Let Your Voice Be Heard – Again!

Trust you are having a great day Making It Happen!

Thank-you once again for making Get Fit NH Bootcamp the “Best Gym In Concord” for the 2nd year in a row and for voting Nancy “Best of the Best” Fitness Trainer.

We would be honored if you would vote for us again – this time for The Concord Insider “Cappies” awards in the category of Best Gym or Health club.

This survey is NOT as long as the Hippo Press was, and we sure would appreciate you taking the time. Last year we won third place in this category, and this year we are shooting for the top! 🙂

It appears the category of “Best Fitness Instructor” is not in there this year, so I guess Dean gets to hold onto it forever! 🙂

Please go to http://www.theconcordinsider.com/cappies/ to vote!

Thank-you for choosing to train with Get Fit NH Bootcamp!

Super Quick for Breakfast – Eggs In A Mug

This recipe can be adapted in an almost infinite variety of ways, and it can be prepared in about 3 minutes flat.

Eat Breakfast!

2 whole eggs or (1/2 cup Egg Beaters Original)
One wedge The Laughing Cow Light Original Swiss cheese, cut into pieces

Spray a large microwave-safe mug lightly with nonstick spray. Stir egg and cheese well. Microwave for about a minute. Stir gently, and then microwave for another 30 – 45 seconds, until scramble is just set. You can also add a teaspoon of salsa and one tablespoon of black beans for a Mexican mug. Or even 2 ounces of cut ham, or what about a ¼ cup of chopped asparagus and red pepper? And then there is an ounce of salmon and three cherry tomatoes. Oh the combinations you can come up with!

Make It – and Make It Happen!

A Week Off? Are You Nuts?

Well actually yes, but that has nothing to do with our recovery week!

Please don’t show up to training next Monday, you will be very lonely. Next week is one of four scheduled recovery weeks that we take throughout the calendar year.

So what is this recovery week all about anyway?

I am glad you asked!

If you are a recent client and haven’t gone through a complete training cycle with us before, this whole concept is probably new and strange to you. In fact many of our newer clients get a little nervous about the whole prospect. I mean things are going good, I don’t wanna stop!

Love the enthusiasm, love the hard work, love the attitude – but we are still going to take the week off!

Don’t despair – we explain it all in Rest, Recover, Regenerate…it’s NOT optional!

Make It Happen!

Dean, Nancy, CJ, Erin & Dennis

(P.S. – You don’t have to just take my word for it, ask one of our long time clients how our recovery weeks have done their body good)

Giving us something to Recover from!

Think Steph Needs Recovery?

Next week is Recovery Week…no Bootcamp all week 🙁 But what is ‘Recovery Week’? Its the week we will need to recover from THIS WEEK!!

It all started Friday… you know “Fun” Friday! Only now they are dubbed ‘Booty kicking Fun Fridays’.

Ok, so who’s genius idea was it to ADD 5 minutes to our grueling 60/15’s on Fun Friday?? Oh right… it was MY swell idea! Next time someone stuff a towel in my mouth or slap me upside the head would ya!? Wasn’t it fun enough to do a minute of squat-thrusts, pushup holds, burpees and star jumps for umpteen rounds with a 15 second rest? Oh and lets not forget the Partner band rows (with Nancy! as my partner- no comment necessary). We had 10 minutes left of class, so why not add another 5 minutes doing our favorites? But, my ‘favorite’ is jump rope… oh! we have to pick from the list?! My idea (I usually have great ideas), my grumbling… while the 6pm Hardcores killed it, and didn’t kill me (always a good thing). Saturday and Sunday they may have wanted to kill me as they were feeling the ‘Fun’ after shocks.

Mondays workout was a ‘Sneaker’ workout. Seemed straight forward, a good one, we worked hard felt great. Plankety Plank Planks, Pushup Holds, Pushups (I’m stuck in the down and can’t ‘push UP’). The rotating side Pillars, and the Abs Wars. By Tuesday afternoon the stiffness sets in, that small movement of the arm is felt…thats the ‘sneaker’, it sneaks up on you when you least expect it. Oh yeah, that was a great workout.

