Why Do We Train?

If you are here, you probably have a pretty solid reason to walk through the door every day. Here are some common reasons:

  • Lose fat
  • Gain muscle
  • Feel better
  • Look better
  • Maintain
  • Mindset

Could be one, could be all, could be a combination of some of those things. We all have our own reasons to walk through the door each day. I want to remind you of something...

Results don’t happen just by training. Training is what keeps your independence. Training is what keeps you on your own two feet. Training keeps you getting up off the floor without assistance. Training is what keeps the walker out of your future.

If you are breathing the same air as me and you are driven by any of those reasons stated above, then it’s this magical word that will ensure fat loss, muscle gain, feeling better, looking better, maintenance and mindset (and more!).


Yeah, I said it. We don’t want to believe this is true, but I’m sorry, it just is! Just because someone you know can eat 3 cheeseburgers, a large order of fries and a giant soda and not gain a pound DOES NOT make them healthy or fit…keep that in mind. We can’t change the cards we’ve been dealt, but we can change how we look and feel.

Take control. Don’t make excuses. If you want to change something about yourself, then let’s focus on one thing you’re going to change today to make it happen.

-Coach Meagan

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