A Short, Sweet and Specific Spotlight

I met Robie just over a year ago. She has made me smile every day since. I think it is her goal to make others happy. She has a wit that makes you think and always leaves you chuckling. While she might not be the loudest at the 6pm training time, she knows how to bring it. She was kind enough to let me interview her. 

Coach Nancy: Why did you choose to come Get Fit NH?
Robie: Honestly, it was local and I thought "what do I have to lose, so why not?". I can do anything for 2 weeks, right?

Coach Nancy: What did you learned after you first 2 weeks?
Robie: That this is possible. The first two weeks are your chance to learn about how Get Fit works, but they are two weeks of active participation. You will get the encouragement and education you need to succeed, even if it is at your pace or you are complaining in a witty way that I am sure does not sound like complaining at all.
Coach Nancy: How do you feel after almost 12 months into your training?
Robie: I have had some set backs, but I feel better as a human being. I am one of those who has to do things when I want to commit to them. I am committed to working out, so I work out. GET FIT is where I want to workout and where I want to learn to be a better me. I am working on wanting to take complete advantage of all the nutritional knowledge that Get Fit has to offer. I do listen and try, but as it is said "its me, not you".
Coach Nancy: Describe your overall experience at Get Fit NH.
Robie: Dean and Nancy have created the most positive, inclusive and goal driven "gym" I have ever been a part of. The push to be better, do better with constructive encouragement and a little bit of competition, to me, make this the perfect gym.

​Robie has survived much more than her first month at Get Fit NH. She is just earned Hall of Fame Status in March. Congratulations and thank you, Robie.

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