Independence Day

I remember clearly our nation’s bicentennial celebration in 1976. I was nine years old, and we went as a family to Webster Park in Epsom, where I grew up (and still live). I remember the red, white and blue streamers, the parade floats, and the displays. It really was a celebration, and as a small kid in a small town, it made an impression on me that lives to this day. I didn’t really know anything about democrats or republicans, or liberals and conservatives.

I just knew that we were Americans, and that was worth celebrating.

As I have grown older things have changed. My worldview has developed, and as an adult we see things through different eyes. There are issues I feel very strongly on, and will defend just as strongly. The fact that I live in a country where I can hold an opposing viewpoint without fear of imprisonment or death is one I do not take lightly, and I am grateful for those who have defended and still defend our liberties every day.

This Independence Day we are celebrating the 235th anniversary of a Declaration that the signers knew may very well be a death sentence. These men were not all friends, and there was much rancor and debate in the writing of that document. But these men were wise enough to put aside their differences and settled on the principles that would change the course of history, not just for them, but for those of us who follow.

Do we have the same courage, strength of character, and wisdom?

Time will tell, but on this 4th of July I am longing for the simplicity of the celebration of that day 35 years ago.

And tell you I am proud to be an American.

Happy 4th of July!



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