Think Steph Needs Recovery?
Next week is Recovery Week…no Bootcamp all week 🙁 But what is ‘Recovery Week’? Its the week we will need to recover from THIS WEEK!!
It all started Friday… you know “Fun” Friday! Only now they are dubbed ‘Booty kicking Fun Fridays’.
Ok, so who’s genius idea was it to ADD 5 minutes to our grueling 60/15’s on Fun Friday?? Oh right… it was MY swell idea! Next time someone stuff a towel in my mouth or slap me upside the head would ya!? Wasn’t it fun enough to do a minute of squat-thrusts, pushup holds, burpees and star jumps for umpteen rounds with a 15 second rest? Oh and lets not forget the Partner band rows (with Nancy! as my partner- no comment necessary). We had 10 minutes left of class, so why not add another 5 minutes doing our favorites? But, my ‘favorite’ is jump rope… oh! we have to pick from the list?! My idea (I usually have great ideas), my grumbling… while the 6pm Hardcores killed it, and didn’t kill me (always a good thing). Saturday and Sunday they may have wanted to kill me as they were feeling the ‘Fun’ after shocks.
Mondays workout was a ‘Sneaker’ workout. Seemed straight forward, a good one, we worked hard felt great. Plankety Plank Planks, Pushup Holds, Pushups (I’m stuck in the down and can’t ‘push UP’). The rotating side Pillars, and the Abs Wars. By Tuesday afternoon the stiffness sets in, that small movement of the arm is felt…thats the ‘sneaker’, it sneaks up on you when you least expect it. Oh yeah, that was a great workout.
In we go tonight, for… more abs and arms!! TRX bicep curls, slamballs, dumb bell front raises, and kettle bell swings. Oh me, oh my… arms are gonna need Wednesday to recover! But the finisher… my favorite! JUMP ROPE!! Let it not be said that our trainers do not listen to us.
So I’m figuring… Monday, Tuesday have been abs and arms… does this mean Thursday, Friday are going to be legs and glutes? Can’t wait to see… That, really would be reason for Recovery Week! We’ll have a week of, as Sven would say, “let it marinate”.
Blog you later.
psst! where are the fighting ropes and the farmers walks?… and has the snow cleared? because the HILL awaits! The FUN isn’t just on Fridays… it’s Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdays too!
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