Putting Sandy to a Challenge is in the Spotlight

As a coach, I have challenged a few people. Sandy is one of those people. If I had to describe Sandy with one word, it would be Determined. She sets her mind to something and then figures a way to make that happen. This determination makes me proud. I am proud of Sandy for putting the work into herself. That work is showing in many different areas. 

As we did deadlifts in training, I challenged those around Sandy to pick up heavy weights. The group starting naming things that they thought were heavy to pick up. Dogs, animal feed, groceries, small children popped up in the conversation. ​I'm not sure how it happened but airplanes came up. Quite sincerely Sandy said, "I can't pick one up but I can push one."

Sandy is just over 5 feet tall. But she packs a lot of power in herself.

Sandy's determination to do a task doesn't stop with planes, which by the way, she is a pilot. Sandy showed that determination during Ski Erg World Sprints. I challenged her to join in the challenge. She didn't shy away but took it by the horns and finished the 1000 meters with her crew at 9am cheering her on. 

Sandy is determined to one day do a perfect, magnificent push up. Why does this 5 foot tall lady want to be so strong? Her goal is to be able, if necessary, to fireman carry (putting a person over your shoulder to carry them) her son. Matt is an adult, but in an emergency he wouldn't be able to move fast enough to get out of a building. He is in a wheelchair. Sandy, as his mom, wants to know she has the ability to bring him to safety. Her determination is bound in love. 

Keep Making It Happen, Sandy, because you inspire me each day to have that kind of determination.
-Coach Nancy


It's a GOOD thing that there is a special day set aside to remind me to be grateful for what I have. 

It is SO easy for me to focus on the "negative" that I forget I have so many blessings.

I really feel like I owe many people in my life an apology. I am so caught up in me at times that I overlook all the kindnesses and grace that I receive every day. For that I am sorry.

I wonder what kind of a world it would be if we all expressed gratitude for something and to someone - every day?

​A world where we tried to out-do one another in kindness, thoughtfulness and gratitude?

This is not a "kumbaya, pie-in-the-sky, love, peace, joy" thing. 

I know how it makes me feel when someone expresses gratitude to me. It makes me feel GOOD. I need to pay that forward more.

For what are you grateful? To whom are you grateful?

Tell them today.

And Every Day.

Let's start a new tradition in our lives by making it Thanksgiving ALL the time.

Thank-You for being part of my life.

Coach Dean​

3 Reasons to Start NOW

I am writing this blog sitting at the airport in Columbia, South Carolina. If you have ever traveled alone then you have probably overheard some interesting conversations. I just overheard a long conversation about weight loss that struck a nerve. It is hard to keep my mouth shut sometimes, but I did it! Instead, I decided to share it here just in case anyone out there has this same mindset.

The relevant piece of the conversation went something like this:
“I really would love to lose 30 pounds, but I am so busy. I just started with a new job and the girls have dance almost every night. It makes more sense to start after the holidays when I can have a fresh start and things slow down."

Her friend then agreed that this was smart decision.

If this is your mindset, allow me to be a GREAT friend and coach and tell you no, no, no!

1. Things will NEVER slow down. Nope. After the holidays, life goes on. Guess what? Work isn’t going anywhere. Your kids (probably) aren’t going anywhere. If you don’t find a reason to start, then you will find an excuse every single time. We all have the same 24 hours. Those who plan their time and include themselves in that time are the most successful. I say this because I love you…you’re not getting any younger and time isn’t slowing down so let’s go! Get started.

2. 30 pounds seems like a big number. If you keep putting off when you are going to start, that number will only get bigger. After the holidays do you really want to say you’d like to lose 40 pounds? How discouraging. The national average of weight gain through the holidays (October-December) is 10 pounds. Stay out of that category and do something now.

3. You don’t have to change who you are to get results. In fact, you only need to focus on one thing at a time. I bet between now and the New Year you can build 2-3 new skills to increase your performance and results. Focus on one habit each month to help you get closer to your big picture goal. Your coach can direct you. Results are about a lifetime of building habits and improving skills.

If this stuff was easy, then no one would ever say they are going to wait. It isn’t easy, but we have a simplified system to help you. You are NOT in this alone. Do not wait. The magical right time you are waiting for is not coming.

It is up to you to make it happen,
Coach Meagan

High Five to Everyone that Competed in the SkiErg World Sprints!

We had 34 athletes step up and compete in the 2016 SkiErg World Sprints! We would like to recognize and congratulate everyone that competed! You all did AWESOME!

