Ten Things You Might or Might Not Know About Coach Nancy

(in no particular order of importance or significance)

  1. nancy2I have three brothers and one older sister. My brothers are to blame for any competitiveness you see in me. They are also the reason for me being on the winning team of anything I play. My siblings and their families all live in or near Indiana, which is where my parents still live. I of course had to make sure I won the “moved farthest from home award”.
  2. I stalked Dean for about three weeks before he noticed me. Yes, I was a secret admirer. I wrote him notes and left them around where I knew he would find them. Eventually I fessed up and we’ve been together ever since. And of course, I won the award for “meeting my spouse in the most unusual way”
  3. Dean and I will soon celebrate our 28th anniversary. While I didn’t win the award for being married first in my family. I did win the award for having the most children. Tim, 27, Jeff, 26, Derek, Drew, 10, Karalynn, 9, and Amy, 7. My youngest brother has since tied me with six children but I did it first!
  4. While I have worked in many different jobs, the longest was owning my own day care. I had this day care in two different states in three different locations. I operated the day care for almost 17 years. Again, I am the only sibling to own her own business.  I win that category as well
  5. nancy2When I met Dean my name was Nancy Carlson. Think about that for a minute…… My married name is actually Nancy Carlson Carlson. I just happened to fall in love and coaxed a man with my same last name to marry me. This makes for a very difficult situation when we tried to explain to our kids going to grandparents and Aunts and Uncles. They were almost all Carlson’s. So now I am winning and making unique impressions on more than just my side of the family. I have yet to meet another person who has done the same thing.
  6. In high school I played football. Yes, my brothers are responsible for the competitive edge. In fact I am so competitive, in my high school yearbook each senior picture had a list of accomplishments during their school years. I wanted my list to be long so I joined as many different clubs and teams as I could. If being well rounded was an event back then, I would have won. Some of the crazy things I did was be a Pom Pom girl, cross country, swim, French club, football, several plays, and other things that I can’t even remember.
  7. I was raised to love my God, my country, and my family. I remember so clearly the celebration of loyalty when our country turned 200 years old. I am still in love with this great nation. I am a patriot through and through. Sure I wish some things were different. There is not a perfect place on this earth.  I have so much joy in traveling around seeing all the great monuments and natural occurrences in the USA. I wish I could say I’ve been to all 50 states but I have not. In fact I have only been west of the Mississippi to travel to Texas, where Dean was stationed and our first son was born. If I could give out an award it would go to the best country ever.
  8.  Nancy skydivingI am a swimmer through and through. I swam competitively from 6 years old to high school. I love being in the water or near it. My parents have a small cabin in Wisconsin. We would stay there all summer as kids. My dad was a firm believer in making sure his two daughters could do everything his sons could do. (maybe that is where I get my competitiveness from). If I went fishing I found all the worms I would need, put the worm on the hook, as well as cleaned the fish too. I enjoy fishing to this day. By the way, I can drive a standard car and change oil because my dad made sure I could if needed.
  9. I would follow Dean to the end of the earth. There are quotes from the movie: Show Me the Money, “You had me at Hello” and “You complete Me”. That sums up Dean and I. He has always wanted to own his own gym. It was a no brainer when he suggested Get Fit NH. I was in. I would do whatever I could to make his dream come true. In doing so I have found my love of coaching. I was a shy kid. It would shock most people to know I talk in front of people. The Get Fit NH family has made me break out of my comfort zone in more than just this one way.
  10. God is a very important part of my life. I have gone through too much, seen too much in life not to think it was organized and put together by someone greater than myself. All that is good in me, is from God. I trust you see it.

I love my Get Fit NH family. I am so thankful you choose to train with us. The stories you’ve created because of stepping out of your comfort zone inspire me and your Get Fit NH family. Continue to Make It Happen.

