Shining the Light on Betsy
I am excited to shine the spotlight on Betsy McNamara today. Betsy is so inspiring to watch. She is consistently on the perfect attendance shout out, she works her tail off when she is in the gym, and she absolutely killed it on this year’s Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown Challenge. As a coach, it is so cool to see students come in here and grow so drastically often in such a short period of time. Betsy is getting results because she is consistent and engaged. I am so grateful that she joined our family. Here is what she had to say…
I looked into Get Fit NH because I always assumed I would be fit and active when I’m older. But I turned 50 this year, so “older” is getting awfully close (my kids say I’m there), and I realized I can’t assume I will be fit. I have to make it happen. So I started looking around at options. I found that I know some people who are members and they rave about the gym.

Then, my friend Karen joined and was hooked and encouraged me to try it out. At first, the hardest part for me was getting into the routine. I had to figure out how to build that time into my mornings, what I had to do be sure I got to the gym on time, and then got to work on time. That took about a week. It’s also always intimidating to join a new gym. But here I felt welcomed and supported. Coaches learned my name really quickly. Other members were really nice. And the coaches were constantly providing support and corrections. I loved it. I could tell that it was working because I was sore after the workouts. That’s a good thing!
After the 2 week trial I learned that Get Fit NH is committed to getting their member fit without getting injured. Coaches are so good about offering suggestions on how to do specific exercises so that a) you don’t get hurt, and b) it’s having the best result. They adapt exercises for all kinds of fitness levels. I came to understand that if I just show up and give it my all during class, I’ll see positive results. The coaches do the rest of the work. I feel stronger. I have more energy. My sleep is better. My clothes fit better. And I’ve reversed the trend of slow weight gain I was experiencing in my 40’s.
Less obvious is the sense of accomplishment I feel from setting out to do something and doing it. I feel challenged at the gym and there are always new challenges to work on. How hard I work in class is within my control. I feel like I’ve joined a health community. Coaches talk about nutrition and sleep and rest and exercise — a great reinforcement for healthy habits. The Myzone technology is really fun to use both in and outside the gym. Also, it’s been a hoot to have joined at about the same time as my friend Karen. Even though we are not in the same class, we have a great time comparing notes and encouraging each other. I’m really proud of her and she’s proud of me."
Betsy and Karen have both done AMAZING since starting their journey. I am proud of both of them. What friends can you encourage today to get the ball rolling?
-Coach Meagan