Breaking Down the FMS – Shoulder Mobility (SM)

This week we are going to discuss Shoulder Mobility in the Functional Movement Screen(FMS).  The Shoulder Mobility screen can reveal limitations in the shoulder, scapula, thoracic spine and lumbopelvic (low back and hip) area.

Limited Shoulder Mobility can be caused by a number of factors.  The most common is poor posture.  Many of us sit hunched over at a desk with our shoulders rolled forward and our head reaching out.  This improper alignment causes a decrease in thoracic mobility and muscular imbalances.

When there is a lack of Shoulder Mobility on the FMS we limit overhead pressing during training (as in – we don’t do any -ed.).  This is important because if you don’t have the shoulder mobility to properly reach your arms overhead then you are going to achieve the movement through mobility in the low back.  The low back is not where you want to be getting the movement from – ouch!

scapular movement

Besides the FMS shoulder mobility screen, another way to see if you have the proper shoulder mobility to be pressing overhead is to see how your low back responds to overhead extension. Start by standing up against a wall.  Your feet can be about a foot away from the wall but your back has to be flat up against the wall.  Lift your arms up straight, palms facing each other and try to touch the wall with your thumbs.  Your low back should not come off the wall.  If it does then this shows that in order to lift your arms overhead you are relying on mobility from your low back.  Over time this can lead to low back injuries, and adding injury to injury is not good!

Nancy Shoulder exercise

So how do you increase Shoulder Mobility?  Great question!  You work on your personalized exercises on a regular basis.  You can’t just rely on doing them in training.  You must commit to doing them on your own as well.  Set aside 5-10 minutes a day at least five days a week to do these exercises. Our starting point for increasing shoulder mobility is to work on thoracic (upper back) mobility, as this is often a cause of the restrictions mentioned previously. This is so important that we often build the following two movements into our warmups for all our students.

SGT Guys – Open Book

SGT Guys – Quadraped Reachback

Do 5 reps on both sides of each exercise – every day would be ideal, but any is better than none!

Dedicated to getting better together,

Coach Erin

Breaking Down the FMS – ASLR

IMG_0870A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the purpose of the Functional Movement Screen and why we screen you first before we train you. Over the next several weeks, I want to go a little deeper into each one of the seven movements and share:

  1. The purpose of each screen and what we are looking for.
  2. How it relates to your daily life and your training goals (get stronger, lose weight, feel better, etc.)
  3. What we do when the screen reveals a movement pattern that we want to address.

This week we are going to talk about the Active Straight Leg Raise (ASLR). While we are going to figure out really quickly if you have tight hamstrings using this screen, that is just one thing we are looking for. This simple assessment actually tells us quite a few things.

For instance, while we are assessing the mobility of the leg being lifted, we are also watching the bottom leg. We are looking to see if you have the ability to move one leg while keeping the other one still. The ASLR can also reveal issues with core stability.

Limited mobility or stability with the Active Straight Leg Raise can be caused by many factors. It may be because you sit at a desk all day which causes muscular imbalances. Genetics, age and sex can be factors. Unbalanced or inappropriate training over the long term can also contribute.

So what can we do about it? I am glad you asked!

As with all movement patterns we have three choices:

  1. We can train it, which in this gym is not an option.
  2. We can avoid it, which is appropriate at times.
  3. We can work on improving it, which is almost always appropriate. The exception is when there is pain, in which case we are going to refer you out to be evaluated by a qualified practitioner.

That’s why your personalized exercises are so important. We want you to be able to train at the highest level possible, but even more than that, we want you to remain injury free. You can’t train as hard or at all if you are injured, and if you aren’t training you, won’t reach your goals. Injury prevention first!

For instance, we know if we let you do Kettlebell Swings with a yellow band you are actually going to get worse, not better, so we do something else while we work on clearing the ASLR screen. It just makes sense!

Click these links for an example of one of the personalized exercises we would give some of our students to help improve the ASLR.