Coach Nancy


The Get Fit NH Family Comes Through Again!

fofclogoYou deserve a great big THANK-YOU for opening your hearts (and wallets and purses) and helping your friends, neighbors and community by coming out in force for our fundraiser for Friends of Forgotten Children last Saturday morning.

Over 70 of our clients, friends and family came together and flung some sweat, and in the process raised $1015.00 for this worthy cause – wow! You truly humbled your coaches and we are grateful for your kindness and proud of your effort.

Just a few shots of the fun we had. Can’t wait ’til the next one!


Deep Dark Secrets of Coach Meagan – Coach Spotlight

pic6Coach Meagan has been a “go-getter” from the first time I met her. From the pre-interview process to today, I can always count on Meagan to get things done. When she suggested that we help you get to know our team better, I knew she wouldn’t disappoint when I asked her to go first. As a veteran myself I want to thank Meagan for her service. It takes a special person to do what she has done. There is more here than meets the eye! – Coach Dean

As most of you know, I am Coach Meagan Sbat. I coach the “Morning Motivators” with Coach Dean. I have had the privilege of working with Get Fit NH since October of 2012. When we decided to do a weekly “Coaches Spotlight” for the month of February I was excited and a bit nervous to share my extended background with you all.

pic1I will start with the basics and get in to the juicy stuff in a bit. First off I was born and raised in Weare, NH. I graduated from John Stark Regional High School when I was 16 years old. I was one of those geeky kids who crammed all of my credits into three years and passed on the study halls so I didn’t have to stay in high school any longer than I had to! After graduation I went to New Hampshire Technical Institute for Hotel and Restaurant Management. At the time my full time job was at the Holiday Inn in Concord and I thought that’s what I would do when I grew up (wrong!) After two years at NHTI I was accepted to Penn State. So in 2008 I packed up and moved to PA on my 18th birthday and found myself a beautiful 1 bedroom apartment in an old farm house. I lived there for 6 months before I got home sick and called it quits.

pic3When I returned to NH I got my old job back at the Holiday Inn and returned to my old life. As I am sure you all remember in 2008 the economy was on its way down. There was a lot of talk about the hotel industry laying off employees because travel would be cutting back. I panicked and knew I had to figure something out sooner than later. So I did what any sane human would do and joined the Marine Corps (sarcasm intended.) I had absolutely NO clue what I was getting myself in to. I had no family and only a handful of friends who had ever joined the service. I only chose the Marine Corps because a “friend” had laughed at me when I told him I was thinking of joining and told me these exact words, “You would never make it a day in the Marines.” Well, let’s just say I am thrilled to say I proved him wrong.

pic2I served 4 years in the United States Marine Corps and that is by far my proudest accomplishment. I did two 7 month tours overseas; one in Djibouti, Africa and the other in Helmand Province, Afghanistan.  I have traveled through countries I didn’t even know existed and have met some of the most incredible heroes. I have lived in spaces smaller than most people’s bathrooms and thoroughly enjoyed (almost) every second of it. I have had the opportunity to see people and places that make me truly grateful for the life we have in America. In 2012 I had to make a decision. Do I get out or stay in? I really struggled with this decision.  I loved my job. I loved thpic4e people. I loved the financial stability. I loved traveling. But I wanted to start a family. The Marine Corps life was not the place to start a family in my opinion. I couldn’t imagine having children and then having to leave them for 7+ months so I denied my re-enlistment and moved back to NH with my husband (Justin- 4 years married this year!). There is still not a day that goes by where I don’t think about what our life would be like if I had stayed in. I don’t necessarily regret getting out, but I miss it more than I could ever express.

