S3 Success Stories – Cancer Survivor Carol H.

This lady is a true inspiration to everyone who meets her. To see what Carol has achieved since she has been training at Get Fit NH Bootcamp goes well beyond weight loss. To see her gain strength, learn how to balance again, and even win the calf-raises during ladders last week (with 1 and less than 1/2 a calf muscle) is humbling and mind-blowing. Carol is much, much more than a survivor! – Coach Dean

I want to climb a mountain again. For now I will settle for being able to walk to the lacrosse field without limping.

Three years ago I was diagnosed with sarcoma-cancer that threatened to take my leg and my life. I am very fortunate to be working with a wonderful team of doctors who now call me a survivor.  My treatment is complete, and I am now learning the new “normal”. I am finding that the journey involves both physical and psychological challenges.

The physical challenges include long term disabilities related to physical losses, as well as more tangible issues such as chronic pain, fatigue, lymphadema, and nerve damage. Psychologically, cancer is a lonely place and it is difficult to learn the way back.

Last fall I made the decision to reclaim my body, and weight control is an important part of what I needed to do. I had so many issues it was almost overwhelming. So I decided I needed to do one healthy thing and find the best physical solution to manage my symptoms. Cancer survivors are generally expected to live with fatigue, insomnia, and stress.

I find that lack of physical conditioning has a profound effect on how I feel. Before I can accept what cannot be changed I want to heal as well as I can-it is a journey that in so many ways is just now beginning.

When I joined Bootcamp, the activities presented huge challenges for me. At the same time I found the support of the women in my class to be a great strength-the emotional  strength they provide continues to be greater than any of my perceived physical limitations! The S3 Contest came at a perfect time for me: I was in the habit of attending class, I enjoy the socialization, I was having fun, variety is incorporated, I had been meeting some goals…..Now time to actually measure the progress!

I found that documenting my weight and measurements was helpful. Keeping my nutrition log on my kitchen counter was key in managing my eating habits and encouraging myself to choose foods wisely. So I started out to improve my overall health, and now have lost weight, increased my cardiovascular fitness, improved my posture, and have made friends along the way.

My stamina is so much better and I am enjoying life. I have the knowledge, tools, and support to take care of myself. I do have scars that serve to remind me that there is no normal yet, but I am walking to my boys’ lacrosse game without a limp!

– Carol H.

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