What Do You Want?

This post is all about you.

Your wants, needs and desires – In one specific area.

My observation after many years of training clients just like you is that we very rarely get asked a questions about physical preparation, about training.

I believe that is because you trust us to take care of you while you are with us. You understand we are going to help you train in a safe and effective manner, that you are going to get a great workout and not have to worry about all the details – and that is just what we are aiming for.

On the other hand we get asked about a specific subject almost daily, and that’s a good thing.

I am sure you have guessed the #1 topic of discussion and the area we are most frequently asked about is…


When should I eat?

How much?

Is this good for me?

Can I have this?

What about_________?

So today we are turning the tables and asking you a couple questions, and I need your answers in the comment section below this post. I also want to compile a list of your most frequently asked questions, so fire away. Don’t be shy, you are not the only person who wants to know. The more responses we get the better, so let’s have it!

So here’s my question for you:

A “done for you” meal plan outlines exactly what to eat and when for a specific period of time in order to build good habits and jump start your fat loss. If we provided these plans, would you use them?

Would you attend nutrition classes if offered? If so, what are the topics you would like to see covered?

Now it’s your turn:

What are the three nutrition questions you would like to see answered that you think would make the biggest difference in you reaching your body composition goals?

Now I know it’s Monday, but please do me (and yourself 🙂 a favor and respond below.

Make It Happen!


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