pic5I got in to the fitness industry because I wanted to see people reach their goals. Training is what I love to do. It is one of my only hobbies. I am not an athlete- never have been. I don’t enjoy sports. If you throw a ball at me, I will most likely duck.  I decided I wanted to be a trainer while I was in Afghanistan. The Marine Corps has height and weight standards and I was in charge of physically training the Marines who were not within standards. I had 12 Marines training with me and every single Marine was within standards by the time we left Afghanistan. It was at that moment that I realized I would love to do that over and over again. That wasn’t work- that was fun and they were so grateful. I always tell people that I have the best “job” in the world. I feel beyond blessed to be a part of Get Fit NH and there is nothing I love more than pushing you guys to reach your goals! 🙂

Meagan Sbat holds an Associates Degree in Exercise Science, and is a Certified Fitness Trainer, Specialist in Fitness Nutrition, Youth Fitness 1, Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach and Specialist in Senior Fitness with the International Sport Sciences Association.

Success Story from Doreen M.

Doreen M in blueWe love hearing about the Get Fit NH family has reached goals, living life out loud and being better. Being physically fit just makes every other facet of life just a bit easier. Notes like this one from Doreen make our world go round! 🙂

Thank you Get Fit!

This past October, I have earned my 2 Years Strong shirt. I have been wanting to write this for a while but never knew quite what to say. The best way to start is to say thank you. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for believing in me even when I had shoulder surgery last November. I think that is when I realized I wanted to make a change with my life.  I soon started this change, but this was not easy to do. Although it was hard, I am proud to say I have made it through the year.

This was possible with the help of coach Nancy (the best coach ever) along the way. Also, my 9 a.m. ladies have made a difference and are happily now a part of my life. I had to work hard to get here, where I am now. I am also happy to say I have met my huge and personal goal of losing a total of 50 pounds.

But with losing that weight I have gained so much more. I have became a better person, mom, wife, and friend. These little, but life changing accomplishments have had a great impact on my life, as well as my entire family’s. So, as one amazing, but hard, year is passing, I am looking forward to another great year ahead of me. The only goal I am setting for myself is to make each day better. Again, I say thank you for everything you have done to make my life better.




Basic Barbell 101 Starts January 18th

51qninUnshL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA278_PIkin4,BottomRight,-53,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_Update January 6, 2014

We are already getting enrollments for this new training offering, which is phenomenal, but we are also getting some really good questions about the training. Cara asked a question I think many of you may have on your mind; “What are the top benefits of this training? I am working on building strength and muscle, and weight loss. How would this help me exactly? This is all new to me.”

Here was my answer to Cara; “A focused session of Barbell training will help get you stronger, which will allow you to increase your intensity and loading in your regular training. Train harder = more results. An added benefit for ladies is helping them see how strong they really are and what they are capable of doing. For instance after having a bar on your back with some heavy (appropriate for you) load, it won’t be so intimidating to pick up something heavier for a goblet squat. Make sense?”

Well of course it makes sense! And while our group training continues to lead the pack, I can tell you from personal experience while developing and training for this course that my loads have gone up all across the board. It’s a win-win.

We are really excited to get things started on the first workshop series of the New Year!

When we sent out our year end survey, Basic Barbell Training and StrongHER were your 2 most requested workshops. For this first go round we are going to combine the men and the ladies; I am just hoping the ladies don’t put too much of a hurt on you gentlemen! 🙂

Basic Barbell 101 will cover 3 of the 5 main barbell lifts as outlined in Mark Rippetoe’s seminal work “Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training” – the Squat, Deadlift, and Bench Press. If you would like to get a jump start on barbell training philosophy and technique, you can pick up the Kindle version for less than $10 bucks here on Amazon.

Ladies, don’t shy away from this one. As Coach Meagan reminded us in her excellent article Seven Strength Superstitions Women Believe, stronger is better for the ladies too.

To enroll for this 6-week workshop series you must have been screened with the FMS and be clear of yellow and purple bands. We also will want to evaluate shoulder stability and integrity on an individual basis. If you have any questions about this please let me know.

