7 Simple Steps for Snoozing

The perfect night’s sleep is everyone’s dream, but few actually achieve it on a regular basis. These simple steps could be the key to your perfect night’s sleep.

1. A bedtime ritual is key to winding down. Get in the habit of doing the same activities 30 minutes before you climb into bed.  A warm bath touched with a few drops of lavender oil in the water will enhance your relaxation.  Also try to avoid stressful stimulation from the evening news or violent movies, instead listen to soothing music.

2. Avoid stimulants, stay away from tobacco, caffeine, alcohol, and sugar, particularly in the afternoon and evening.  Don’t eat anything two hours before bedtime unless you need a protein snack to deal with a low blood–sugar problem.

3. Sleepy time snacks. There’s a reason everyone wants to take a nap after that big Thanksgiving meal. Turkey is loaded with the amino acid tryptophan that manufactures serotonin, which is crucial for sleep. Tryptophan is also abundant in fish, dairy, eggs, bananas, figs, pineapples, nut butter, and tuna—all good foods to eat.

4. Vitamins B complex helps in the conversion of tryptophan to serotonin, so a good vitamin B supplement along with at least 200 mg of vitamin C is sleep insurance. A calcium/magnesium supplement can also be effective for relaxing tense muscles.

5. A dose of helpful herbs can be found in a cup of chamomile tea. This hot tea is a soothing way to end the day. It has a tranquilizing effect, induces sleep, and improves sleep quality.

6. Expend energy through a long walk,  a bike ride, working out at Get Fit NH Bootcamp with all the great 6 PMers— all produce endorphins. (The exercise does that not the 6 PMers LOL) The endorphins help ease depression and improve sleep. But observe the two-hour rule by stopping physical activity at least two hours before bedtime.

7. Make your bedroom a quiet place. Keep the room dark and cool. Remove the TV, computer, and even the clock if these items make you restless. A comfortable bed and pillow are going to be key items if you want to sleep well.

Relax—you’ve earned it. You’ll be just a nod away from sweet dreams.

Coach Nancy

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