Read What Diedre Accomplished in 2010!

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!


I now feel confident that I will live a much longer and healthier life.  Below is a copy of my blood work results  just 6 weeks or so after I started boot camp.  Today (about a year later) I received my latest blood work results:

Start Now Variance
Cholesterol 212 mg/dl 165 mg/dl
47 mg/dl Favorable
Triglycerides 157 mg/dl 79 mg/dl
78 mg/dl Favorable
HDL Cholesterol 49 mg/dl 54.2 mg/dl
5.2 mg/dl Favorable
LDL Cholesterol 132 mg/dl
95 mg/dl 37 mg/dl Favorable

How awesome is that?  If you are able to offer a 5:00pm or 5:30pm class in Concord in 2011 (DONE! 🙂 I will definitely go back to 4 sessions/week and make an even bigger difference in my health.  I have also committed to quit smoking on November 18th of this year, National Smoke-out Day, I have no doubt that will impact my health even more!

Thanks so much for your help, support and patience in this past year.  As you can see you have made a real impact on my overall health.  My Doctor even wrote a comment on her note to me about keeping up with my boot camp.


Jill’s Transformation Story

Get Fit NH client Jill has often taken a backseat as her husband Karl lost an amazing 102 pounds over the last 12 months. But this women has her own amazing story to tell. Prepare to be motivated…

Jill’s Transformation

Jill Before

Jill before starting with Get Fit NH

I have always been heavy, but I haven’t always been huge. And I was huge and unhappy! In middle school I was active and fit. I played softball, karate and cheerleading. In high school I was still into softball and karate, and was coaching 6-7 year old cheer, but the activity level was slowly decreasing and my weight increasing. In college I maintained my weight fairly well. Both my roommates were health conscious and fit, and it helped me maintain, but I was still a size 16.

When I graduated and moved home I tried staying active, but walking every once in a while is not staying active. I really started packing on the weight when Karl and I bought a house and moved in together. Although we shared in the responsibilities of cooking, we ate crap food. We ate what was easy. Pizza, subs, deep fried anything, and we would attempt to justify our bad eating habits with a small side salad smothered in dressing. We would eat in front of the TV and stay on the sofa until bed time, needless to say, we were anything but active.

One of my unsaid reasons for losing weight was to be healthy enough to have children, and to be there for them. In the back of my mind I was scared that I was going to be too fat to do the things I would want to be able to do with my children.

I knew we needed a change, and it had to be something that both of us could attack and stick with. I knew this wasn’t something I would be able to accomplish by myself. I was starting to buy size 20 pants and saw 240 pounds on the scale, and was becoming so uncomfortable in my own skin. I found a Get Fit NH card during a massage from Heidi at Chichester Massage, and checked out the website. It looked like something I could do, but the real test was going to be getting Karl interested. I asked Karl to check out the website, and prayed it was something he was interested in, because we needed something!

Our first class was fun and encouraging. It was a back to basic’s night, filled with lunges and squats. Even though I was paralyzed for the next week, I was having a great time and the 6pmers couldn’t have been more encouraging. It was encouraging to hear Brian and Dr. Dave were sore after that first workout too!

It wasn’t until the S3 competition that Karl and I really started getting serious about what we were eating. Dean and Nancy have been so helpful and supportive between the newsletters, seminars, pep talks before, during and after class, emails and I love the recipes that Dean and Nancy and the rest of the family provide, and I love even more that I have a willing subject to try all these new and different recipes on. If you’d had told me a year ago, that my new favorite dish was going to be Denise’s vegetable lasagna, I’d have told you you’re crazy. Our big change was following the meal plan that Dean and Nancy gave us, without that we would not be seeing the results we’ve seen.

Jill After - December 2010

Jill has a new body AND a new attitude!

I am so much more comfortable in my own skin now. I am liking the way I look and liking how my clothes are fitting. Not that we are ready to start having children, but I feel much more prepared now that I am on the track to reaching my goal weight and knowing how to eat to live. Not live to eat.

People are always asking what our ‘secret’ is, and I find it a little funny that people think it’s a secret.

If you ask anyone how to lose weight they will tell you “be active and eat right.” It’s actually putting that to practice that is the hard part, so I would have to say my ‘secret’ is my determination. I’m determined to meet my goals. I am determined to cook healthy for myself and Karl, and not let his diabetes get the best of him. I am determined to love the way I look!

I am writing this during a recovery week, and realize how much I miss my Get Fit NH family. It’s with their help, and Karl’s support that I’ve been as successful as I’ve been, and know that I can reach my next goal.

My next short term goal is to feel good in a bathing suit in February. Longer goals include losing another 30 pounds, becoming more adventurous with vegetables (Karl’s always been the one who will eat anything – I’ve always been the picky eater) and making sure we are eating them every day, having kids, and loving my life and myself!



Be Like Jill. Become part of the fitness revolution that is truly creating change – Mind and Body. At Get Fit NH results are not automatic, you have to work for it. But our clients are proving every day that you don’t have to settle for second best.

Click Here to Read More Amazing Stories About How Get Fit NH Clients Are Making It Happen Every Day


Get Fit NH Bootcamp Testimonial: Helen Dutton

Helen has done an amazing job recovering from a torn ACL (non-bootcamp related, an extremely freak accident), and I appreciate her gracious testimonial. While injury prevention is of primary concern, we don’t live in a perfect world and things happen. It is amazing what can be achieved with perseverance and a plan – Great Work Helen!

Dean Carlson
Cr8 Health and Fitness
167 New Orchard Road
Epsom, NH 03234

September 21, 2010

Dear Dean:

Yahoo! I am, officially, no longer a patient of Concord Orthopaedics!

As you know, I tore my ACL in February. The initial recommendation was surgery, followed by a six-month rehabilitation period – not something I wanted in my life. Once the surgeon at Concord Orthopaedics saw me, though, he thought my existing strength, immediate physical therapy, and on-going strength training might be able to pull me through without surgery. An ACL cannot be repaired without surgery; the choice is to compensate, primarily through strong quadriceps and hamstrings. I was willing to give it a try.

Our boot camp workouts allowed me to cut the number of physical therapy appointments by 50% and more. My physical therapist was very impressed with your attentiveness, the precautions you made me take, and the workout modifications you created. On one occasion, she told me that she had “complete confidence” in your support of my rehabilitation.

Yesterday, I had my last appointment with the orthopedic surgeon. As he physically assessed my knee and asked me questions, he kept shaking his head as if to say “I can’t believe it.” He chuckled a couple of times, too, in obvious delight over what I had accomplished. Honestly, I wish you could have been there – you were a crucial part of that success.

Thanks to you and the boot camp regime, I am cleared for trying just about anything I want (okay, okay – within reason. Promise.). I am grateful for your careful attention to my injury rehab and will continue to recommend you to family, friends, and colleagues.

Best regards,

Helen Dutton

Cc: BNI Members and Guests and Get Fit NH Boot Camp Clients

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