“I have felt great since doing bootcamp!”

I have been doing almost exactly what Nancy tells me to do, for real, I’m not just saying this. I have a few off days, but mostly on days. Sometimes it does not seem like much is happening, but I take measurements occasionally which is very helpful. I took out all my summer clothes the other day and I honestly could not fit into any of my shorts – they just fell off!!! So I had to go shopping and I must say I actually had a positive shopping experience for once. I have felt great since doing bootcamp, I come to all the classes that I can and have eaten very healthy. I feel great and have energy that I was lacking for a long time. Thanks Nancy! (and Dean of course too!)

Jamie Carrier, Center Barnstead, NH

“A fun, rewarding way to get in shape!”

“Bootcamp was one of the most refreshing times in my life and helped me to relax and feel good for my upcoming wedding. It was a fun, rewarding way to get in shape for my special day! Dean and Nancy are excellent trainers, who help you to make your fitness goals possible!”

Katie Uy, Epsom, NH

When’s the last time YOUR doctor said “Wow”? (in a good way:)

Got a couple notes last week from two guys in our 6:30am class that were a great encouragement to me and a testament to what hard work, consistency, dedication and solid programming can do for your body, and more importantly your overall health.

Thanks for the notes guys, and keep up the great work!

“Just a big thank-you to (Get Fit NH) Bootcamp. It’s been 2+ years since my last physical. The first thing out of the Dr’s mouth was “wow”. He asked me what I had changed. Of course I asked him why. He said it’s because I had lost 30 pounds since my last physical. I told him about (Get Fit NH) bootcamp 4 times a week for one hour along with diet changes. All my blood work was good as well. I did throw in some good words for you !! He told me to keep up the good work. He explained the long term benefits to my health and well being by better eating and weight control. Thanks to you and your staff for helping me “make it happen” – Jere

“I highly recommend Get Fit NH Bootcamp…my pants don’t lie! Since starting in January of this year I have lost 4 inches on my waistline, 2 pant sizes and dropped 30lbs. I have not been at this weight or size in over 20 years and Dean and CJ helped me get their in less than 6 months. It works because you have a team behind you, don’t keep trying to go it alone…get to camp!” – David

Congratulations Katie & Andre – Tessa has arrived!

Katie and baby Tessa visiting at 5am

Another member of the Get Fit NH Bootcamp family has arrived – Welcome Tessa!

“I had the privilege of going to Get Fit NH for most of my second pregnancy. Staying active and being healthy was VERY important to me because I wanted to be able to be able to keep up with my two year old and all my other responsibilities without being in pain at the end of the day.

Nancy was awesome about keeping tabs on me throughout the workouts and making sure that I didn’t do anything that would compromise my health or the baby. My labor and delivery was an hour from start to finish. My body was in great shape for delivering a baby!

It’s important to have someone who can make sure you are doing a workout that is safe for you and your baby and Get Fit NH is suited perfectly to the needs of a pregnant mom!” – Katie Uy

Thanks Katie, and congratulations to you and Andre!

Meet Dexter!

Welcome Back Meghan

Meghan, from the 6pm crew, is back this week after her six week break when Dexter was born.

Here’s what Meghan had to say about how training at Get Fit NH Bootcamp kept her healthy during her pregnancy, made for an easier delivery, and kept her at an ideal weight throughout her pregnancy (and apparently afterward 🙂

“Not only has bootcamp helped me to maintain a healthy weight throughout pregnancy but it also enable me to have a quick and easy delivery. I have no stretch marks, I fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans (yes, many of us are groaning right now – Coach Nancy) And I have a happy healthy baby! Thank-you Dean and Nancy”

Congratulations Meghan and Mike, and welcome Dexter!

S3 Success Stories – Cancer Survivor Carol H.

This lady is a true inspiration to everyone who meets her. To see what Carol has achieved since she has been training at Get Fit NH Bootcamp goes well beyond weight loss. To see her gain strength, learn how to balance again, and even win the calf-raises during ladders last week (with 1 and less than 1/2 a calf muscle) is humbling and mind-blowing. Carol is much, much more than a survivor! – Coach Dean

I want to climb a mountain again. For now I will settle for being able to walk to the lacrosse field without limping.