Bent Knee Leg Lowering (.pdf)

Bent Knee Leg Lowering (video)

We want you to improve as quickly as possible, so if you currently have a yellow band, practicing these is a great idea. As always, if you have any questions or need a coach to help you with this movement pattern, please let one of the coaching team know

Make it happen,

Coach Erin

Recovery Week Reminder and a Huge Thank-You

smiley.jpgJust a reminder that next week is our next scheduled recovery week from regular training, but there is still a lot going on around here. Now is the time to schedule your FMS rescreen and/or body composition analysis. The coaches in Concord are ready, willing and able to get that done, so take advantage of it while you can.

If you are new to the concept of recovery weeks (or need a reminder) please click here to learn all about why recovery is so important.

I want to take this opportunity to personally thank-you for choosing to train with Get Fit NH. We are a family owned and operated business, and you are truly an extension of that family. Every day we get to do what we love to do because of you. Please continue to dream big and then chase those dreams hard.

Make It Happen!


Recovery Week August 31st-September 6th
Monday through Friday
FMS Rescreens and Body Comp Analysis
By Appointment

Monday September 7th
All Family Labor Day Training in Concord.


Train, Earn $50! It’s the 50 Workout Challenge.


Are you ready for the longest and most exciting phase of the year!? When we return from recovery week on September 7th we will be kicking off a 15 week cycle! It is crazy to think that our next recovery week will take us right to up to Christmas. Are you ready for another New Hampshire winter?

If we have another white out like we did last year then you will need to keep your snow shoveling muscles intact and we have JUST the challenge to help you make sure of that. Between September 7th and December 18th you will have about 56 opportunities to train- so here is what you gotta do…

Your challenge is to train 50 times between September 7th and December 18th! There is a very specific sequence that needs to take place in order to make sure you earn your reward:


  1. Get your “50 workout challenge” card initialed by a coach every time you come in (Not the next day, because you forgot! The very same day!)
  2. Check in at Get Fit NH on Facebook every time you train. We will be checking that before we sign your card. Not Facebook Savvy? No worries, we will help you out!
  3. ONLY ONE training session per day will count toward your goal.
  4. Complete 50 training session by December recovery week, turn your card in by no later than January 7th, and you win!

Why are the rules so specific and strict, you ask? GREAT QUESTION! The answer is because if you get your card filled up with coach’s initials and you check in 50 times at Get Fit NH on Facebook then YOU will get rewarded with $50! That’s right- EVERYONE who makes this happen gets a $50 credit on their account to go toward protein power, Dale Bars, Myoplex, fish oil, etc!

Don’t worry we will shout out the check in reminder and initial reminder, but without those two pieces we can’t help you win the prize.

Even more important than the bonus on your account is what those 50 training sessions will do to make you lose fat, gain muscle and look and feel great!

Want to up it even another notch? Take a picture of yourself on the first Monday of September, October, November and December, and post it with your check-in. You’ll not only keep yourself accountable, but you’ll be able to watch all the great progress you are making. It’s a double bonus!

Let’s get in it to win it!

Coach Meagan

Coach Dean’s Oven Pulled Pork Recipe

spices.jpgThis is a really simple recipe, but it takes two special tools that you may not have.

  1. An in-oven thermometer like this one
  2. Patience:)

We have been buying our Pork Butts (also known as Pork Shoulder) at Sam’s Club. There are two in a package and weigh 5-7 pounds each. For our family we cook one at a time and we get quite a few meals out of it. One of my favorites is to reheat a couple ounces of pork in a skillet with a couple of eggs for breakfast.

The first thing you are going to do is brine your pork shoulder at least overnight. Mix 2 quarts of cold water, 1/2 cup salt, 2 bay leaves and 3 tbsp of your dry rub mix (recipe to follow). Drop in your pork shoulder, and add a bit more water if it’s not totally submersed in the brine solution. Pop on the lid and stick it in the fridge.

When you are ready to cook:

Preheat the oven to 225 degrees. While it is heating up remove the pork shoulder from the brine solution, rinse in cold water, then pat dry with a towel. Put fat side down in a large roasting pan. A lot of fat will render out of the pork, so you need room in the pan to accommodate. Reserve 3 tbsp of your dry rub, and use the rest to completely coat the pork (yes, you actually do rub it lovingly onto the meat so it sticks). You start on the bottom, coat the sides, and end with the fat cap up to roast.

