What is Fitranx and How Does It Work?

Fitranx is an exercise leveling system composed of 8 levels. The best way to think of it is like belts in martial arts - as you become more proficient in more difficult exercises, you have the ability to test into the next level during Fitranx testing days at Get Fit. As you progress from Level 1 all the way up to Level 8, the exercises will become more challenging. This will be sure to give you something to consistently strive for to make yourself better.

The thing that makes this different than other things we have done in the past, like the Get Fit games for example, are a couple big factors. First, these tests are standardized and are being performed all over the country. You know that if someone on the west coast is a Level 5, and you just passed the Level 5 test, you both had to complete the same number of exercises, the same selection of exercises, and the same weights from those exercises. Also, these level tests are categorized by age: Bracket 1 is ages 16-35, Bracket 2 is ages 36-55, and Bracket 3 is ages 56+.

Now, for a little information about the testing days. First and foremost, every participant must level their way up, so everyone, regardless of current conditioning, must start at Level 1 and work their way up. Our next testing day will be July 15th (it’s a Saturday) where the Level 1 and Level 2 testing will take place. Subsequent testing days will follow once it has been fully kicked off. Each tests consists of two parts - a strength portion and a conditioning portion - so you must be up to the task in both in order to complete the test. More information to come! be on the lookout!

-Coach Adam

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