Healthy Cookies?!

There is not a whole lot that infuriates me, but there is one thing that seriously gets under my skin and that is false advertisement. I was picking up a salad at Live Juice a few weeks ago and on the counter they had these cookies….

But wait let me back up...Live Juice is a great restaurant choice if you are out and about. The ingredients are whole and fresh and they will customize your order and not even look at you funny which is always a selling point for me. Most people know that when you go into Live Juice you have the ability to eat a nutritious and satisfying meal…

Okay, so knowing all of this is why this next part really grinds my gears. The cookies on the counter are advertised as gluten free, dairy free, egg free and non GMO…must be a healthy cookie, right?

Wrong. Read the ingredient label and there are 4, yes 4, different types of sugar in this cookie. The serving size of this normal sized saucer cookie was ½ a cookie and with that serving size there were 18 grams of sugar. I don’t know about you, but when I eat a cookie I eat the entire cookie so think about THAT for a minute. Of course there is sugar- IT’S A COOKIE! But DO NOT advertise as if this is a healthy thing to put in your body!

Here are the take aways of this rant/blog:

  • There is no such thing as a healthy cookie
  • Read your labels
  • If you are going to splurge and eat a cookie, don’t fool yourself thinking one cookie is healthier than the other- just eating the stinkin’ cookie and get back to making good choices!

Rant over. Now make it happen!

-Coach Meagan

Brookford Farms CSA Pickup at Get Fit NH – Winner!

There is nothing fresher, tastier, and yes even more friendly to the environment than having local produce grown by local farmers. For those of us who don't have the time or talent to grow our own veggies, getting involved in a CSA is like gold! (CSA= Community Supported Agriculture)

This is where it gets exciting, Get Fit NH is sponsoring a pickup place for Brookford Farm's CSA. You will be able to pickup your veggies at Get Fit NH in Concord. Last summer we did this and it was fantastic. For those of you out in Epsom, Coach Nancy will bring your food to the Epsom gym for pickup there as well. I would say that's perfect for everyone!

Brookford Farms has an easy registration process. They have different packages to fit your family's needs. While registering simply check the box for Get Fit NH Concord as your pick up place. Your veggies start arriving on June 5th, 2017 to October 22rd, 2017.

You can register using this link: Brookford Farm CSA Online Registration

If you need help, please contact Jodi at or 603-742-4084.

Don't wait til the last minute to sign up!

A Touching Message from a Student Sends Her into the Spotlight

This week’s student spotlight is a little different than normal. It features Lauren Sullivan who has been part of the family for a while now. In emailing her briefly over recovery week, she sent me an email back that I think everyone needs to read. I have cleared it with Lauren to share, so please take 5 minutes out of your day to read what she has to say.

"Thank you so much, coach Adam! I really appreciate that! I love it at Get Fit, and I actually like working out now (which I never thought I would be able to say) hehe. You guys have made a real difference in my life! Thank you for helping me get my health and well being back on track! I first joined because of Amy, of course, but what I don't think I ever shared is that I was looking for something like this at that time. Specifically I was looking for some type of outlet. My Father passed very unexpectedly because of going into anaphylactic shock from an antibiotic he took daily. This took place in October before I started and I was having a super tough time with his death, including coming to terms with how and why he passed. So I decided to see a grievance counselor for just short of a year, and also knew I needed to find my own outlet to release some of the built up emotions. I feel I was brought here for a reason, and I have always felt welcomed, supported, and never judged - 3 things I would have never imagined I could have found, but learned quickly that I had actually found a place that embodied just that! The culture that you guys promote, the support of all the staff, and the personal touch goes above and beyond! I am so grateful and appreciative I found Get Fit as an establishment!

Lauren is in the middle receiving her "I survived" shirt!

