Unique & Powerful Testimonial
This weekend a client posted a heartfelt testimonial on our private client Facebook page. It was so powerful that I have to share it with you all in hopes that this speaks to someone else who may be feeling a bit lost or hopeless in their fitness journey.
It was too long to screenshot so I am going to write out her words below...
"I do not do this ever, but I also have to add my two cents about this gym. I am a full time caregiver for my husband who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's at an early age.
I joined the gym in March of this year. My goal for the month of August was to get to my the gym three times per week. I unfortunately failed that this week due to primary care and specialist appointments this week, BUT, my results from these appointments were incredible.
My numbers, my ultrasound test and other tests all showed improvement. One specialist even said, "I am not sure what you have been doing, but keep it up" and told me my test result looked so good that I do not need to return for two years. I sit here beyond words. I truly feel that it is the gym, Meagan, Tyler, Dylan and Ashley that have helped me get to this place in my life where my good health is important in order to take care of my husband. And I cannot forget to mention the nice people I have met along the way. Thank you, Yvette"
It is hard to take care of another human. Whether that be a spouse, a parent, a child or another loved one. It is hard. It is hard to find time and energy, but Yvette has done that and she has done it consistently since March. The "little things" all add up to BIG things when you keep going.
If you need help getting back into it, you know where to find us!