Three years ago I was diagnosed with sarcoma-cancer that threatened to take my leg and my life. I am very fortunate to be working with a wonderful team of doctors who now call me a survivor.  My treatment is complete, and I am now learning the new “normal”. I am finding that the journey involves both physical and psychological challenges.

The physical challenges include long term disabilities related to physical losses, as well as more tangible issues such as chronic pain, fatigue, lymphadema, and nerve damage. Psychologically, cancer is a lonely place and it is difficult to learn the way back.

Last fall I made the decision to reclaim my body, and weight control is an important part of what I needed to do. I had so many issues it was almost overwhelming. So I decided I needed to do one healthy thing and find the best physical solution to manage my symptoms. Cancer survivors are generally expected to live with fatigue, insomnia, and stress.

I find that lack of physical conditioning has a profound effect on how I feel. Before I can accept what cannot be changed I want to heal as well as I can-it is a journey that in so many ways is just now beginning.

When I joined Bootcamp, the activities presented huge challenges for me. At the same time I found the support of the women in my class to be a great strength-the emotional  strength they provide continues to be greater than any of my perceived physical limitations! The S3 Contest came at a perfect time for me: I was in the habit of attending class, I enjoy the socialization, I was having fun, variety is incorporated, I had been meeting some goals…..Now time to actually measure the progress!

I found that documenting my weight and measurements was helpful. Keeping my nutrition log on my kitchen counter was key in managing my eating habits and encouraging myself to choose foods wisely. So I started out to improve my overall health, and now have lost weight, increased my cardiovascular fitness, improved my posture, and have made friends along the way.

My stamina is so much better and I am enjoying life. I have the knowledge, tools, and support to take care of myself. I do have scars that serve to remind me that there is no normal yet, but I am walking to my boys’ lacrosse game without a limp!

– Carol H.

Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown Winner Jeff Huckins Tells His Story

For those of you who don’t know Jeff, you are really missing out! This guy gets in here and makes it happen every single day! In the story below he references that his weigh in November of 2010 was over 375 pounds. Here we are in mid-May 2011, and at last weigh in Jeff was 286.4. Do the math, that is nearly 90 pounds lost  since that time – that’s Making It Happen! Read Jeff’s story below for his “super secret” strategy 🙂  Great work Jeff! – Coaches Dean & Nancy

Well let’s see here, where do I start? For those of you who do not know me my name is Jeff and I am one of the crazy people who drag themselves into the Concord gym at 5:00 in the morning.

I have fought with my weight my whole life and by November of last year tipped the scale at 375 plus pounds. I knew something had to be done to lose the weight and improve my overall health but also felt as though I had tried, and failed at, everything.

In the preceding year I watched three of my overweight coworkers lose dramatic amounts of weight. Two of them had bypass surgery and took the weight off at an amazing rate. This “easy” option intrigued me and I had many very candid conversations with both people. I even went so far as to attend a seminar at CMC with one of them and get my doctor’s blessing to take the next step.

This option comes with many risks, no guarantee of success, and quite frankly scared the %$*# out of me.  This being said, I was still seriously considering it.

Over the last year, I had also been watching my good friend Karl very closely and started to notice several changes. Even before his weight loss became obvious his lifestyle changes stood out to me. Here he was still eating a good amount of food, although very different types then before and losing weight at a steady rate month after month.

I also would see him leaving work in shorts and a tank top wearing shoes that made him look like he had monkey feet. Dean may know the type of shoes I am talking about. I started talking with Karl more and more about what he was doing and he convinced me with his words and actions that this was for me.

The next thing I am about to say is perhaps one of the more difficult things I have ever had to admit. So here it goes “Karl was right.” There I said it. If you’re reading this Karl take a minute to enjoy it because you are not likely to hear me utter those words again. On a serious note, thank-you for steering me towards boot camp.

It was November and I had made up my mind to give boot camp a try before I move any closer to the surgical option. I figured if nothing else it would help me lose the required amount of weight mandated before I could qualify to go under the knife.

I was on Dean and Nancy’s waiting list for around two months when I got the call to come give boot camp a try for a couple of weeks. I enrolled in the program full time starting the first of January.

