I Dare you to Discover and Share your Why

Why?What is your why?

Today I want to make you think a little bit. I want you to think about why you walked into Get Fit NH. Where did you find us? Who told you about us? What sparked you to finally put your foot down and register for that two week trial? How did you know Get Fit NH was the perfect fit for you? Why did you adopt Get Fit NH into your life?

Do you know the answers to those questions?

Maybe some of them, but I want you to dig deep here. Maybe you have grandchildren who you want to watch grow up and get married and maybe even have great grandchildren. Maybe you are tired of spending hundreds of dollars on medications that can be cured with a little discipline in the kitchen and in the gym. Maybe you wanted a challenge…but why? Maybe you wanted to get stronger…but why?

If your why is big enough nothing will stand in your way.  This week I challenge you to declare your why and post it in a place where you will see it every day.

 Also share your “Why?” below – The power of team and accountability is huge!

I’ll go first: I train to be a strong which gives me my independence. I train to be lean which saves me money on Dr. visits. I train to feel confident and to feel self worth. I train to set the example for my family. I train to live.

-Coach Meagan

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