Student Spotlight – Deb Rosenthal

beforedebThe student spotlight this week goes to a very special student who has been training with us for 5 years- Deb Rosenthal! She shares her journey with Get Fit NH below. I have had the pleasure of working with Deb over the past (almost) 2 years and this woman is faithful. She makes it to training without question every single day. Her big turning point was during the 21 Day Detox. Deb embraced this challenge and it completely changed her. You will read below that she has dropped weight, body fat, pants sizes, and feels great. This woman has been non-stop since January. She gets her body fat read consistently and has dropped a tremendous amount of body fat. I am so proud of Deb for setting a great example and making it happen. Don’t forget to check out her before and after picture below- pretty awesome!

“When I first came to Get Fit NH Concord in 2009 I was overweight and sluggish. I had participated in boot camps in my native Dallas, TX where everything was bigger including me! I was looking for a training facility in Concord when I noticed on the back of a Rock n Race T-Shirt that Get Fit NH was a sponsor. It was perfect timing as Get Fit was starting in Concord. My initial goal was to lose body fat and get stronger both of which I have accomplished. I have struggled with my weight all my life. I have tried all the common programs available to most people. I have been at Get Fit for over 5 years and have enjoyed every minute. I always knew Dean was on the right track about the way he and his family fueled their bodies, but I did not want to wrap my arms around his prescribed diet and give up certain foods. When Dean offered the 21 Day Detox this past January 2014, I agreed to give it a try and to this day I am still following the Detox daily regime. I have never felt so good and it is so much fun when people tell me how baggy my clothes are now. I love the energy I have at the 5 am class and throughout the day. I could not think of any other way I would want to start 4 days during the week other than at Get Fit NH. The Get Fit coaches really consider every client a part of their family and are very interested in helping each client reach their goals which is heartwarming to me.

Training at Get Fit NH has helped Deb lose inches, shed body fat and look and feel greatThe Get Fit NH Coaches not only care about their clients, but Get Fit NH gives back to the community with their fundraising weekend events. They are always encouraging me to challenge myself and push myself physically which is much appreciated. Coaches, thank you for all you do for us each and every day.  I am ready to embrace the Whole 9 Nutrition which will take my nutritional levels to the new heights!!  GET FIT NH ROCKS!!!!”

Deb now supports her faithful training with a solid nutrition plan. Since January Deb has lost almost 30 pounds and a total of 6.7% body fat. She is a solid example of how a our professional training program + nutrition + action=results! Keep making it happen, Deb!

Coach Meagan

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