Used Book Store Sign – “Affordable Time Travel”

I’m out driving this afternoon and I see this sign near the road that was not there last week. You’ve all see similar signs, they are tacked up on a stick written in permanent marker on a thin piece of cardboard. This one had a catchy saying. “Used Book Store- Affordable Time Travel”. Books are in fact a way to ‘Time Travel’. You can go anywhere, be anyone, experience anything, whenever you want to. The possibilities are endless.

What would I put as a sign outside of Get Fit NH Bootcamp? “Make It Happen” of course. At the end of each training session we shout to each other – Make It Happen! You see it on our t-shirts and jackets. Make It Happen is a lifestyle. It’s how we live.

For each of us we’ve determined how many bootcamp training sessions we will make happen each week. This is an important time we set aside to help take care of ourselves. But what do you do beyond the 1, 2, or 4 hours of training? What about the other 165 hours in a week?

There are certain things we can control within our lifestyle. Our lives are impacted by the people we hang around with, they ‘ll help form our character. The things we do in life or don’t do impact our bodies. How much sleep we get and the amount of water we drink will touch the makeup of our life. Even the food we eat effects our lives.

All these and more make up our 165 hours outside of Get Fit NH Bootcamp. Do we still wear the ‘Make It Happen’ sign during the other 165? Do we eat supporting our training and our health? Do you plan for enough sleep? Most of us admit to not drinking enough water.

So what is the sign you hang up near your desk at work? “Be back in ten minutes”?

What sign do you hang around your neck while at home? “Do as I say, and not as I do”?

And when you are alone? Do you have a sign? What drives you to binge or not binge when no one is looking?

Think about it. Your Get Fit NH time is planned and designed to have the highest impact along side a supportive 165 hours outside of the gym. What sign do others see when they look at you? What sign do you want them to see?

With the ‘Make It Happen’ lifestyle sign the possibilities are endless!

Don’t just say it…live it.

Make It Happen!

Coach Nancy

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