Enrollment for this intensive 6-week workshop will be limited to 12 athletes (yes I am talking to you!), so don’t delay. The workshop session will run on 6 successive Saturdays starting January 18th through February 22nd. Each session will be 1 hour in length. You will never see this course offered at this low introductory price again, so take action and Make It Happen!

To enroll through MindBody:

  • Click here to access your MindBody site
  • Select the “Online Store” tab on the right side of the menu bar
  • If necessary select “Workshops”
  • Select “6-Week Basic Barbell Intro”
  • Click “Yes”
  • Confirm your purchase and select “Check Out”
  • Login to your account to complete your purchase. If you have never logged into MindBody the system will help you out. Please let us know if you have any questions.

I look forward to seeing you Saturday the 18th!

Basic Barbell 101/StrongHER
6-Week Workshop
Starting Date: January 18th
Time: 8:15am – 9:15am
Place: Get Fit NH Concord
Cost: $97

See you there!





Great Workout Great Cause

fofclogoHope you all had a great New Year’s and are ready to Make It Happen in 2014! I am writing this email to ask for some help.


This is the first of what we are planning on starting as an at least once a month event. Because we have two facilities we are looking to have one every other month in each gym, and we are hoping it grows from there.

Saturday January 18, 2014 Get Fit NH is hosting a charity training for Friends of Forgotten Children. This is a great opportunity to get in a great training for a great cause. The minimum donation is $10 and 100% of proceeds will go local children and seniors.

All of you in the Get Fit NH family are known for your incredible generosity. Between Toys for Tots and our food drive in December I can assure you that we made some people very happy this holiday season. But why just focus on giving in December? There are 11 other months in the year that we want to give a helping hand where we can. We have chosen a charity that is near and dear to our hearts; Friends of Forgotten Children. Tom Rochette, who is part of the 6:15 Epsom crew serves on the board of directors and has long been a strong advocate for this incredible organization. Friends of Forgotten Children is a local charity dedicated the well-being of children and seniors in our communities. You can check out their website here: http://www.friends-of-forgotten-children.org/

Look guys, we are dedicating a prime time training slot on Saturday morning and donating 100% of the proceeds to the sponsored organization, and we need your help. Our goal is to have this charity training be a HUGE event!  We would sincerely appreciate it if you bring your friends, family and colleagues to help us support this cause. Our goal is to have 50 people in the gym training.

You know that when we get the family together it is a lot of fun, so don’t be shy in spreading the news and sharing the love. We don’t like it when we don’t reach our goals so get out there and encourage everyone you know to come! It is for a great cause and as you know the training will be extra special J

Coach Meagan

Workout For A Cause
Friends of Forgotten Children
Minimum Donation: $10
Place: Get Fit NH Concord
Date: Saturday January 18, 2014
Time: 9:30am- 10:30am

Two New Year’s Challenges for YOU!

wolfe family sm

Most of the Wolfe Pack (sorry Colby)

Paulette W.  (famously known as part of the Wolfe Pack) is not going to let the start of the New Year go by without a bang, and has come up with this challenge just for you!

You Got It. 100 days of Knee Grab abs. Got to do them right. Start in the supine guard position, wrap the knees, stomp the feet – so simple. 🙂

Here’s how it’s going to work.

Day one is January 1, 2014 – Do 1 Knee Grab Ab

Day two is January 2, 2014 – Do 2 Knee Grab Abs

Day three…well, you get it.

Every day add 1 repetition until Day 100.

One important rule (don’t mess with the Wolfe Pack!) – You can only start breaking down the number of repetitions into smaller sets after Day 30.

So on April 10th you will complete 100 Knee Grab Abs for a total of 5,050 in 100 Days. You will have successfully completed the challenge.

Paulette has graciously provided a tracking chart you can download by clicking here

Would you prefer a different challenge? Do you love jumping rope?

Starting on January 1 and ending January 31 you are challenged to do 10,000 jumps using the jump rope. That is a mere 323 each day. I guarantee you will be better at jumping rope by the end of 10,000 jumps.

