The Spotlights Keep Coming In!
This time it's shining on G!
Geraldo (or G, as he asked to be called) has been with us for a little while now. I felt it was time and was important to shine the spotlight on him as well. I still remember when he first started - the things he had trouble with, the pain he was in on a daily basis. However, he stuck with it, has made tremendous progress, and has a positive influence on us as coaches as well as others in the gym. Below are some words from G about his experience.

“After a couple experiences at different gyms, I decided to find one that the schedule was flexible and I could make it without missing many classes and still get the results I was looking for. After this first triage, I got the two weeks’ free class trial to get to know Get Fit NH. With my weakness to complete many of the activities delivered during the class, I found a complete opportunity to improve those weaknesses without any intimidation. I definitely liked the place. My main sport activities were soccer and biking, and the first change noticed was that I was not only putting resistance on my lower body muscles but also on my upper body muscles.
Besides this I was introduced to a program to reeducate my habits regarding food. And all those tips delivered by coaches are part of my day now. I am eating smart and healthy like I believe I never did in all my life. It is about choosing the right and wrong things. And I guess I am on the right trail now.
My first goals were accomplished in less than 6 months. I have injuries, muscular injuries, that are not returning because I am doing the right things now. I am able to play sports again and it makes me really accomplished of my goals. I also dropped 25 lbs and I have been keeping it off since I first lost it. The 3D Fit Scan has showed that I lost measurement all over my body and it is really great because it shows how I am improving and losing the bad FAT.
In summary, it is the place that you can "Make it Happen!" and I am into it. I wish I could have found Get Fit NH sooner! Coaches are great and friendly and they show support for each individual during all activities performed during the class.
Geraldo Cabral"
Great work G and keep it up!
-Coach Adam