Eight Years of Shining

The one and only Deb Kaitz! I asked Deb to be in the spotlight because for 8 years she has been consistent, she works her butt off, she is competitive, she is strong, she is supportive and she keeps us on our toes! I would say Deb is one of the top 10 most competitive people in the gym. We love that about her! Her story is fun, because we weren't all here when she started to see how far she has really come. This woman never turns down a challenge and she rocks her goals. I am so proud of her and she is a true joy to coach! Here is what she has to say...

​"I had actually read about Get Fit when it first opened. I was hesitant to do it because I knew I needed to commit and for me the timing just wasn’t right. When they opened in Concord I thought I would give it a try. They had the two week free trial but I also made sure I was going to commit to giving it a good trial so I prepaid for the following month. 8 years later I am still going strong. In my 8 years I have never missed a day of class just because I didn’t feel like going. For me this is the first training/exercise program that I love. I never get bored as it is ever-changing. Unlike when I was at my other gym. I would go walk on the treadmill and maybe lift weights but never saw any differences in my strength or endurance. 

When I started at Get Fit I had really no upper body strength to speak of. I remember when we used to do testing in class. When we did the pushup test I got 0. I couldn’t do a pushup and in my life I had never been able to do one. Determined to get one I worked on this. And by the second testing day 3 months later I could do more than one pushup. When we moved into the “new gym” that had a pull up bar - again I couldn’t do pull ups but again I set a goal that I would get one pull up by the end of the year and I did. I have always been strong willed and if I set a goal I don’t like to fail. I feel like I set reasonable goals for myself and have been able to hit them.
In the most recent movement challenge I set myself a goal of 50 movements during the month. I looked at what we had to do, did the math and knew exactly what I needed to do to reach that goal. The results for me can’t be measured by my weight because I think I weigh exactly what I did when I started. My results are measured in my strength. I play golf and had to relearn all my distances since joining as each club hits so much further. I am excited to say my Iron’s go about 40 yards further than previously. The other benefits for me would be my skiing improved dramatically and I can climb hills on my bike so much better than before training. If you are going to try it, commit - buy a month. 2 weeks free trial will make you sore from muscles you haven’t used, but too short to see results. COMMIT!

8 years strong! Can you remember what you were doing 8 years ago? She is one of many who have been here for over 8 years and we are SO lucky to have these people train with us. Thank you, Deb for you incredible commitment and fantastic competitive "can-do" attitude. You are a rockstar!

-Coach Meagan

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