This is doable! Are YOU in?

Make this your goal – if you start it, finish it. You will be thankful you did. It is a tremendous sense of accomplishment to set a goal and reach it, and your body will thank-you for it.

Make It Happen!

Coach Nancy

Top 5 Posts of 2013


Just in time for New Years we have compiled the list of your favorite blog posts for 2013. It always interest me what interests you, so it is fun to take a look at what you read the most. There is some gold in here, so grab a cup of some nice hot green tea, cozy up to the fire and get reading!

No big surprise a post about Pizza got your attention. If you haven’t tried these recipes you are missing out!

Leaned toned, or muscle? drops some serious knowledge bombs about attaining that sought after, healthy looking body.

Jill’s Transformation Story is inspiring and amazing!

Eating the right amount of food for you is key to weight control, so make sure you know How much am I supposed to eat?

Success Stories are popular (as they should be) so it’s no surprise that Katie’s shows up at number 5 on our list.

There you go, our Top 5 of the Year.

Do you have a favorite you would like to nominate? Share it in the comments below!


What else does Jayne do?


Not always in killer shape – Jayne Circa 2011. (Don’t kill me Jayne, the after is worth showing the before!)

As we head into the New Year everyone seems to have resolutions on their mind. And while I am not a big fan of resolutions (which have a 92% failure rate) I am a big fan of evaluating where I am at and where I want to get to, and the turning of the calendar is a good time to take the time to set some goals. Often time that means looking at what successful people in a particular area have done or are doing , and model what they have done to get there. That could be in many areas of my life. For instance for our business I might take a look at what a company known for great customer service does (Zappos for example) and see how we can better serve our clients by adopting those practices. Make sense? In the same way if I want to get in great shape I would find out what someone does who is in great shape and do what they do.

Which brings me to Jayne. Those of you who train in Concord most likely know who Jayne is. I cannot tell you the number of people who have asked our coaches “What does Jayne do besides train at Get Fit NH?”, and the hard work she has put in is very deserving of such a question. Rather than put words in her mouth, I asked her to tell you herself. So here goes:

DC: “Jayne, what do you do to get in shape besides train at Get Fit NH?”

JM: “Honestly, very little.  I enjoy running and indoor rock climbing with the kids, but my weight and body fat percentage do not seem to go up or down because of those activities.  If I go a week without running, my weight and body fat tend to stay about the same.  If I go a week without training at Get Fit NH, well that is entirely different!

There are two things that made the difference for me:   Choosing to train hard and eat right (most of the time!).

Just about two years ago, I joined FLAG and lost 20 pounds in about 20 weeks.  I’ve kept the weight off thanks to Nancy’s guidance and making PPW eating a way of life, not a diet.   At about that same time I decided that if I was going to train four days a week, then I was going to work hard and not just “show up” like I had been the previous year.  When you, Erin or Meagan suggest we pick up heavy weights, go for speed,  finish strong, etc. I do it.  Pretty simple, but it works for me!”

Are you disappointed? No magic pills, potions, 4 hour cardio sessions and starvation diets?

I would suggest that rather than disappointment you should be thrilled, because as Jayne has told me many times, if she can do it you can do it.

Do what exactly?

Train Hard.
Eat Right.
Be Consistent.
Finish Strong.

Sounds like a pretty good plan for 2014, wouldn’t you say?

Now Make It Happen!

Coach Dean

Get Fit Games Results and Records

photo 3-1We had a great time this morning at the winter session of the “Get Fit Games”. Congratulations to every athlete who came out and competed this morning. We witnessed a bunch of PR’s , including 38 top 3 gym records and 13 absolute gym records. Simply Amazing Performances!

Click the links below for today’s scoring, the medal leaderboard, and gym records.

Keep Making It Happen!

Get Fit Games Results December 21, 2013

Medal Board (* means medal earned in latest games)

Gym Scoring Records