Life Is More Than Showing Up

I have heard it said that “Showing up is half the battle”, and while that may be true you still have to do something once you get there to achieve victory.

You can have plans out the wazoo, but if you don’t implement them, you aren’t going to get very far.

I was reminded of this as Nancy and I head down to Louisville (Jamaica -yeah right!) for a coaching conference today. It is the fifth time I have been to Louisville, and every time I come back with a tremendous amount of “actionable” information on coaching and business.

Every year the hosts of the event hand out a book with outlines of all the presentations and workshops. I can look over my left shoulder right now and see the ones from past trips.

Here’s a couple questions for you: Does having that manual on my bookshelf make my coaching any better? Does that 300 page book cause my skills to improve and our business to serve our clients better?

No, and No.

Because if I don’t take action on the information in those books, a tree got cut down for nothing – just a big waste.

I’ll admit that my shelf is littered with business books that did me no good for years, because I read them, put them back on the shelf, and did nothing about it. Until I stopped chasing “shiny objects”, the latest and greatest theory or method, I never got anything done, and my training business floundered.

When I think back on it I give a lot of credit to Danno (Dan Yeaton) for getting me off my duff. I was training a few clients one-on-one, and he kept asking me to do an early morning class. Finally we did the one thing that changed everything. We set a stake in the ground and set a date and time of May 8, 2008 at 5:00am for our first Get Fit NH Bootcamp training session, and then we actually held the class – action was taken!

While taking that step didn’t guarantee the measure of success we have had, without it there would be no Get Fit NH Bootcamp.

So what does that mean to you?

Are you distracted by shiny objects? I see many people who want to lose weight get distracted by the shiny objects of the diet industry, reading book after book, watching show after show, and never getting around to doing anything.

What is the one thing you are going to do today that will make a measurable difference to your goals?

Don’t just think about it…

Make It Happen!

Coach Dean

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