Attention! Having a bad day or ever had a bad day? This one is for you.

Are you having a bad day? Believe it or not, there is actually a lot you can do to get yourself out of it! Can we control everything that happens to us? Of course we can't, all we can do is control how we react to the things that do. Often this will not only help pull us out of a bad day, but it can actually, in many cases, avoid that pile on. Lets say for example you’re having a bad day, it just seems like you cant get out of your own way, you wake up late, you’re out of coffee, you forgot you were low on gas, your toast burns, ect. ect. So what happens next? You’re flying to get to work, you look down for half a second and look up and…there’s the car that was just 3 car lengths ahead…BOOM. Its nothing major (hopefully) but now you pile that on top of it, you finally get to work, you either want to bite someone’s head off because you’re so angry, or you let it consume you and you get nothing done. Either way you end up piling more stress on yourself based on what’s happened. So now lets think back…what would have happened? What would have happened if you woke up, say you were late and took a deep breath and just thought with a calm mind? Maybe you remember there’s coffee at work so you don’t need to stop, maybe you
remember you have leftovers you can bring with you so you don’t have to take the time to eat getting out of the house. Heck, maybe you realize you’re going to be late so you just accept it and take a deep breath driving calmly and carefully to work, where you accomplish more because all that other stress is not weighing on you. We all have bad days, but we also tend to not see the forest through the trees, we see the avalanche of unlucky things happening thinking we have no control over them. Some things you do, some things you don’t, which is why it's so important to not let things pile up. When you get that feeling of “WHAT'S NEXT, what ELSE is going to go wrong today?” That is usually your first sign you need to take a deep breath and allow yourself to think. So take a breath, exhale slow, and pull out of it!

Coach Adam

We are open!

We are open for all afternoon classes 12/2 

We are open for all morning and afternoon classes 12/3

See you soon!


Get Fit NH Annual Spirit Week

The holiday season is officially in full force, people! I LOVE December! There are so many special moments shared amongst friends, family and colleagues and I just love sharing those times with everyone. We will share laughter and memories at our holiday party on Saturday, December 14th at the Red Blazer and then on Monday,December 16th we will get into the spirit as we head into the last FULL training week of 2019. 

We have had a spirit week the week before Christmas recovery week for a few years and the tradition shall go on. So, while you are out and about keep an eye out...

Monday, December 16th: Holiday Headgear! Santa hats, elf ears, reindeer antlers, etc

Tuesday, December 17th: Tacky Holiday T Shirts! You know? The crazy cat tied up in Christmas tree lights....that one.

Thursday, December 19th: Holiday PJs! 

Friday, December 20th: Fun, Festive Socks! Or if you are really in the spirit then wear ALL of it and enjoy the best training of the whole year!

I am super bummed to miss spirit week this year! This is my favorite week of the year for so many reasons. The spirit, the training, the energy....all of it is so special. This year I will be recovering from surgery. The kind of surgery that solidifies my family of 5! Can I get an amen?

I know you'll make it happen,

Coach Meagan

Move Your Body

You all know how important it is to workout and the many benefits it provides us. One thing that can get overlooked in our health is just staying active. Yes, being active! You might think you are already active in your daily activities and it may be true. But really think about how much time you spend moving. If your job requires you to be working at a desk or sitting for extended periods of time we aren’t active. Then when we get home we go through our routine and eat dinner and relax on the couch. We aren’t moving much there either. For most of us, we need to make sure we can keep our bodies engaged and moving. Training is a great way to get moving, but I’m talking about the time we spend outside the gym. 

So how can you be more active? The simple answer, just move more, as much as you can. Take some time when you get home to go for a walk. Walking is a very underrated form of exercise. Though it may not be as intense as a normal workout, it still counts as moving your body! Maybe do that house chore or yard work you have been putting off. Heck, clean up your room a little. If you enjoy playing sports, try joining a club or league. I try to play pickup basketball whenever I can. Maybe on the weekend, go for a hike on a beautiful day. Even going skiing or snowboarding is a workout in itself.

 The possibilities are endless! The key is to find something you enjoy doing that requires you to be active. It can be a hobby your passionate about or any recreational activity. The fact is that the more active we can be in our daily lives, the healthier we will be because of it.  

