Wow! Over Halfway There!

Get Fit NH Training TimeWe are two week into July, which means we are OVER halfway through this calendar year – crazy!

Are you halfway to your yearly goals? If you have lost track of what those goals are, or you are a bit behind, you have a little less than 6 months to get it going.

As Coach Alwyn Cosgrove likes to say, “The Time Will Pass Anyway.”

I say we use that time to Get Better!

You have heard me say it before.

The best time to start is always NOW.

Every day you wait is a day you will never be able to reclaim.

50% of the year is gone, and there is nothing we can do about that, and frankly it doesn’t really matter.

What DOES matter is what you do today.

I have the privilege of seeing people every day come in and work hard to reach their goals. I know for a fact that there is not one of them that doesn’t have SOME obstacle in their lives that wants to get in there way. But that doesn’t stop someone who really wants it, now does it?

So let’s make it count – today and every day.

Time to Make It Happen!

Coach Dean

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