17 Things I Learned

Nancy and I had a great trip to Kentucky, travel craziness notwithstanding.

Spending a few hours each way in a plane gives my some time to catch up on some reading, and I finished a book called “Leadership and Self-Deception” which was published by the Arbinger Institute.  Very interesting read, and one that really gets you thinking. Put it on your list.

After reading the book and attending the conference I wanted to download a bit so I did a “brain dump” and wrote down what I learned or was reminded of, and I thought I’d share.

1. There is always someone out there better than you – learn from them.
2. Hard work trumps natural talent. Put the two together and change your world.
3. Be yourself, people see right through you anyway.
4. Make small improvements every day.
5. The playing field is more level than you think it is, and even it is not, put the effort into overcoming,  not complaining.
6. Luck usually involves an incredible amount of hard work.
7. Getting better always includes admitting you don’t know something.
8. The problem always involves me, not with the circumstances or people surrounding me.
9. People don’t always do their best, don’t let it affect you from doing yours.
10. The most important thing in life will never be how much money you do or do not have.
11. Who you are is greatly affected by those you are friends with and associate with. Want to be a better coach? Hang out with great coaches. Want to get stronger? Hang out with strong people. Want to be leaner? Hang out with lean people. Want to be cooler? Hang out with me (or get an air conditioner).
12. Counting your blessings is always more fun than recounting your problems.
13. Evaluate what you really want, because it is always going to take more effort than you think.
14. Although it is human nature to blame others, I alone am responsible for outcomes.
15. Putting others first is never a losing game.
16. Good enough never is.
17. Life is hard. Live it to the fullest anyway.

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