I saw Cherie at Sandy's the other day and we often do end up talking to each other about different things relating to and supporting one another after both losing our fathers, and this particular day I ended up talking about how Get Fit and also you, have made SUCH a difference in my life! We talked all about the fact that a lot of my reasons for continuing at Get Fit was because of your support and encouragement, as well as being inspired by you as a coach and a mentor. As you know, when I first came to Get Fit it was evident I hadn't worked out in years lol! But, that was a part of my fear, and because of you and the team, the fact that I hadn't worked out in forever never held me back from wanting to get better (which has been a factor in the past of not sticking with things I had tried)! I had 101 fears when I first started from things like not being accepted, or about being judged, feeling a lack of confidence in my ability, and even fearing I would I wouldn't stick with it based on my level of ability and hoping I wouldn't be ostracized by other members for it. As I'm sure you know, no member of Get Fit will ever have to worry about that- or any of those things for that matter! I love it at Get Fit, and so much of that is because of you and your support! I feel a part of a community, and I couldn't be more grateful for the experience I've had! I told Cherie that, and it made me think I should probably tell you, because your coaching has really impacted my journey here in a positive way! So, thank you very much! I appreciate it! This experience as a whole has made a huge difference in my life!"

It took a lot of guts to not only share this with me, but to also allow me to share it with all of you as well. Lauren deserves a big hand for doing so. I hope that Lauren's story can help you all in some way or another, I know it helps me!

-Coach Adam

The March Madness Results Are In!

March Madness Round 2 was a huge success in both Epsom and Concord!! We had a lot of hard working individuals working as a team for 4 weeks. While I am sad to say there can only be one winner for each gym location, you all did an amazing job!

For Concord, team Bow Ties took the crown this year. The team made up of Muriel Hall, Sue Pribis, Cristy Bresson, and Kara Hinck will be cutting down the nets in Concord this year. Congratulations to the winners, and thank you very much for everyone in Concord who competed in the Myzone Challenge! And the prize – a sweet custom Get Fit NH tee designed by the winning team! ​I can't wait to see it worn in the gym by these ladies.

March Madness at Get Fit NH Epsom was a battle of sled pusher against sled pusher. Each training time had a team in the challenge. Their goal was to push the sled the most laps per team member than all other training times. I was so proud of each who took the challenge. Lisa, from 9am, described pushing the sled as pushing a car out of the mud. It can feel like that although not as heavy as a stuck-in-the-mud car. While we had some veterans push the 135-pound sled, others pushed for the very first time. What a great feeling to drive that much weight down the length of the gym and back. 

Our teams pushed over 631,530 pounds throughout March Madness. While the 9am Ladies only crew had the most people pushing, and 6:15 had the highest one-person score, 6pm took home the prize. They pushed an average of 183.4 laps each in a month. The prize? Take home dinner cooked by Coach Nancy. With that number they would have pushed 315 Polar Bears (each weighing 2000 pounds) back and forth in the gym. Now that is Madness.

Congratulations to all! And enjoy your dinner 6pm!

Athlete Academy: Believe Before You Achieve

All you athletes out there - let me ask you a question: what do you believe? What do you believe about your ability? What do you believe about your coach or the rest of your team? How far do you believe you can really go?

Let me tell you something that will unequivocally always be the case…if you do not believe you can do it, you won’t. It’s that simple. You may have more talent and more ability than you yourself even realize, it is just sitting dormant waiting for you to recognize it. You need to want it, and furthermore, you need to believe you can do it.

You have to buy in mentally and physically to your goal. How do you approach the people who coach you? Do you think they don’t know what they are talking about? Do you give your all at practice? How about in the gym? Here is the secret to believing, not only do you have to allow yourself to believe you can do it, but you also have to do the work to back it up.

If you think you are the world’s fastest sprinter but you never work hard in the gym or at practice and tune out everything your coach says, then most likely when its time to take off from the starting blocks you are going to find yourself chasing. Sure, everyone can survive on God given talent for a time, but only those who really work hard and practice their craft will continue to advance. For every one athlete who becomes a professional, or competes at the highest stage, there are 10 others who had the ability but never put in the time or effort to achieve it.

This does work the other way, however, every person who excels at the highest level has one major thing in common, that killer instinct. They want the ball with the game on the line and 3 seconds left on the clock. They want to guard the best player on the other team. They don’t shy away from a challenge on the floor or in life.

