Let’s talk CARBS

Although carbs  often  get  a  bad  rap  when  it  comes  to  eating  healthy,  it  is actually the  macronutrient  that  is  recommended  you  eat  the  most  of! Understanding  what  carbohydrates are, how they work in the body and which foods you should eat to get the  right kinds  of  carbohydrates will  help  you  make  more  informed  food  choices and  support your overall health. 

What are carbohydrates? 

Carbohydrates are the main energy source of the body. Carbohydrates provide your body  with glucose (also known as blood sugar). Maintaining glucose levels is very important for  optimum bodily function and ensuring you have the energy you need on a daily basis. 

Carbohydrates  fall into  two different categories: complex carbs and simple carbs. This is  an important distinction  to make, as  they  both contribute  to  bodily  function in different  ways.  You  should  always  aim  to  focus  your  carbohydrate  intake  on  complex  carbs because they keep you fuller for longer and are generally higher in fiber than simple carbs.  Complex carbs also don’t spike your blood sugar in the way simple carbs can. 

How many carbohydrates do you need? 

It’s important to know how much of this macronutrient you actually need on a daily basis  to help you feel your best. The general rule of thumb is that carbs should make up about  45-65% of your calorie intake for the day. Again, it is important that most of these come  from  complex  carbohydrates  to  help  you  stay  fuller  for  longer.  Your  body  relies  on  carbohydrates  first  and  foremost  for  any  energy  expenditure  during  workouts or  other  daily activities.  


Complex Carbs VS Simple Carbs

Complex Carbs

Carbs made up of sugar molecules  that are in long, complex chains,  which take longer to digest. These  help keep blood sugar levels  regulated. 

• Vegetables 

• Whole Grains 

• Beans, Legumes 

• Sweet potatoes 

• Quinoa

Simple Carbs

Carbs typically found in processed or refined sugars and  are broken down quickly by the  body. These tend to make blood  sugar spike.  

• White Bread or Pasta

 • Soda/Juice 

• Sugar (white or brown)

• Honey 

• Fruits  

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