9 Years

A lot can happen in 9 years.

In the last 9 years Nancy and I have had three kids.

We’ve started a business.

We’ve laughed, and cried, we’ve had some sweet times and some struggles.

And time has marched on.

9 years ago I had hair.

I recently let my beard grow out a bit, told the 5:00am class it was the “CJ” look.

I was gently reminded that I am not as young as CJ, and the color mixed in is not blonde.

For the last 9 years I have had a picture in what in our house is ironically called the living room.

It’s above the television, which is about as far away from living as you can get.

It’s the same picture that you see in this letter.

It is my son Derek when he was about 6 months old.

He never saw his first birthday.

He died October 14th, 2002

9 Years Ago.

It seems like yesterday.

Time waits for no one.

Time is merciless.

Time doesn’t care.

It just keeps marching on.

So why do we live like we know how much we have?

Why do we spend it like we will never run out of it?

9 years ago I thought I had all the time in the world.

Now I know that you never know.

I’d like to think that I have changed over the last 9 years.

That I am less selfish.

That I am less about what I can take and more about what I can give.

That the little things that used to bug me so much don’t anymore.

That I use the time I have been given by God to the fullest.

That I am a better husband and father.

A better friend and confidant.

That I play a little harder.

And love a little deeper.

It’s about time.

I love you Derek.



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