One of my most vivid examples of this was Jeff Green, for those of you who don’t know or don’t remember, he played for the Celtics several years ago now. I watched a game where he scored 45 points against the Miami Heat at the height of their power. It, to this day, is one of the most dominating performances I have ever seen. You would have had to watch the game to know what I mean. He wanted the ball and he put it in the basket over and over and over, not from downtown, but the hard way by going into the paint. However, even with all the talent he possessed and the type of dominant game he had the potential for, he never reached his full potential because he didn’t have that instinct.

All in all, the important thing to remember is that it takes two sides to the same coin to achieve greatness. The work and time put in (the physical ability to do it) AND the mental ability to believe that you can. Make no mistake, you cannot have one without the other

-Coach Adam

It’s Not All About The Image

One of the hardest things for us to do is to take a good hard look at ourselves. But maybe the hardest thing to do is to take a good hard look and then CHANGE what needs to be changed.

It's easier to not look.

That applies to more than our "inner" being though. There aren't a whole lot of us that like to step on the Fit3D very often either.

Sometimes it just ain't pretty.

But avoiding a problem doesn't usually make it better.

​So it goes with the "Truth Booth". And it goes WAAAAAY deeper than how we look.

We are taking charge of our HEALTH when we monitor our progress regularly, and the Fit3D is a quick, easy way to start to take charge.

The tutorial below explains why image isn't everything, and why you need to "Fit3D" on a regular basis.

More questions? Comment below.​

Blogs By Request: Myzone vs. Fitbit

Here is another blog by request for you! The question: Why Myzone over Fitbit? How does it make a difference in my training?

Fitbit features:

  • Measures steps, calories and distance
  • Floors climbed
  • Clock/time
  • Sleep tracking
  • Some have GPS capability
  • PurePulse Heart Rate - Fitbit brands their heart rate tech as PurePulse—calling it “the only heart rate technology to offer automatic, continuous wrist based tracking for all-day health insights and workout intensity".
  • Ability to challenge friends

Myzone features:

  • Measures real life beats per minute
  • Measures effort (% of maximum heart rate)
  • Logs time spent in each zone
  • Picture food logging
  • Trend graph after each training, right down to the minute
  • Emailed training synopsis after each workout with graph, average effort, peak heart rate, average heart rate and time in zones
  • A fantastic app to review history and progress
  • Ability to challenge friends
  • Data in the gym and bluetooth compatible to see effort outside of the gym
  • Measurable points to challenge yourself each month

I obviously know more about Myzone from experience than I do about Fitbit. The Fitbit features were gathered straight from their website.

I am a firm believer in Myzone, or heart rate straps in general, over watches. With wrist watches you need to wear the band correctly and tight enough for the lights to be touching your skin, and intense exercise can throw off the measurements. Fitbit also suggests wearing their trackers higher on your wrist to get more reliable readings. The heart rate straps are not measuring your pulse. They are recording your actual heartbeat.

One great thing that Fitbit does that Myzone doesn’t is measure steps. That is great way to keep you moving throughout the day. HOWEVER, for training purposes that doesn’t matter. Myzone measures the percent of your maximum heart rate. Fitbit cannot show you hard you are working. Myzone not only tells you how hard you were working, but it logs and emails you how hard you were working in each zone and for how long you were working in each zone. It also provides you a graph which shows you your training trends. The graph shows you when your heart rate started to pick up and your recovery between sets. Fitbit cannot show you that important information. Myzone gives you immediate, easy to read feedback while training whereas Fitbit is just showing you a potentially flawed heartbeat.

I realize this may sound a tad biased. I don’t think Fitbits are pointless. I think they are a fantastic tool to make sure you are moving and to measure your steps, but for training purposes I do not think they serve an effective purpose.

I hope that answers the question!
Coach Meagan

A Short, Sweet and Specific Spotlight

I met Robie just over a year ago. She has made me smile every day since. I think it is her goal to make others happy. She has a wit that makes you think and always leaves you chuckling. While she might not be the loudest at the 6pm training time, she knows how to bring it. She was kind enough to let me interview her. 

Coach Nancy: Why did you choose to come Get Fit NH?
Robie: Honestly, it was local and I thought "what do I have to lose, so why not?". I can do anything for 2 weeks, right?

