3 Reasons Fridays Are Important

  1. Mentality:  Probably the most important part of why training is important is the mentality or the mental strength that is required to do so. Also on the flip side what you are reinforcing to yourself if you skip it. I'm not talking about skipping one Friday if something comes up and you just can't make it, I am talking about Fridays upon Fridays of skipping. It teaches, even if it's just subconsciously, that its ok to not
    finish what you start. That after three days it “ok close enough”, that is a dangerous sentiment to have, it’s the same as taking the opportunity to do 21 days of clean eating and on day 20 saying “well I made it 20 how big of a difference is 1 day going to make”. Nutritionally and training wise maybe not much, at first, however it’s a slippery slope at first its one week. Then the next week you think “I skipped Friday and felt fine, don’t really feel like going this week either” then the trend continues.
    Missing one class might not have a huge impact on training but if that trend
    continues that’s 4 classes a month and 48 classes a year. Don’t give yourself an
    excuse to not finish what you started, it starts with one thing, but we are all humans,
    if we give ourselves and inch we will take a mile. It may start with training, but
    before you know it it’s bleeding over into nutrition and general life responsibilities.
  2. Training: The programming at Get Fit NH is designed to affect your system in
    different ways to elicit and overall training response. Many of you already know
    this but training is written as 2 days of Metabolic work (most closely resembling
    cardiovascular training) and 2 days of strength work. That means that the training
    is written to work as a whole balanced program over a weeks span, so missing a
    Friday leads to an unbalanced week of training. For the best training effect we have
    to take advantage of all of it. Can you really tell me that missing 48 trainings in a
    year won't affect you?
  3. A general sense of accomplishment: it's no secret that Fridays trainings are
    challenging, and on Friday you are tired, stressed, and ready to end your week as
    soon as possible. The sense of accomplishment you will feel after making sure you
    gave it your absolute all and saw the week through to the end will be great.
    Fridays are important too, don’t give yourself and excuse, it probably will not stop
    -Coach Adam
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