Get Fit NH Pullup and Pushup Projects Are Here!

newlabellogosmallThere are two exercise movements that it seems just about everyone wants to get better at.

In fact when writing year end goals these two showed up more often than any other subject. In fact they are on my goal sheet as well.

Pushups and Pullups.

There is something about these two that drives us. They are basic tests of strength and endurance – “How many pullups can you do?”

To that end we have put a training program together for each of these two. They are designed to be integrated into your 4-day training split on the opposite end of the day that you train. In other words if you are training in the morning do them at night and vice-versa. You can also do them before or after your training while you are in the gym, just understand that is gonna be harder.

Under no circumstance should they be done on non-training days.


Ummm, it has to do with the “non-training” part. 🙂 Seriously though it gives your body a better chance for full recovery, and that is what it takes to get better, so don’t break the rules. My program, my rules!

Important Note:  When you request a copy of the pushup program you will also receive the pullup program. I highly recommend you don’t do the pushup program alone. While it is possible, it is not recommended you take on that much pushing with no pulling to balance out your joints. While you can do some horizontal pulling (rows) to accomplish this, you know you want to get better at pullups too, so why not take on both?

I know pullups are hard, and doing both of these programs will be challenging, but keeping your body in balance and your joints healthy is way more important in the long run than how many pushups you can do.

As stressed in the directions, be patient and follow the program precisely. Focus on quality of movement. No one is impressed by ugly pushups!

Read through the entire program and all the worksheets before starting. Doing so will answer 99.9% of your questions. Your coaches will be glad to help you with the rest.

Work hard, have fun, and Make It Happen!
Coach Dean

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