Coach Nancy: What did you learned after you first 2 weeks?
Robie: That this is possible. The first two weeks are your chance to learn about how Get Fit works, but they are two weeks of active participation. You will get the encouragement and education you need to succeed, even if it is at your pace or you are complaining in a witty way that I am sure does not sound like complaining at all.
Coach Nancy: How do you feel after almost 12 months into your training?
Robie: I have had some set backs, but I feel better as a human being. I am one of those who has to do things when I want to commit to them. I am committed to working out, so I work out. GET FIT is where I want to workout and where I want to learn to be a better me. I am working on wanting to take complete advantage of all the nutritional knowledge that Get Fit has to offer. I do listen and try, but as it is said "its me, not you".
Coach Nancy: Describe your overall experience at Get Fit NH.
Robie: Dean and Nancy have created the most positive, inclusive and goal driven "gym" I have ever been a part of. The push to be better, do better with constructive encouragement and a little bit of competition, to me, make this the perfect gym.

​Robie has survived much more than her first month at Get Fit NH. She is just earned Hall of Fame Status in March. Congratulations and thank you, Robie.

Rock N’ Race Update – Shirt Deadline Extended, BUT Not For Long

Latest news from the Rock N' Race committee.

Please come support the Payson Center, as well as honor our friend Jim Knee and his late wife Catherine Dowd by joining our team!

Register Now and Save $5

The deadline to form a team of twelve or more individuals and receive customized team T shirts and/or a unique race day wicking shirt has been extended to Tuesday, April 18 at 8:00 am.

Register now. After May 15 the registration fee increases to $35, so sign up now and save!

All proceeds from the Merrimack County Savings Bank Rock ‘N Race are directed to Concord Hospital Payson Center for Cancer Care.

We look forward to seeing you at the starting line on Thursday, May 18 at 6:00pm.

The Rock ‘N Race Planning Committee

Blogs By Request: Menopause

Let’s talk about menopause, ladies. This blog is coming to you by request. I know it is probably a little strange to have a 27-year-old woman write about this topic, but it is an important topic that no one else is talking about!

If you are still reading, I will assume this matter applies to you. Allow me to encourage you before I really get going. I sit down with literally hundreds of students just like you. I would go as far to say that the number 1 thing I hear when I sit down with a woman in a success session is that they hit menopause and all of a sudden life changed- FAST! Weight gain, mood swings, exhaustion, etc. All of these things make them self-conscious, depressed, stressed, anxious, mad…you name it. The cool part is that they came to us to make a change. So here is a little education and how training and nutrition play a critical role in how you cope.

Menopause is part of life, right? There is absolutely no dodging it, ladies. Whether you a pre-menopausal, in the fire or almost at the end let’s talk about what happens...

Estrogen. It is an important hormone for many reasons, but one reason you may not think about until it drops is that it helps regulate metabolism. With menopause comes an estrogen dive, which means what? If you were used to eating anything and everything and living a sedentary life with a comfortable weight, you can kiss that life goodbye. Or maybe you have the training piece in your toolbox already, but you have not fully committed to that other important part (nutrition!) – now would be the time to hop on board!

You can beat menopause to the punch and start making better life choices now both in the gym and in the kitchen. If you are pre-menopausal, then you will want to be ahead of the game. If you are in the fire already, then don’t worry – you can still catch up! It will take effort on your part, but if you don’t like what is happening to you (or are uneasy about what could happen to you in the years to come), then let’s do something about it now. You are NOT alone.

You know what else estrogen does? It helps prevent bone loss and works together with calcium, vitamin D and other hormones and minerals to build bones. Thus, after menopause, your body breaks down more bone than it rebuilds. In the years immediately after menopause, women may lose as much as 20% of their bone mass. With that being said, don’t ya think a smart training program and proper nutrition can help you? Hello- osteoporosis?

There are a lot of nasty side effects associated with menopause- hot flashes, fatigue, mood swings, disrupted sleep and so much more. You’re not crazy and some of it IS out of your control, but not everything.

Do not be a victim of menopause weight gain- there are LITERALLY well over 100 women training at Get Fit NH RIGHT NOW going through this with you. You absolutely do not have to go through this alone. You’ve heard of battle buddies? Let’s make menopause mates a thing!

I am here for you!
Coach Meagan

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