High five to all of these people who competed:

Cara Wiley
Crystal Marston
Dan Smith
Debbie Berwick
Denis Boucher
Donna Keeley
Elizabeth Hutchinson
Glenn Berwick
Glenn Foley
Gretchen Wolfe
Heather Ahearn
Jodi Mattice-Collins
Karl Edelmann
Kathy Nourse
Kristen Chulada
Lindsey Peterson
Louann Lowe

Lyn Roberts
Marquita Mahoney
Mary Davidson
Mary Ellen Moretto
Nancy Carlson
Regina Mattrella
Sandy Riis
Sara Sawyer
Sara Withers
Scott Decker
Sonia Cormier
Stephanie Soucy
Stephanie Timpano
Terri George
Tom Barker
Valorie Harmon
Vickie DeFelice

Special high fives to these people who placed in the top 20 in their age groups:



#3 Kathy Nourse 3:52.0

#17 Terri George 4:33.3
#20 Nancy Carlson 4:38.1

#17 Lyn Roberts 5:03.7
#18 Mary Davidson 5:11.0


#19 Tom Barker 3:59.4

Great job everyone!

Meet “Coach” Stephanie Soucy

This is a long overdue introduction of a very valuable member of the Get Fit NH Team. We are incredibly blessed to have Stephanie with us, and the "Coach" title is bestowed because of the coaching she does with our staff, and sometimes (most of the time?) we really need it. Wouldn't want to do it without you Steph!

Some of you know me, but most of you don’t! But I know ALL of you…at least by name. I’m Stephanie, the Office Manager, and I’ve been with Get Fit for a little over 2 years now (this blog might be a little overdue, huh?). I started here part time while I finished up grad school and then transitioned to full time a year ago.

A little more about me – I grew up in California and then moved to NH for college. I then moved to Hawaii for a while, and then came back to NH for grad school. People always ask me why I left California and Hawaii for NH, and I never have a good answer! I love swimming, scuba diving, skyskiiing, boating (basically anything around water), reading, and watching/going to sports games.

I love being part of the Get Fit team and am so lucky to be part of the Get Fit Family (especially the 4pm Epsom crew)!

Stephanie Soucy has a B.S. in Sports Management and an M.S. in Organizational Leadership w/ grad certificate in Human Resources from Southern New Hampshire University,

Holding down the spotlight after back surgery!

Cristina Kearns is hanging out in the spotlight this week and let me tell you it is WELL DESERVED. The dedication and determination this woman has is out of this world. Her positive attitude is contagious and her outbursts make the entire room smile. I am so thankful to have Cristina train with us. She busts her butt and accepts challenges with open arms. I asked Cristina to share her story, because she has recovered from not one but two back surgeries and I swear you wouldn't even know it. She gets here and frequently sees her name on the perfect attendance poster. She trains like she means it each and every day. Here is what she has to say...

Get Fit has made me STRONGER over the past four years! When I first started at Getfit I was obsessed with the number on the scale; it was not about being healthy it was about being skinny. Today, strong is the new skinny. Getfit has helped me change the way I think and I am so grateful. The amazing coaches at Getfit have also helped me through chronic back pain and recent back injuries.

I have had chronic back problems over fifteen years. I had my first back surgery 12 years ago. During that time in my life I was not exercising, I was making poor food choices and solely concentrating on what my two daughters and husband needed. I was putting my own health on the back burner and I only had myself to blame for that. By not taking care of me, my back problems continued- I was not maintaining a healthy weight, my core was weak and my flexibility was declining.

Fast forward to 2014. I was training for my first full marathon and also training at Getfit. My coaches were continuing to help me work on my core and I was learning the importance of breathing. Coach Meagan was encouraging me to get out of my comfort zone and I was lifting more I ever thought I could! In September, I started having sciatic nerve pain and lower back pain and I knew I was headed to very familiar territory. My training runs were getting longer and my pain was increasing. I was back and forth to the doctor and was being prescribed steroids. I was also reaching out to Coach Dean and Coach Meagan, desperate for their advice. Despite these setbacks, I made it to the finish line of the Chicago marathon in October!

However; the pain continued and after physical therapy, chiropractor visits and cortisone shots, in February, my surgeon decided that we needed to take the next step and decompress the nerve that was aggravating my back. The surgery was successful and the recovery was a long road, but Coach Meagan would check in frequently, letting me know she was thinking of me and rooting for me along the way. I took the summer off and returned to Getfit in August 2015. I had my FMS screening and returned with a wrist full of colorful bands; I modified everything! I knew I was in a place where I would get stronger and better; I was watched carefully and I was grateful for their watchful eyes. Thank you Getfit for your continued support, professionalism and encouragement. I look forward to getting up every day to attend my 5 am class; I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else!