I showed up to boot camp on the first morning expecting that it would be like a fat farm or an episode of the biggest loser. Boy was I wrong. The first member I met was Dennis, a tall thin man in incredible shape. In the name of conversation, I asked “what are you doing here?” He answered by saying that this is how he stays in shape during the triathlon off-season.

I remember thinking to myself, “Boy am I in trouble!” and I was right.

I remember watching as the rest of the members walked in, most only slightly overweight if even at all. I was and still am by far the largest person in our class. By the end of the first “active warm-up” I was ready to start cooling down. I did what I could on that first day and left feeling pretty discouraged by the end of class. Everyone was patting my back and telling me I did a great job, and that I started one of the most difficult days that they had ever seen, it will get easier.

Looking back, I greatly appreciate the positive commentary even though the truth may have been being stretched just a little bit. In the past few months I have seen several new people start the program and amazingly, just like me, they have all started on one of the most challenging days ever.

The truth is every day is challenging for me, and everyone in every class. There is no finish line, if you can do ten push-ups today, try for eleven tomorrow. The first two weeks were definitely the most difficult for me. I remember wishing that my truck had an automatic transmission because shifting was so painful. I hurt in places that I didn’t know I had muscles.

Since that first morning my overall health has improved dramatically. I feel that I have made positive and meaningful changes in my life that I can live with long term. I try to follow the PPW (Protein, Produce & Water every 3 hours) concept 95% of the time; however I do allow myself to indulge also. In the past I have been way too strict on myself, causing me to fall off the wagon completely and regain all the weight I would lose along with a few bonus pounds.  Now, if I have cake and ice cream at a birthday party this afternoon I enjoy it and eat a healthy dinner.

As far as exercise goes, I am hooked on boot camp. On the days that we do not have class I  seek out other ways to fill the void. I spent the winter months on snowshoes and am now starting to do some running. I have worked up to the point where I can jog five miles fairly comfortably. I feel that I am a positive person for the most part. I love life and hope that these changes will give me a few extra years of it.

The most important factor for success is anyone’s life is their support structure. Mine is huge and solid as a rock. My wife is a constant source of encouragement. Although I know she would still be there for me if I weighed 500 Lbs., I also know she is pleased to see my overall health improving. Karl’s and Jill’s continuing success and his constant ribbing keep me motivated. Dennis has been so supportive and has encouraged me from day one. The poor man has sacrificed himself as my band-buddy.

Considering the size difference he is incredibly hard to drag across the floor. I am looking forward to doing a 5K with him by the end of the summer. Dean and CJ do an incredible job keeping the workouts fresh and fun. They really do believe in what they are doing and are great at it. I have never met Nancy in person, but according to what I have heard she is a lot like Dean only better at everything she does. (Sorry Dean, but that’s the word on the street)

The entire 5AM class in concord is AWESOME. Thanks for the encouragement and sorry to anyone who has slipped in one of my puddles of sweat. Finally, I would like to thank the five pounds of simulated fat that occasionally shows up for a work out, gets tossed around the room, and motivates us all.

Thanks to everyone, Jeff

Greg Shares How Get Fit NH Bootcamp Makes The Difference!

Although the primary goal of many of our clients is to lose bodyfat and get lean (“lose weight”) it’s not all about what you see from the outside. What is going on inside is just as if not more important. Greg tells us that he is doing both, losing the weight and getting healthier. Take a look at the results from his latest physical.

Keep up the great work Greg!

Hi Nancy,

Hope your having a great time!

Had my physical today and what a difference! Attendance and participation at Boot Camp has certainly impressed my APRN! Weight is down, my blood pressure is 120/78 and my labs are not only normal but looking back has made a drastic change.

  • Fasting glucose is 100, it had been 125 in October 2009.
  • Total Cholesterol is 157, down from 165 last June.
  • HDL 50 (38 last year).
  • LDL 96 (100 last year).
  • Triglycerides 56 (137 last year).

She was impressed with the HDL and Triglycerides!

Next visit we are discussing stopping some of the meds which is one of my goals.

Thanks for giving me an opportunity to improve my health- I realize I do the work but you provide the environment to succeed.

See you Monday,