we are thinking of dipping up some of the cool stuff to enjoy.

Guess what? It doesn’t have to be bad for you! Try this delicious and easy to make recipe next time you need a cool treat.

Peanut Butter Chocolate Ice Cream

  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 Tablespoon Cocao nibs
  • 2 Tablespoons Natural peanut butter
  • 3 Scoops of Chocolate UMP
  • 4 Cups of ice

Add all the ingredients into a powerful blender. (we use a Vitamix) Using a dampe,  blend for 30-45 seconds. Going longer will melt your ice cream. Scoop this out and enjoy – it is really good!

Look for more new recipes soon. The S3 winners are going to enjoy their cookout, served up by none other than Coach Dean and I, on July 28th. At the cookout we are going to serve Peach Melba Sundaes with a recipe I created. Watch out, it is fantastic!

Enjoy your summer,

Coach Nancy



Judy is Stylin’ and You Can Too!

Remember this fantastic photo? Just two pieces of clothing but they tell a whole story, a transformation story. 

In fact you could be the next transformation story told in clothing. Our “Win A New Wardrobe” contest  runs until July 27th. Be creative as you tell your story. Don’t wait. Enlist the help of family and friends to help tell your clothing story. Take a look at Judy stylin’ in the new jacket she chose for inspiring this contest. Hey Judy, don’t forget to take the tags off of it!

AnyWay is a great way

Passing this on from an email I got this week from strength coach Mike Boyle.  The “Paradoxical Commandments” were written in 1968 by a man named Kent Keith, and are contained in the book “Anyway”.

Life doesn’t always make sense, Live it to the fullest anyway. – Coach Dean


The Paradoxical Commandments

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot
down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.

People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.


Professional Grade

Have you counted your blessings lately?

If you are anything like me you probably find you don’t do it nearly as much as you could, and should.

Sure, we all have challenges that we face on a daily basis, and it would be trite not recognize that fact.

But I dare say for most reading this note, if you really sit down and think about it, the blessings far outweigh the things that weigh us down if we let them.

Here’s one for you – If you trained with us on Tuesday aren’t you glad you could walk out of the gym?

Just sayin’…  🙂

Anyway today I was reflecting on how grateful I am for the coaches we have at Get Fit NH.

They are Professional Grade, as coaches and as people.

Like in many industries there is an ongoing debate in the fitness industry when it comes to building a team.

Do you hire for skill or for passion?

Do you hire the training genius with the personality of a brick or do you hire the people person who doesn’t know their IT band from their scapula?

I am grateful that is not a problem at Get Fit NH, because the coaching team here truly is second to none.

Each member of the team brings not only passion for helping people be the best they can be, but the skill to assess and evaluate how our clients are moving and what special attention might be needed to help them get just a little better that day.

There is a lot more to successfully training clients than getting up in front of a room and cheerleading or throwing together a mish-mash of exercises and calling it cross training.

I am grateful that our coaches get that, and that each one of them works hard to hone their craft and get better, day by day.

In the past few months:

Coach Erin earned her Functional Movement Screen credential, which has allowed her to further understand human movement and apply corrective techniques to her training arsenal. She has taken on the lead role in Athletic Revolution, and I look forward to seeing that program grow. Erin has been an integral part of Get Fit NH’s success in Concord with her enthusiasm, hard work, and willingness to go the extra mile.

Coach CJ had the opportunity to spend some time with Dr. Charlie Weingroff as he traveled to NY and studied how to bridge the gap between the rehabilitation and training landscapes. CJ’s work with Dr. Brett Coapland has been a real bonus and I am grateful to learn from both these pros and watch our clients benefit as well. CJ’s quiet demeanor belies a ferocious competitiveness and desire to excel.

Morgan Parker is recently graduated from Colby Sawyer with her degree in exercise science and has been a great addition as she interns with us this summer. I have greatly appreciated Morgan’s willingness to learn and never leaving without asking “Is there anything else you need me to do before I go?” I have enjoyed seeing Morgan’s skill (and loud voice) grow as the summer has progressed.

What can I say about Coach Nancy? She has not been named “Best of the Best” Fitness Instructor two years in a row for nothing. In the past year we have had the opportunity to travel to numerous seminars and events and it is not an overstatement to say she is one of the best in the business. Her ability to lead, motivate and inspire is equaled only be her knowledge of how the body works and how to coach to make yours work better. Nancy’s practical knowledge of how to bring healthy meals to the table in a crazy busy world has proven invaluable to our bootcamp families and our own. Me without Nancy is like the sky without the sun – not very bright!

I am also grateful for each client that has walked through our doors, past and present. Get Fit NH doesn’t exist without you, and that is never taken for granted. You inspire all of our your coaches to want to get better, to dig deeper, and continue to work hard to help you reach your goals.

Thank-you for choosing to train with us!

Coach Dean