Healthy Cookies?!
There is not a whole lot that infuriates me, but there is one thing that seriously gets under my skin and that is false advertisement. I was picking up a salad at Live Juice a few weeks ago and on the counter they had these cookies….
But wait let me back up...Live Juice is a great restaurant choice if you are out and about. The ingredients are whole and fresh and they will customize your order and not even look at you funny which is always a selling point for me. Most people know that when you go into Live Juice you have the ability to eat a nutritious and satisfying meal…

Okay, so knowing all of this is why this next part really grinds my gears. The cookies on the counter are advertised as gluten free, dairy free, egg free and non GMO…must be a healthy cookie, right?
Wrong. Read the ingredient label and there are 4, yes 4, different types of sugar in this cookie. The serving size of this normal sized saucer cookie was ½ a cookie and with that serving size there were 18 grams of sugar. I don’t know about you, but when I eat a cookie I eat the entire cookie so think about THAT for a minute. Of course there is sugar- IT’S A COOKIE! But DO NOT advertise as if this is a healthy thing to put in your body!
Here are the take aways of this rant/blog:
- There is no such thing as a healthy cookie
- Read your labels
- If you are going to splurge and eat a cookie, don’t fool yourself thinking one cookie is healthier than the other- just eating the stinkin’ cookie and get back to making good choices!
Rant over. Now make it happen!
-Coach Meagan