Get Fit NH’s Latest Equipment – The Lifesaving AED

At Get Fit NH Bootcamp we have a wide variety of training equipment to keep your training fun, innovative and effective. Our latest equipment won’t help you get stronger, faster or leaner, but it may be the most important piece of equipment we have ever invested in.

As you enter both of our facilities you will now see a cabinet on the wall that contains an AED, or Automatic External Defibrillator. If you have taken a CPR course recently, more than likely AED training was included.

What does an AED do?

Lord willing nothing ever.

But in the event of a cardiac emergency, An AED is a device that analyzes and looks for shockable heart rhythms, advises the rescuer of the need for defibrillation and delivers a shock if needed.

AED’s are becoming more common in the workplace and other public places as costs have decreased. We were able to purchase our AED’s through a program administered by the State of NH at a greatly reduced cost compared to even a couple of years ago, when they were extremely expensive.

These devices required a physician to sign, much like a prescription, and we have submitted paperwork that inform local EMS of their presence and location within our facilities.

If you have never received CPR/AED training, I would urge you to look at the following resources for more information.

American Heart Association

American Red Cross

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