Insert the probe from the thermometer into the center of the thickest portion of the shoulder, being careful not to touch bone, as that will throw off the reading. Put the shoulder into the oven, and set the alarm on the thermometer to go off when it reaches 200 degrees.

Now comes the patience part. 🙂

Depending on the weight of the shoulder it can take up to 8 hours or more for the internal temp to reach 200 degrees. When we cook two at a time it can take 10-12 hours or more. You don’t have to do anything, you just have to wait. You also need to start pretty early in the morning. 🙂

When the internal temperature reaches 200 degrees (we are talking Fahrenheit here) turn the oven off and let the internal temperature cool to 170 degrees. This can take an additional 2 to 3 hours or more. When it hits 170 it is ready to pull!

When I pull the shoulder I take out another roasting pan, grab a couple forks, and get to work. If you were patient and followed the directions the meat should fall off the bone. Use the forks to shred completely, then mix in the reserved spice rub and try not to eat it all at once!

Many cooks remove the fat cap off the top before shredding. If you want to reduce the amount of fat that is the way to go. I usually don’t, but do what feels right to you.

I probably made this sound more complicated than it really is. The rub takes less than 10 minutes to make. The brine process even less time. For our summer party I spent 10 minutes getting the shoulder into the fridge Thursday night, got up a few minutes early Friday morning before I drove into the 5:00am class to stick it into the oven, and pulled it at about 7:30 Friday night. Actual hands on time was somewhere in the 30-45 minute range, including putting it into containers and refrigerating for the next day.

Does it take some patience? Absolutely.

Is it worth it? Well y’all begged me to put up the recipe, so I think we know the answer to that as well! 🙂

Promise me one thing though, don’t ruin it by putting some yucky commercial barbecue sauce on it. That is practically blasphemy! Eat it as is or make yourself one of these two great sauces:

Pulled Pork Mustard Sauce (Nancy’s Favorite)

  • 1 cup prepared yellow mustard
  • 1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tbsp brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon cayenne


Mix all ingredients together and simmer over a low heat for 30 minutes. If your making this sauce for a whole hog multiple the ingredients by about 8. Makes about 2 cups

Southern Vinegar Sauce for Pulled Pork (Dean’s Favorite)

  • 1 cup butter
  • 1/2 cup vinegar
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 5 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper


Melt margarine in a sauce pan. Add lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, honey, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil. Remove from heat. Stir in vinegar and allow to cool. Makes about 1 1/2 cups

Coach Dean’s Dry Rub Recipe

As promised here is the dry rub recipe I use. Ingredient amount listed are for one shoulder, so if you are cooking two just double it and you will have plenty.



  • 1 tbsp ground cumin
  • 1 tbsp garlic powder
  • 1 tbsp onion powder
  • 1 tbsp chili powder
  • 1 tbsp cayenne pepper
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 1 tbsp ground pepper
  • 1 tbsp paprika
  • 1/4 brown sugar

Note: not being a big fan of sugar, I tried the rub without it, and it’s just too spicy for my (and the kids) taste. You don’t need a lot of brown sugar, but it does take the edge off and creates a great flavor.

Let me know how it turns out for you!

Get Fit NH coaches add title of nutrition ‘Supercoach’ to already impressive resumes

sheildlogo.Dean and Nancy Carlson earn Masters Level 2 nutrition certification

Get Fit NH has been offering award winning group fitness training at their locations in Concord
and Epsom for more than seven years. In addition to their popular group fitness training, they
also offer comprehensive nutritional counseling.