Make it Happen,

Coach Dylan

Coach Erin’s Reflection Part 2

This past year has been a year full of lessons learned.  When it comes to achieving a goal, I will admit that I have had an all or nothing mentality.  There have been times that I have been so focused on achieving a goal that I make poor decisions.  Last year I completed my first half marathon. Walking 13.1 miles a year ago was a huge achievement for me.  My goal was to complete another half marathon this year and take 45 minutes off my time from last year. I was so focused on making this happen that during my training I pushed through pain when I should have listened to my body.  By pushing through this pain, I did more harm and as a result I was not able to do the half marathon this year. When I was not able to achieve my goal I felt like a failure. I think that often times when we don’t achieve our goal we let the disappointment dictate our actions going forward.  Maybe you are struggling with weight loss. When you don’t see the numbers on the scale go down you are tempted to give up and think that you will never lose the weight. Maybe you are dealing with a long term injury or pain. It is easy to give up or even be tempted to push through pain. It is important to focus on what you are able to control.  You are always able to control how you react to a situation. If you didn’t achieve your weight loss goal, you have a choice to make the necessary changes to move forward. If you are battling pain, you have the choice to focus on what you are able to do and take care of your body. I have made the choice not to focus on the fact that I was not able to complete my half marathon this year.  Instead I am focusing on taking care of my body so I can be prepared for a half marathon next year. What are you focusing on?

Keep Making it Happen,

Coach Erin 

Holiday Party 2019

I know I said I was not going to send out the invites to our annual holiday party until after Thanksgiving....but I lied!  We are having it catered so we need to submit numbers fairly soon so I want to make sure you have plenty of time to R.S.V.P and mark your calendar. 

Saturday, December 14th at The Red Blazer 12pm

This year we are excited to begin a new tradition for our annual holiday party. We have always hosted it at the gym. Last year, we learned that it would be much more enjoyable for me and the team if we let someone else do the work, so that is exactly what we are going to do! This year we decided to let The Red Blazer in Concord host and cater the party so the team can enjoy you and your family with no worries or concerns!  See, I'm not always a control freak...

We have all kinds of games to play with prizes (duh!) We have done student superlatives in previous years, instead this year we are going to do class trivia, student trivia and other awards based on our R.S.V.P list. We need to tell the restaurant who is coming by December 6th so please let us know as soon as possible! 

You can R.S.V.P here. 

Yes,  significant others and children are welcome to attend as well! There will be no yankee swap this year so no need to bring anything with you! We would ask that you consider bringing in a donation for the Toys 4 Tots box!

Thank you!

Coach Meagan

Coach Erin’s Reflections Part 1

November 5th was my 1 year anniversary of being back at Get Fit NH.  As I look back over the past year, I have mixed emotions.  I am thrilled to be working once again with our fantastic clients!  It has been so wonderful to see the progress many of you have made. I am also thankful that I have been allowed come along side of you during the challenging times.  However, if I am honest, I will tell you that I am less than thrilled with my personal progress. I am so fortunate to have people in my life who encourage me and remind me how far I have come in the past year.  I think it is always easier to see the successes in other people and focus on how we feel we have fallen short of our expectations and goals. One of our Get Fit NH Family members, Andrea, shared a quote on Facebook and it really got me thinking.

“When babies take their first step and then fall on their bottoms, we praise their first step.  We don’t criticize their fall. I think we adults could learn a lesson here…we spend more time criticizing our falls and not enough time applauding our small steps.”

Over the past year I have lost 40lbs but I tend to beat myself up that it has not been more.  I focus on how I have fallen on my bottom so many times. I would venture to guess that I am not the only one that has this thought process.  When I take the time and focus on the small steps I realize the progress I have made. I am able to pull my knees all the way in and end with my feet flat when I do Knee Grab Abs.  It is a small step that could easily be overlooked but I remember how challenging and uncomfortable that exercise was when I had an extra 40lbs on my body. My challenge for you is to praise yourself for the small steps and not focus on the fall.  We all fall but we have a choice to get back up! If you need help focusing on your small steps, your coaches are here for you! You may not see your progress but we do and we are more than happy to remind you of it!

Keep making it happen,

Coach Erin

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