Sandy Stands Tall in the Spotlight

sandySandy and I go back, way back. When she became part of the our Get Fit NH family I have seen so much more of Sandy and I wanted to have her share her story. She is one of the quieter students, but one that works hard each session. She puts her entire attention into the training. She wanted to not just come ‘workout’ but to change her entire well being. I am so proud of Sandy. Once you’ve trained with Sandy, you’ll see that persistence that I see each day.

Why did you choose Get Fit NH?

 “I have known Dean and Nancy for a long time…since before Get Fit NH existed. My daughter was one of the early clients. I thought about joining, but wasn’t sure I could commit the time or that I could actually participate because of back and shoulder injuries. “

What did you notice that changed first?

 “In August I decided to talk to Nancy about my concerns. She has been amazing at working with my limitations and helping me to overcome them. I have no more back pain, greatly increased flexibility and balance, better posture, strength and endurance. I have also begun to lose weight. “

What is your favorite part of Get Fit NH?

“Nancy has been very flexible with my constantly shifting schedule. Everyone has been encouraging and helpful. The atmosphere at Get Fit NH is positive and confidence building. I am glad I finally got started.”

Quiet determined persistence. I’m so glad Sandy took that first step into Get Fit NH.

Coach Nancy

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