In we go tonight, for… more abs and arms!! TRX bicep curls, slamballs, dumb bell front raises, and kettle bell swings. Oh me, oh my… arms are gonna need Wednesday to recover! But the finisher… my favorite! JUMP ROPE!! Let it not be said that our trainers do not listen to us.

So I’m figuring… Monday, Tuesday have been abs and arms… does this mean Thursday, Friday are going to be legs and glutes? Can’t wait to see… That, really would be reason for Recovery Week! We’ll have a week of, as Sven would say, “let it marinate”.

Blog you later.


psst!     where are the fighting ropes and the farmers walks?… and has the snow cleared? because the HILL awaits! The FUN isn’t just on Fridays… it’s Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdays too!

Get Fit NH Bootcamp Wins Two “Best of…” Awards

Thank-you all very much for your support and for choosing to train with us!

We got a tremendous surprise today when we found out Get Fit NH Bootcamp has been named “Best Gym In Concord” for the 2nd year in a row – wow!

And as reported earlier, Coach Nancy was recognized as the “Best of the Best” Fitness Instructor in the entire region.

Any recognition we ever receive is due to one thing – YOU!

Without your support nothing we do is possible, and we thank-you for being part of the Get Fit NH Bootcamp family, as a reader of our blogs, a subscriber to our newsletter, or by choosing to train with us.

Pick up a copy of the Hippo Press or read online and check out pages 16 & 19 – pretty cool!

Keep Making It Happen!

Coaches Dean, Nancy, CJ, Erin & Dennis

I get by with a little help from my friends…

I know I’ve said it before but, really really, Bootcamp offers so much more than just a workout. There is something to be said about the friendships/camaraderie/bonds we build at Bootcamp.

The S3/2 Challenge is just that, a challenge, at least for this junkfood junkie it is. Its my circle of Bootcamp friends that are Facebooking me, texting me, and talking with me that keeps me on track. Let me introduce you to my friends:

Its the Drill Sargent Jill holding us accountable with attendance at Bootcamp. If you can’t make it you better call.

It’s the Monday morning text: “Do you have a plan? Veggies and Protein Covered?”  reminding me to stay on track. Gotta love my sister in law, she knows I needed that reminder. Happy to say that at the time, I was eating celery and peanut butter. Veggies-check, protein-check, add the bottle of water-check and I get an  A+.

It’s also the fabulous Paulette, who I am texting ‘stop me cause I need to either eat myself sick or drink to oblivion’ because I am having a horrendous day… She talks me off the edge with a simple “it’s not worth it!” And she’s right, especially knowing that I have to turn in a food log and step on a scale in the next two days keeping me grounded.

There is Kathy, who we’ve come up with an incentive to follow the plan. If we gain, money gets paid to the other; if we lose, we keep the money. At the end of the 8weeks, we’ll have enough money for a new article of clothing.

Then there is my Donna who is carpooling or meeting me at Bootcamp. Or she is facebooking ‘words of wisdom’.

And of course our Trainers, with our daily motivational anecdotes and health facts. Yup, I get by with a little help from my friends.

Stay on track my friends! Oh and here’s DK’s quote:

“Sometimes we wake up with tons of enthusiasm and a smile and moving forward is easy. Other times we have to dig down deep and find just enough energy to take that next step even when we’d rather pull the covers over our heads and make the world go away. But either way, the only way to move forward is that next step.”   By: Begin with Yes

Blog you later.


Food Log Breakdown – My Top 5 Tweaks

Dozens of clients have turned in their food logs as we are in full swing with the Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown – Well Done!

There are some common themes as Coach Nancy and I have evaluated what our clients have recorded.

Here are my “Top 5 Tweaks” to help skyrocket your progress:

Tweak #1: Eat Breakfast. Coffee is not breakfast. If you are not eating anything, eat something. If you don’t eat until lunch, your body has gone 16-18 hours between feeding, not ideal.

