A Decade Of Blessings

Why is it that when I have so much to be thankful for my focus tends to be on those things that I don’t have?

Am I the only one who thinks that way, way too much of the time?

10 years passes very quickly.

On October 14th, 2002 our son Derek passed from this earth into the presence of God.

It was a terrible day, no doubt about it.

You wake up in the morning and everything seems normal, and by the next morning your life has changed – dramatically.

It is said that time heals all wounds, but I believe only God can do that.

What time does is provide perspective and growth, if you let it.

In the first few years Octobers brought not much more than heartache.

Now I look on them as a blessing, because every year I am given a gift.

A reminder to slow down and focus on what it really important.

I am thankful for the 11 months that Derek was with us, and I am thankful for what has come into my life since he has been gone.

And while I don’t have Derek with me now, I have blessings beyond compare.

Family. Friends. You.

There are moments in our life that define who we are, for better or worse.

And it is only by God’s grace we stand at all, never mind in the face of circumstances we would not necessarily choose. I am thankful for a strength beyond my own frailness.

I am still growing, and learning.

To truly be thankful for a decade of blessings.

I love you Derek.


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