All the new expectations and signing up for classes

We are so excited to get back to some form of normal - even if that means a new  (temporary) normal! 

Effective June 1st, we will be open for indoor and outdoor training Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We will have indoor and outdoor classes you can sign up for online. We have a lot of restrictions we have to adhere to so that we don't get ourselves in any trouble, so please bear with us through the temporary changes.

Here is the class schedule:

  • 5 am indoor and outdoor
  • 6 am outdoor only (due to requirement of having gym closed for one hour between classes for ventilation)
  • 7 am indoor and outdoor 
  • 8 am outdoor
  • 9 am indoor
  • 4:30 pm outdoor 
  • 5:30 indoor and outdoor 
  • 6:30 outdoor

Outdoor classes will be rain or shine! We will make adjustments if the weather is too hot and or too rainy as we are allowed to. 

What to expect:

These rules have been put on fitness centers by the state and they are not up for debate. You must wear a mask inside the gym while you are not exercising. You do not need to wear a mask while exercising.The coaches will be wearing a mask inside for the entire class. You do not need to wear a mask while outside.

If you have any symptoms (that are not allergies!) then please do not come to training. If you have been exposed then we ask you wait 2 weeks before returning. We will have that posted up as required by the state.

You may not come into the gym if there is a training in session. When you pull in for your training session please wait in your car until their training is released. If you are training inside then please park in the spaces in front of the building with signs labeled 1-10 . We will call you in when it is clear to enter and for fluidity will ask you to go to the same gym space number that you parked in. 

Please show up to training on time! Classes will be 45 minutes. If you book a time and find that you are unable to make it then please go back in to cancel! Due to limited spots you could be taking it from someone else!  Be a team player and don't no show once you book!

How to sign up

Please bookmark this link

While we are able to reserve you a class...we cannot have 200+ people emailing us throughout the day to do it for them so please read the instructions below and save them to help you get signed up and guarantee your spot


1.) The link will take you to a strange looking website called MindBody

2.) If it does not automatically take you to the Get Fit NH MindBody then type "Get Fit NH" into the search bar

3.) It will take you to a login page. Click "not a staff member" at the bottom

4.)  A schedule will come up. Scroll to the day or the week you are trying to book a training

5.) Click "Sign up now" for the class that works for your schedule

6.) If you do not have an account then click "create account"
* note if it says you already have an account, just do a forgot password using your email 🙂 I also attached this screen cast which shows you exactly how to book the class


If you train with your spouse or someone who lives in your household you only need to sign up ONE of you, because you can train in the same section! If you and your spouse were already signed up at the same time please know I deleted one of you so that we could accommodate more friends in one hour. 

Virtual Training

  • We will continue to offer TrueCoach through the summer for those of you who are not ready to resume in person training
  • We will continue to livestream at 5 am and send out the recording by 7 am
  • We will keep an open zoom room for all indoor training times so you can feel like you are part of the crowd 
  • The recorded version will look a little different. The coach will not be doing the exercises with you in front of the screen, but we will be wearing a head set so you can hear us while coaching the class that you will be able to see. This will be another form of new for us! We will not be using Facebook live. Only zoom so save this link

And Finally

If you fit this description please let us know​​

  • Only using recorded videos 
  • Going to resume in person training 

Then please let us know so we can remove you from TrueCoach. 

These guidelines are going to continue to update and we are going to continue to keep you in the loop! As you know, we are short staffed and will be working hard together to be consistent and powerful in our delivery.  Thank you for your continued support and patience. We appreciate you.

Now let's make it happen!

Coach Meagan

Find your Escape

Greetings Get Fit family, I hope you all are doing well! I’d like to take this opportunity to write to you about something I find very helpful to one’s well-being and mental state. That is all about finding your escape. You might ask what I mean by that, let me explain. To me, it can be a place, an activity, a hobby, anything that helps you focus on YOU and what you are doing and not everything else going around you. 

I find this to be very important considering the circumstances we all are living in right now. As these are hard times we are facing. With that comes a lot of things that can start to worry us, get us down, and even depress us. And that’s ok, that is life and what it means to be human. But what is not ok is to let yourself wallow in it. Do not let yourself succumb to the anxiety, depression, and all the negative emotions that are weighing you down. You need to distract yourself from these feelings and try to let them go. That’s where your escape comes in.

For me, it is always basketball. I know that whenever I was going through a tough time, I could always grab a basketball and go to any hoop and just shoot. I wasn’t focused on anything but what I was doing and it helped me relax and clear my head for a bit. For you, it doesn’t have to be a sport. It can be a favorite hobby like drawing or painting, maybe it’s yoga or some meditation. It can even be as simple as going for a walk. Whatever helps sooth you and provides that escape for you. As it gives you a moment to catch your breath and just breathe, and tell yourself everything will be alright. Find your escape.

