One more spotlight for the year

The spotlight is shining bright on the one and only Mama B! That’s right- Coach Meagan’s mom- Lisa Baron! Since joining Get Fit NH just over a year ago I have had the opportunity to watch my mother’s body, mood, and health change drastically. She is leaner than I have ever remembered, stronger than I have ever seen her and HAPPY with her results. I am so proud of my mom and I am so glad she took a leap of faith and walked through the doors. Here is what she has to say about her journey.

“I chose to check out Get Fit NH. because I was desperate to work out again- but NOT get hurt again. I needed real coaching plus I was encouraged by a certain daughter/coach! After my first two weeks I learned how much I missed group training. I found both the coaches and the clients to be so supportive. I had done kickboxing when my kids were younger and tried working with a trainer at Planet Fitness a few years ago, but both lead me to injury. My main concern was protecting my back. I had tried a whole year of seeing a chiropractor religiously and had no luck. Massage therapy was incredibly helpful, but unrealistic to keep up with treatment financially. I love Get Fit NH because I have had great results. I feel great. Even when my shoulder was “frozen” I never missed a training session. I was very grateful for all of the modifications that the coaches provided. Since starting Get Fit NH I have lost over 25 pounds and have successfully kept it off. The results were slow at first, but after my first 21 day detox and changing my eating habits the results came quick! After years of Prilosec and Tums I have not had to take either since the first detox- what a discovery that was! My one regret is that I did not keep track of inches- I know I have lost there because I am definitely down a few sizes”

There you have it. Another story of real life results. Here is my tip for you- it took me a couple of years to talk my mom into walking through the doors of Get Fit NH. She had a lot of excuses NOT to join (time, money, distance…) I didn’t give up, because I am confident that what we do here actively creates happy and healthy! What more could I want for the people I love? Who have you given up on? Spread the word. Help us create happy and healthy- together we can save lives!

-Coach Meagan

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