Name This Person Shining in the Spotlight

Hidden in every training time is a Get Fit NH peep that has a special way with words. I’ve chosen to hide this person’s identity because my goal is to have you be inspired by what they say, not necessarily by the person (although they are pretty awesome too!).

What does "balance" mean to you in training and in nutrition?

I think balance is a mix of adherence and flexibility. When I think about the times when I've been most success in meeting my goals, I strictly adhere to my habits (of all sorts), but also use a range of good options so that I can react to whatever life throws my way. An unexpected late afternoon meeting with a student? No problem. My husband who has an extra-busy day at work? No problem. I can go to the 6pm vs. the 4pm training at Get Fit NH. Whatever meal I've planned suddenly sounds completely yucky? No worries, I know that I have a plan B, and can move on to something that sounds better--but still works nutritionally--for dinner than night.

The trick for me is not embracing the flexibility part too much! If I stay totally focused and don’t allow any flexibility I tend to fall and fall hard. Staying flexible within a positive range of choices is key.

I tend to fall down a slippery slope when I've leaned too far off to one I stay ‘more or less’ on a middle-ground as much as possible.

Tell us ONE small way in which you will try to achieve "balance" in your life, today.

Well, today is a good example of working to achieve balance in my life today (with the help of flexible training). I was supposed to train yesterday, but as I looked at my week I realized that it wasn't going to work. Instead of not getting a second gym time in, and becoming "unbalanced", I found a way to train today (thank you!). Even though it's not an ideal situation, it is going to work.

Balance today = morning training, parenting throughout the day, finishing up my work for the week when the kids are in bed.

Balance today = not necessarily getting to do the things I need to do when I'd prefer to do them, but doing them anyway.

Adherence with flexibility creates balance.

This anonymous Get Fit NH-goer could be the person who trains right next to you. They might be able to help you on the gym floor with encouragement but they might be able to give you a little piece of encouragement to take with you as you go. You won’t know until you ask. Find out more about who trains next to you each day. Find out what they do to help them Make It Happen.

Don’t forget the take home truth: adherence with flexibility creates balance.

Keep making it happen,
Coach Nancy

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