Living Out “Make It Happen”

I was given “Robert Ringer’s 20 Life- Guiding Principles” to read. He compiles a list of 20 sayings that he uses to focus his life and direct his activities.

There were a few on this list that hit home.

His number 12 fits right in with Get Fit NH’s motto – “Make It Happen”

It states“Never fall into the trap of waiting for something to happen. Make it happen.”

The first time reading through the list, I paused only because he used our saying. Get Fit NH embraces the fact that we can all make it happen, no excuses.

But as I read over the list again, I really had to stop.

The first part of this principle has us not falling into the trap of waiting.

Do I do that? What does that look like? How can it be avoided?

Yes I do that, and I think we all do.

We’ll start an activity or set a goal and for the first few days, maybe even weeks we strive and work at it. We might see some progress. But then for some unknown reason to us, we slowly let go of that passion. Eventually a month or two down the road we figure that avenue didn’t work so we try something else.

We start something new, see some progress, and then let it pass into oblivion.

And we do the same thing over and over, expecting a different result – “this time”.

This phenomenon could be related to our business growth, our job, our training, or our nutrition.

I’ve worked with many clients who for a week maybe even two will log food, eat PPW3, and drink plenty of water. They really are making it happen! They see some changes in their energy levels, their body composition improves, and they might see the numbers on the scale move.

The momentum should cause us to kick it into high gear, but only a few do.  In fact many of us do the opposite, we get distracted and our progress slows, and we are left wondering what went wrong.

In our minds, because there is still activity going on, we expect things to keep progressing.

I mean I am not doing it exactly like I was that was giving me these great results, but it’s close enough, right?

Just going through the motions won’t help. It is consistent application of what I know, over a period of time, that is going to get me to where I want to go.

We can read all the books, monitor all the blogs, and go to all the meetings, but I can tell you first hand our continuous quest for more knowledge is a trap.

The trap of seeing but not doing, of knowing but not applying.

Don’t believe me? Ask your co-workers, family, or friends; to see how many of them have a cookbook relating to some particular diet plan? Ask them if they read the basic principles and did the diet.

It’s human nature not to like being told what to do, at least for very long.

Before I was a trainer I remember this “diet” I was on.

I went shopping for all the specific foods, cooked everything just like they said for one week. The second week, I kind of did the plan but tweaked it to suit my needs, the third week I continued to tweak it myself because the family needed me too. The fourth week looked nothing like the first but I was still doing it. And slowly I fell into a trap. I thought I was doing it but I wasn’t.

It really had nothing to do with the plan – it had everything to do with me.

So how do you continue to make it happen? How can I stick to the plan?

With your training at Get Fit NH we do the planning for you. As long as you continue to come you will move forward in your fitness goals.

The “Other 165” are a bit more difficult.

How do you continue moving forward at breakfast, lunch, the times out with friends, and on the weekend?

Its all in the plan and the planning.

  1. Keeping our goals in front of us so we see them daily.
  2. Writing out a plan to reach our goals.
  3. Bringing others to your aide to hold you accountable and motivate you.
  4. Admit you need help and ask a professional is a site we have created to help you. We’ve put tools at your finger tips. Tons of information, videos, and testimonials are a button away.

You have to make it happen. Each day doing what it takes to get there. Don’t stop when you reach the 1/2 way point.

Keep getting better – keep moving ahead.

Have you enrolled in our Goal Achievement Program yet? The only cost is 5 or 10 minutes of your time to write down what you want to achieve over the next 4 weeks, and submit an action plan to get there. Don’t underestimate the power of written goals. This program will move you forward, but so don’t wait for it, Make It Happen!

But we don’t want you to fall into the trap that because you signed up for TheOther165, you will magically transform in 2 weeks or less.

Enroll in the Goal Achievement Program Here

To your best health,

Coach Nancy

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