10 Tips For Staying On Track

  • #1: Keep your goal in front of you

      • Write it down

      • Put it on the fridge so every time you open the fridge you are encouraged to make a great choice

      • Put it on the cabinet to give you the strength to stay out of the crackers

      • Put in on your dashboard to remind you to drive by Dunkin Donuts

    • #2: Celebrate your progress! It is easy to focus on our flaws, I would challenge you to focus on what you did great and what changed

      • Celebrate it on the family Facebook page – it encourages others more than you know

      • Tell your coach! We care more than you know

      • Add it to the accomplishment board- that is what it is there for!

      • Find fun ways to keep yourself encouraged-  we once had a client who wanted to lose 50 pounds. So she took a bunch of post its and spread 5 pounds across a mirror. Each time she lost 5 pounds down she took a post it off of the mirror until eventually she was able to see more and more of her reflection. That is my absolute favorite story to share about how someone celebrated their success. I would love to hear your creative stories

    • #3: Buy a veggie platter tray – like the kind that you see at parties- and fill it weekly! Take that out before dinner and when you are wanting a snack. Picking from that is a safer way to keep your calories intake down!

    • #4: Buy a water bottle with a straw. I know this is going to sound ridiculous, but when you have a water bottle with a straw you will likely drink more water. You know how quick you can suck down that DD iced coffee? Yeah, imagine if you didn’t have to take the lid off of a water bottle- oh the possibilities!

    • #5: Keep a journal

      • Studies show that keeping a food log keeps you more aware of what you are eating. I don’t know about you, but I am dangerously guilty of mindless eating. Writing it down helps you be more aware and it helps me help you if you are struggling

      • In that journal I would encourage you to track how you felt for the day, how you slept, what your stress was like. This will help you discover trends and see if you can make some adjustments in your life

      • Finally, in that journal, I would encourage you to write down what you did great that day, what you could have done better and what your goal is for the next day

      • For example: I didn’t drink any wine when I went out to dinner tonight! I hardly drank any water today. Tomorrow I am going to drink 80 ounces. BOOM!

    • #7: Recognize things you could have done better, accept them and move on. Dwelling is dangerous and leads us down a dangerous path of self-destruction. You are not a bad person for eating a cookie! You get to make choices every day. There are choices that support your goals and choices that don’t support your goals. Own it and move on

    • #8: If you can’t eat it in moderation then don’t bring it into the house!

      • If you are the type of person that buys a bag of chips and know that it will call on you and haunt you until you crush the entire bag then don’t bring it into your house. OR buy a small bag that can satisfy a craving.

      • I realize that most of us do not live alone. If you live with someone who eats a different way it is not unreasonable or ridiculous to ask them to keep it in a different cabinet. Have a cabinet just for them and stay out of it! Or ask them to keep it at their work or heck in a safe! If you struggle with self-control it is ok to ask for help from your support team!

    • #9: Guilt is a toxic feeling. Replace that feeling by celebrating what you did well and accepting and owning what you could have done better. Choices are choices and you are not a bad person for it.

    • #10: Make a plan

      • Plan your week

      • Make lists

      • Plan the meals that you can

      • Prep what you can

    Make it Happen

    Coach Meagan

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