I’d Rather Pay You!

Advertising is one of the necessary evils of doing business. It’s all too easy to sit back and assume “everyone” knows about you and your amazing product or service; oh that it were so easy!

There’s an incredible number of ways to advertise, and the thing I despise most about print, or radio, or even some online advertising is you never know if your message is getting to the right people – the ones who want or need what you have.

At Get Fit NH, we have invested thousands of dollars in the most incredible advertising possible – the advertising that you our clients do.

That’s what our Referral Rewards program is all about. We think the best possible advertising that can be done is by our amazing clients who have experienced first hand what Get Fit NH can do for body, mind and spirit.

So I am asking you to keep doing what you have been doing, and tell your friends, neighbors, co-workers and family what Get Fit NH has done for you and what we can do for them.

We will make it worth your while, I promise. Make sure you pick up some referral cards in the gym and give them to people you know can benefit from it. As always they will get a no obligation 2-week tryout at no cost, and if they sign a package with us they also receive $50 off their first 4-week session.

And the $50 you earn is just our way of saying “Thanks” – for training with us and for Making It Happen!

Take a look at all these happy clients who have earned Referral Rewards

Tell Your Friends!