Get Fit NH Bootcamp Testimonial: Helen Dutton

Helen has done an amazing job recovering from a torn ACL (non-bootcamp related, an extremely freak accident), and I appreciate her gracious testimonial. While injury prevention is of primary concern, we don’t live in a perfect world and things happen. It is amazing what can be achieved with perseverance and a plan – Great Work Helen!

Dean Carlson
Cr8 Health and Fitness
167 New Orchard Road
Epsom, NH 03234

September 21, 2010

Dear Dean:

Yahoo! I am, officially, no longer a patient of Concord Orthopaedics!

As you know, I tore my ACL in February. The initial recommendation was surgery, followed by a six-month rehabilitation period – not something I wanted in my life. Once the surgeon at Concord Orthopaedics saw me, though, he thought my existing strength, immediate physical therapy, and on-going strength training might be able to pull me through without surgery. An ACL cannot be repaired without surgery; the choice is to compensate, primarily through strong quadriceps and hamstrings. I was willing to give it a try.

Our boot camp workouts allowed me to cut the number of physical therapy appointments by 50% and more. My physical therapist was very impressed with your attentiveness, the precautions you made me take, and the workout modifications you created. On one occasion, she told me that she had “complete confidence” in your support of my rehabilitation.

Yesterday, I had my last appointment with the orthopedic surgeon. As he physically assessed my knee and asked me questions, he kept shaking his head as if to say “I can’t believe it.” He chuckled a couple of times, too, in obvious delight over what I had accomplished. Honestly, I wish you could have been there – you were a crucial part of that success.

Thanks to you and the boot camp regime, I am cleared for trying just about anything I want (okay, okay – within reason. Promise.). I am grateful for your careful attention to my injury rehab and will continue to recommend you to family, friends, and colleagues.

Best regards,

Helen Dutton

Cc: BNI Members and Guests and Get Fit NH Boot Camp Clients

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