Another Motivating Student Spotlight

heidiThe success stories are rushing in and we can’t help, but share them all with you. This week’s Student Spotlight  is going to Heidi Coen. Heidi has been training with Get Fit NH for almost 4 years! The success you are about to read was earned and well deserved. Heidi is always pushing herself, she never quits and she is always looking for ways to get better and get stronger. It is a pleasure to coach Heidi. I am so proud of her success. I want to encourage ALL of you to take advantage of the body composition we offer. We often refer to it as the truth-detector and it truly is a fantastic way to measure. If you are not having your body composition read regularly you can afford to step it up (I say that with love as always!)

Here is what Heidi has to say about her success:

“Real Results…

I have pretty much exercised in some way for the majority of my adult life (walking, body building (free weights), aerobics, kick boxing, ellipticals/treadmills, cable machines…). But, I never found a workout regime that I got the results I was looking for.

Then in May 2011 – I had heard about Get Fit NH training and signed up for the free two weeks at the Concord Get Fit, attended my first 5:00am class — and have been hooked ever since!

What I have learned is that with all my previous exercising attempts the workouts were all the same routine and none included anything about nutrition. At Get Fit this is not the case! After participating in the first detox – I discovered that I have a sensitivity to gluten. I had taken Prevacid for years because of acid reflux and Excedrin for headaches every day for years. With my changes to my diet (majority of which is now vegetables and protein), my acid reflux completely resolved and I rarely have headaches. In regards to the training, I really like the varied workouts.

But – how do I really know that what I have learned about nutrition and that the training really works? When I had my very first body composition test done in 2012 my body fat was 29.7%. Two weeks ago, I had another body composition test – and my body fat  is down to 20.5%. I have lost almost 10% in body fat! This is results! This is success!

Today – at age 51 – I am in the best shape of my life!!! I feel GREAT – inside and outside!

It’s not just the training that makes Get Fit so great – it’s also the people! The coaches are awesome and I have made the most special friendships!  I love the 5am group!!!

So Meagan and Dean to answer your questions after every class – Do I have fun? Yes! Do I challenge myself? Yes! Do I learn something? Yes! And, I plan on continuing to do so for many years to come!


We loving hearing about your success! The day you realize that nutrition and training go hand in hand is the day you will change your life. Heidi is a perfect example of someone who learned how to fuel her body and train to succeed. I must add that we are super proud of Heidi, who attacked the chin bar and cranked out some jumping chins for her first time this morning. We couldn’t be more proud of her!

Thank You for choosing to train with us, Heidi!

Make it happen,

Coach Meagan