Get Fit NH Coaches Dean and Nancy Carlson recently completed Precision Nutrition’s Level 2
Master Class, a year long program which provides coaches with tools to allow them to “go
deeper” into truly understanding what motivates, drives, and empowers their clients to improve
their lives. The focus of the course was on real world nutritional challenges and solutions. The
course had both a theory component and a practice component in which coaches were given
specific real world nutritional challenges and they practiced how they would help clients deal
with them. The course encouraged participants to focus on their own growth and develop their
own unique coaching style. Coaches who successfully complete the course earn the title of

“Going through this course, as challenging as it was, really helped me feel more confident in my
ability to help all our clients — from all walks of life — achieve their own goals through the
power of nutrition. Given the world we live in, clients need that help and care more than ever. I
can’t begin to express how much I enjoy changing lives and truly making a difference,” Nancy

With this nutritional certification, Get Fit NH offers clients a powerful one­two punch. Get Fit NH
teaches clients that the way to success is through training as well as nutrition. In combination
with their Smart Group Training certification earned this past year, which enables them to
provide a focused, personalized, safe training program for each client, the supercoaches at Get
Fit NH now have all the best tools in their arsenal to help clients eat better, exercise smarter,
and improve their health.

In 2015 Get Fit NH was voted best Boot Camp by New Hampshire Public Television; for the last 7 Years, Hippo
Press voters have honored Get Fit NH as a “Best Of” in the Best Gym category, this year being voted “Best of the
Best” gym in all of New Hampshire for the third year in a row. Also this year, Coach Nancy Carlson received “Best of
the Best” Fitness Instructor honors for the fourth time since 2010. Get Fit NH’s success is due to their continuous
drive to do what it takes to make their clients better. They offer the support of group fitness training, nutrition
coaching, and fitness and nutrition seminars at its locations in Concord and Epsom. Call 344­2651 today to make it
happen for you.

Athlete Academy Fall Semester Starts September 12, 2015

photo (12)We just finished up an incredibly successful summer session at the Get Fit NH Athlete Academy, and we are gearing up for fall!

As we get back into the swing of school and fall sports we know it’s a busy time, but so many of our families have asked us for in-season training we had to respond. Our burden is to help our athletes reduce their potential for injury while maintaining their off-season gains. It is a careful balance of training and recovery that will help keep the athlete healthy and active, not run down and tired.

Our athletes are required to sign and follow the GFNH Code of Expectations. Failure to live up to these expectations can lead to dismissal from the Academy, so please read carefully and be willing to follow. Download your copy here.

The Fall Semester will start Saturday September 12, 2015 and run through Saturday December 19th. Training will be from 8:00am until 9:15am. Each athlete will have a program that is customized for their needs in addition to the Saturday training that they will do on their own. Examples would include an additional strength day, specific mobility work, or recovery training. Each athlete will have an online log as well as a private group the athlete, parents and coaches will have access to.

We are excited to get this program going. Coach Adam has done a tremendous job this summer, and we are looking forward to working with y’all all year round!

Space is limited, so please don’t delay getting in on the action.

If you have any questions please contact us here or give us a call at 344-2651. See you soon!

GFNH Athlete Academy Fall Semester (13+)

Assessment: To be completed by Wednesday September 9, 2015 (New Athletes Only)
Dates: September 12, 2015 – December 19, 2015
Days: Saturday
Time :8:00am – 9:15am
Place: Get Fit NH Concord
Fall Semester Tuition: $269

Please fill out the registration form below to hold your spot, and we will contact you shortly to complete the registration process.

PLEASE NOTE: There is an updated profile and release form we need all athletes and parents/guardians to complete. Thank-you.

Giant Family Group Labor Day Training

You won’t want to miss this! group

Monday, September 7th we will be FRESH off of recovery week. Chances are you will be itching to get back in here so that you can continue getting better. We gotchya covered! We know that most of you have a different schedule on Labor Day so we are going to let ya sleep in a little or get it in early!

Join us at 8 AM in Concord to get your training in! We love getting the whole family together and laying some sweat down 🙂

See you then!

Coach Meagan

Where: Get Fit NH Concord

When: Monday, September 7, 2015 (Monday after recovery week!)

Time: 8 AM 

Get Fit NH “Happy and Healthy Headlines”

Newsletter August 2015 Front-page-001Make sure you download and pass around a copy of our brand new “Happy and Healthy Headlines.” Our August edition features Maryann Canary’s one year anniversary spotlight and Linda Bucknam tells us all about travlBudi and how she loves helping people travel easy and have a great time.

When your friends ask what “Get Fit NH” is all about, hand them their very own copy of “Happy and Healthy Headlines!”

Click Here To Download Your Copy

Thanks for choosing to train with us!
