Clean Up The Clutter

“Out of clutter, find simplicity” Albert Einstein

Its January already. Yes, I know it is the second week of February but that is the thought that went through my mind at the beginning of the year. Is there any one else like that?

I thought so.

Christmas and New Years are filled with fun, family, outings, shopping, and parties. Its crazy busy and all of a sudden January steps in. For most people life slows down just a bit but not for me. January is one of our busiest times of the year. Knowing this, Dean and I had to simplify life. Our physical training had to be simple. We didn’t want it to get pushed to the side.

With all the busyness we made that area simple for us. Out goal? 10,000 Kettle Bell Swings by the end of the month. One dynamic, taxing, exhausting exercise for one month. We easily broke down the number we had to finish each week and each day to get to 10,000.

What in the world does that have to do with you?

Well……. Are you busy? Is your plate full driving here with the kids? Getting to work? A Social life? Adding in time for the love of your life?

Get Fit NH Bootcamp is able to take a piece of your life and simplify it. The training provided at bootcamp is designed by professionals – us. Using the knowledge we’ve accumulated (and continue to do so) we carefully plan out each training day. Not only is the training well balanced within the week, it is also balanced to effectively fit into a year plan. We’ve made it a no-brainer- You get in and get it done.

According to the Mayo Clinic:

  • Exercise improves your mood-  Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed than you were before you worked out.
  • Exercise combats chronic disease- Regular physical activity can help you prevent — or manage — high blood pressure. Your cholesterol will benefit, too. This one-two punch keeps your blood flowing smoothly by lowering the buildup of plaques in your arteries.
  • Exercise helps you manage your weight-
  • Exercise boosts your energy level- Physical activity delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues. In fact, regular physical activity helps your entire cardiovascular system — the circulation of blood through your heart and blood vessels — work more efficiently. Big deal? You bet! When your heart and lungs work more efficiently, you’ll have more energy to do the things you enjoy.
  • Exercise promotes better sleep
  • Exercise can put the spark back into your sex life
  • Exercise can be Fun! ( I didn’t say that, Mayo Clinic did, we just make it happen)

The end result of getting your physical training from Get Fit NH Bootcamp?

You can relax knowing your training is thought out in advance. You have a time, a place and people who care about you. You reap a multitude of benefits the whole day long.

To your best health,

Coach Nancy

By the way I finished with 10,046 Swings in January! 🙂

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