End of Summer Cookout and Contest

“Riddle me this and Riddle me that.”

Where can you find  terrific people to hang out with?

Fantastic Food that is fabulous for you?

Along with a contest where you become the judge?

The End of the Summer Get Fit NH Cookout of course!

Date: Saturday, August 20, 2011

Place: Get Fit NH Epsom

Time: 4:00pm – 7:00pm

Investment: Get Fit NH is providing the main course but you can all bring a side dish to enter into the contest.

‘And the contest?’ I’m so glad you asked!

Super Side Sensations is an honorary, award – winning, national, really special, you’ll probably be interviewed by 60 Minutes (well maybe not) title given to the person or family that prepares the best side dish for the End of Summer Cookout!

Before we dig into the food everyone will be given a judging sheet to score the Super Side Sensation. Each dish will be scored for presentation and taste. Please bring copies of the recipe to share.

To qualify for the contest each entry should be a recipe that will support your bootcamp training. Hint: protein and produce are high on the list.

So not only will you enjoy a wonderful cookout with friends, you might win the Super Side Sensation Title, and you’ll walk away with more recipes to try throughout the year.

Please let us know how many you are bringing (please bring the family) so we can make sure we have enough!

Cookout and Contest 
Please let us know you are coming!


Tell Your Friends!