Recovery Is Where The Magic Happens

Does your “gym” have a training philosophy?

Now I know bricks and mortar don’t philosophize about much of anything, much less even care if you show up, and unfortunately the guy that owns them probably doesn’t either.

But we do.

Care if you show up and have a training philosophy.

Beyond the sets, reps, exercise selection, intensity, frequency and myriad other factors that go into program design there is one that is often overlooked and misunderstood.


You don’t get stronger, faster, and leaner in the gym. That’s just the beginning of the process. It’s what you do after you train (and I am making the assumption you are training appropriately hard, not just going through the motions) that makes all those things happen.

  • Post-training and overall nutrition
  • Sleep
  • Other recovery techniques such as massage, myofascial release, ART – to name a few.

Which get me back to our training philosophy, which dictates that we take a week off from regular training about every 8 to 12 weeks.

It is part of your programming, and it is a big part of your ability to continue to be able to train with intensity and injury free.

So don’t ignore it!

Next week  (August 29th to September 5th) is our last full recovery week until December, so take advantage of it, rest and recover, and return with a vengeance!

Additional Recovery Resources:

I HATE Recovery Weeks!

Rest, Recover and Regenerate – It’s NOT optional

Recovery Nutrition

As always your coaches are here to answer your questions and guide you through your Get Fit NH Bootcamp withdrawals! 🙂

Make It Happen!

Coach Dean

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