Thank you for brightening my day every morning! You are a true rockstar!
-Coach Meagan

If you died right now, how would you feel about your life?

I came across a buzzfeed link the other day that had quotes about life taken from the movie Fight Club, which is one of my favorite movies, if not my favorite. This was one of the quotes they talked about.

It’s a morbid question, I fully realize and understand that, but it certainly is a way to get us to stop and think about our path, and our past, present, and future. It is something that we can really use to reflect. There is a reason death leads people to change. There’s a reason why when a family member passes away or someone has a near death experience, often people suddenly change. Being reminded that life isn’t forever and the time we have is important often, unfortunately, is a message only heard after life ends.

You don’t need to think about yourself dying, how heartbroken others around you would be and the like. It’s just an exercise in self-reflection. If for some reason this was the end of the line for you, would you feel you accomplished everything you wanted to? Would you be upset that you worried to much about work? That you didn’t take care of yourself? That you kept pushing off getting healthier? Or that you didn’t take that trip you always wanted to go on? Maybe you let work bog you down, working insane hours to save money for things that we just end up not doing because of work, rinse and repeat.

Time isn’t promised to any of us. That’s why it is important to take care of yourself to make it last as long as possible. We take care of our bodies so that we are able to do everything we want to do and aren’t restricted because we can’t walk. We take care of our minds, continue to read, and express and absorb. We de-stress, and make time for the things that make us happy. We don’t keep putting our lives on hold because we are just “too busy”. 

So, I ask you to think about this question, reflect, and see what you discover.

-Coach Adam

Sam is in the Athlete Academy Spotlight!

The spotlight is shining on another of my Athlete Academy kids, Sam. Sam has been a member of our Athlete Academy for a while now. Not only has he set personal best times in cross country, but he recently won a coach’s award for cross country over the fall session.

Sam is pictured on the left.

Sam’s mom, Lori (who is also part of the Get Fit Family!), described the award: “The Coaches Award is given to the athlete(s) that show leadership, good work ethic, and being a team player both on and off the field”.

Sam and his brother have been a part of Athlete Academy for a while now, and watching them continue to grow (quite literally in Sam’s case) and progress has been awesome. The award Sam has eared is an important one because it shows how well-rounded the athlete is in all facets of the game, both on and off the field. Great job Sam and keep up the great work!

-Coach Adam

Don’t Miss the Final Weigh In, Jumpstart Friends!

The jumpstart is in full blast. By this point you have survived the headaches and the exhaustion and you are headed toward feeling better with more energy - congratulations! Keep going! It will be worth it. Not only will it be worth FEELING better, but think about the possible prize sitting on the other side for you!

Speaking of prizes...there are some rules, right? You did your initial weigh in, but let us not forget about the FINAL weigh in. We need those weigh ins done by Monday November 21st. We will be compiling the results Tuesday so that we can give the prize away on our Wednesday training day. You can weigh in anytime the week before - just get it done! 

Keep making it happen, Coach Meagan

Introducing Kristen Chulada!

I am excited to introduce you to our newest Physical Preparation and Nutrition Coach, Kristen Chulada. We are looking forward to having Kristen help us grow our nutrition coaching services as well as be on the floor making you sweat. She will be working in both locations, so plan on meeting her soon. Please read about Kristen in her own words - Coach Dean

I knew at a young age that I wanted to enter the health and wellness field. Growing up with a mother as a Registered Dietitian and a father as an Athletic Trainer and health teacher was extremely influential.

As a little girl, I loved watching my mom teach about how food could make a person feel better and tagging along with my dad on his various sporting endeavors. This all translated into a serious love for food and sports; specifically fueling the body with nutritious and enjoyable foods while finding the exercise style that keeps you motivated and challenged.

Having battled with an eating disorder in high school, I know what it’s like to feel lost and confused about eating healthy and what it right for your body. However, after making a full recovery and learning as much as possible about proper nutrition, my ultimate goal is to help you build a healthy relationship with food and learn which foods make you feel your absolute best. I do not believe in diets and will never enforce them; what I do is individualize nutrition guidelines to help you achieve your goals.

I am also deeply passionate about physical activity, and know that nutrition is only one piece of the puzzle when it comes to overall health. I grew up as a three-season athlete, and as I entered adulthood I became more interested in individual fitness and strength training. This drove my desire to pair my love for teaching nutrition with physical fitness coaching.

I am excited to be a part of the Get Fit NH team and to help you make it happen!

Kristen Chulada is a Registered Dietitian and licensed in the state of New Hampshire. She graduated from the University of New Hampshire with a Bachelor’s of Science in Nutrition and completed her Dietetic Internship through the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She is also a Certified Personal Trainer with the American College of Sports Medicine.