Tweak #2: Eat protein for/with breakfast. It helps keep you full longer, it helps keep your blood sugar stable, and you are probably just not eating enough.  (See “Adequate Protein Intake” in this article)

Tweak #3: Peanut Butter is not an ideal source of protein. Yes peanut butter has protein, but it comes at a high calorie cost. A serving of natural peanut butter (2 Tbsp) has 210 calories, 16 grams of fat, 6 grams of carbohydrate and 8 grams of protein. That translates to about 144 calories from fat, 24 from carbs and 32 from protein. That means there are 4.5 times more calories from fat than protein – once again not ideal. I love peanut butter as much as the next guy, I just need to be careful not to depend on it!

Tweak #4: Where’s The Green?: There is some serious vegetable-phobia out there in food log land. There were many times a 3 day food journal had nothing green on it at all! Less starch/more veggies is a sure way to get that weight loss moving in the right direction.

Tweak #5: Late Calories: If you must eat after dinner, default to more protein/veggies. Your body can use some more protein to repair while sleeping. That bowl of ice cream (or even fruit) will spike your blood sugar/insulin response right before bed – right when you don’t want it. Your body is not going to use that energy while you sleep, so it’s going to store it – ouch!

I bet you there is one simple change you can make this week that will keep on…

Making It Happen!

Coach Dean

Deb Adds 20 Yards To Her Golf Drive at Bootcamp

It’s time to polish up the golf clubs and hit the links! Have you ever considered what physical preparation can do for your golf game? Listen to what Deb has to say:

“I started at Get fit NH bootcamp in October of 2009. I wanted to try a program that would make me feel accountable to coming to it. I had a gym membership for the past 3 years and I can always make an excuse as to why I can’t go and no one cares. With this I have no excuses. I love going and am sorry when I miss a class. I have developed muscles that I never knew I had. I can finally at the age of 41 do a real pushup. (while actually 28 of them in 1 minute.)

And for all the golfers out there after 6 months of bootcamp last year when I picked up my golf clubs I couldn’t believe how much yardage I gained on my driver and the rest of my clubs. I could now drive the ball over 200 yards which was over a 20 yard gain in 6 months. Can’t wait to see how my golf game is this year. Thanks so much for keeping bootcamp interesting and motivating us to “MAKE IT HAPPEN” – Deb K.

New Get Fit NH Bootcamp Concord Training Time

We are pleased to announce that starting April 18, 2011 we will be expanding Get Fit NH Bootcamp Concord and adding a much requested afternoon training time:

4:15 PM!

As is our custom we have added this additional training time as our training staff has grown and is able to provide the excellence and quality you deserve.

I understand that another evening slot has been requested as well, and once this training time is up and running we will take a look at additional expansion.

Once again thank-you for choosing to train with us. We do not take it for granted and look forward to continuing to serve you.

Click Here To View Our Full Training Schedule and To Register

Let’s Make It Happen – 9th Annual Rock ‘N Race Is Here!

Ok gang, we are a little late to the game this year, but Coach CJ is taking over the team for the 9th Annual “Rock N’ Race” to benefit the Payson Center at Concord Hospital.

The race is on a Thursday this year, so it was knocking up against our training schedule, but we are going to get it done with CJ in the lead. I know many of you support this great cause through teams at work, but we want to keep the tradition alive (this will be our 2nd year), so if you are “teamless” we would be honored if you would join ours!

Our team name this year is “Get Fit NH & Beat Cancer”, and you can find our team page and register here

Just click “Join Our Team” to register.

The early registration deadline is April 1st in order to get team T-Shirts, and we need a minimum of 10 walk/run participants for that to happen.

If you have never participated in this 5K or any 5K, get on board. It is a tremendous amount of fun with all sorts of goodies before, during and after the race. The sense of accomplishment is tremendous, and we all just have a great time supporting a great cause – Curing Cancer!

Make It Happen!