Two New Year’s Challenges for YOU!

wolfe family sm

Most of the Wolfe Pack (sorry Colby)

Paulette W.  (famously known as part of the Wolfe Pack) is not going to let the start of the New Year go by without a bang, and has come up with this challenge just for you!

You Got It. 100 days of Knee Grab abs. Got to do them right. Start in the supine guard position, wrap the knees, stomp the feet – so simple. 🙂

Here’s how it’s going to work.

Day one is January 1, 2014 – Do 1 Knee Grab Ab

Day two is January 2, 2014 – Do 2 Knee Grab Abs

Day three…well, you get it.

Every day add 1 repetition until Day 100.

One important rule (don’t mess with the Wolfe Pack!) – You can only start breaking down the number of repetitions into smaller sets after Day 30.

So on April 10th you will complete 100 Knee Grab Abs for a total of 5,050 in 100 Days. You will have successfully completed the challenge.

Paulette has graciously provided a tracking chart you can download by clicking here

Would you prefer a different challenge? Do you love jumping rope?

Starting on January 1 and ending January 31 you are challenged to do 10,000 jumps using the jump rope. That is a mere 323 each day. I guarantee you will be better at jumping rope by the end of 10,000 jumps.

This is doable! Are YOU in?

Make this your goal – if you start it, finish it. You will be thankful you did. It is a tremendous sense of accomplishment to set a goal and reach it, and your body will thank-you for it.

Make It Happen!

Coach Nancy

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