Coach Dylan 

Share your vision

Do you have a vision for your life?  When challenges arise, it is helpful to have people close to you who share your vision.  In “The Energy Bus”, Rule #4 is “Invite People on Your Bus and Share Your Vision for the Road Ahead”.  The bus driver, Joy, tells her passenger, George, that while he is the driver of his own bus, he also wants to invite people onto his bus.  Joy explains “the more people you pick up along the way the more energy you create during your ride”. The goal is to fill your bus with positive people who will support your endeavors.  At some point you made the decision to make health and wellness a priority in your life. You may not even know it but by joining Get Fit NH you asked people to get on your bus. When you first met with one of the coaches at Get Fit NH you may have shared your vision for the road ahead.  Maybe you wanted to lose some weight and get stronger so you could do the things you love. This could be running, hiking, skiing, biking or keeping up with your kids/grandkids. Your coaches have taught you about exercise and how to fuel your body. Your Get Fit NH coaches have always been in the front row seats of your bus!  As you keep driving your bus you realize that you have invited many others onto your bus. Maybe you told your classmates, I want to run this 5K or I want to lose some weight and they have been by your side for the bumps in the road and celebrations along the way. You keep sharing your vision as it may change over the years and your bus has become packed with those who share your vision.  

Recently, you were driving your bus and you came to a huge roadblock.  You just can’t see around it despite your best efforts. Thank goodness you have a bus full of people showing you a different route and encourage you to keep going.  This road is not paved, and it doesn’t look like it has been travelled before. You are stressed because if you follow this road you don’t know if you will have a flat tire or mechanical issues.  Your passengers remind you of your vision and that you have travelled some pretty rough roads in the past. They also remind you of the tools that are aboard your bus because everyone has contributed to that tool bag.  While the road is uncertain, you decide to travel it anyways because you have the support that you need!

Coach Erin

Out of sight, out of mind

Snacking is something you may be struggling with.  Now that you are constantly in the same place (most likely your home) without the option to really go out, snacking could be something you are having trouble with.  

Or just in general eating things you might not normally eat because it's not an option all day! Maybe it's snacks you have for your kids, or even deserts that maybe you’d have every once in a while but since it's there...and you are also…you find yourself indulging more often.  Here are some simple ways to set yourself up to stay away from it.

  • Don't buy it 

  • Have more supportive food options prepared.  It's easier to snack if there isn't a more supportive option available.

  • If you are going to have some, plan it.

  • Put it away, in a cupboard, a closet, etc.  If its easily accessible (candy in a candy dish) you are way more likely to grab it multiple times a day.

  • Put it up or down a set of stairs. 

  • Put it in a closet or something similar across the house. 

  • Make it a pain to get to.

  • Drink a glass of water before eating.

These are just a couple of any number of ways you can set yourself up for success.  The idea is to make it as difficult as possible to get to the option. 

Coach Adam

Getting into a routine

I’m sure if you are like me right now, you are probably a little out of your whack with your day to day activities given our current circumstances. That’s to be expected as most of us have been turned upside down and are trying to keep our head on straight. Right now it is very easy to find ourselves loafing around the house during this quarantine. It’s easy to stay up late and sleep in if we are not required to do so otherwise. I know because I have done it as well. But we can’t let it become repetition and get sucked into bad habits and all the bad decisions that come with it. 

So I think the best thing we can do right now to combat this is by trying to get into a good solid routine. I say this not just to you but me as well, as I also need to be accountable and more productive with the extra time given to me. For starters getting on a consistent sleep schedule can do wonders. Try and give yourself a bedtime at night to keep you from staying up. And give yourself an alarm to wake you up at a decent time. This will also help you get a good night’s rest. 

Another thing that can help is to write down some goals and tasks for yourself to complete throughout the day. For example, I can write down to study and read my book for an hour to help with my continuing education. By doing this I am now holding myself accountable and giving me a clear attainable goal. And by completing this and checking it off, I am filled with accomplishment knowing that I was productive and got it done. Just a small act like this can help get that ball rolling and yourself motivated to accomplish more throughout your day. 

Try and complete your workouts during the same time every day. So if you are a morning person and are used to working out early, then get it done early. Same if you are used to doing it later in the day. The more consistent you are with your workouts, the easier it will be to get into routine. These are all little things that can help make a big difference in trying to get ourselves in a good routine every day and stay positive and productive during this difficult time. Hope this helps you!

Coach Dylan

Stay positive, spread positive

Greetings everyone, I hope all of you are doing well. I just want to take this time to continue a conversation that Adam started with his Facebook video he posted on March 21. If you didn’t see it, I highly recommend you go check it out as he makes some very good points in his discussion. The  video is about positivity and opportunity. So I would also like to talk about the subject in this blog. 

Obviously, I know that these are challenging times that we all are facing and going through. It is easy to get caught up in the effects of the virus and how it is impacting everyone's lives. But just like Adam was talking about, we can either focus on the negatives, or we can try to focus more on the positives. Take this unfortunate circumstance and turn it into a chance to better ourselves. 

For example, I will be taking this extra time to continue my education and learn more about nutrition and how it impacts the body. Some of you may do the same and learn more about something you may be interested in. Maybe it's just reading a book or working on a particular hobby of yours like art or music. Some of you have kids at home continuing their education online. I know it can be challenging to get them to focus and do school in a home atmosphere, as I have two younger siblings doing the same thing. But utilize this opportunity to spend more time helping them learn. And if you're like me, probably teaching yourself also along the way. 

There are also positives to not being able to go to the gym. Don’t get me wrong, there’s no substitute for amazing coaches! You could even drag other family members to join in on the fun with you! There are positives to every negative. We just have to find it. We have to remain optimistic when we are filled with doubt and fear. It’s times like this that we must come together to support one another, however we can. For I believe we will become stronger after facing this adversity. Remember, you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain. 

Coach Dylan

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