A Shining Spotlight At 6:15!

The spotlight is shining bright on 6:15 one and only Kerrie Diers! I asked Kerrie to be in the spotlight, because over the past year I have watched this woman transform. Not only has she lost 20 pounds, but she has also gained so much strength and confidence! I am so proud of Kerrie. Her consistency has truly paid off. I remember calling Kerrie when she was still in her 2 week trial. She was so flustered about not being able to make it she was ready to say this was not going to work for her. I was proud of her for walking back through the door and I am just as proud of her now for keeping at it! Here is what she has to say…

What made you decide to join Get Fit NH?

I was no longer successful in working out on my own.   My trusted recipe of working out on my elliptical machine in my basement had lost its appeal.  I had been doing the same workout and same routine for about 10 years.  At the beginning, I had made a lot progress in losing the "baby weight" I gained when I had my children. Over time, I became less engaged. I tried motivating myself by only watching Netflix while working out, but I became less and less consistent to the point where I really was not working out and gained the baby weight back.  I had heard about Get Fit from my friends in the neighborhood and saw how successful they have been.  I decided to give it a try because I needed to do something different and needed to get myself moving. 


What did you learn after your first 2 weeks?

That I needed to give it more time.  My first two weeks were kind of a disaster because my husband was called out of town unexpectedly for a few months, making me a single parent overnight. I wasn’t sure I could continue, but Meagan encouraged me to give it a few more weeks. It was a struggle but I found that creating a routine helped me to feel better and relieve some of my anxiety.


What keeps you coming back?

There are a lot of reasons I keep coming back. First, all of the coaches know me by name (even Brian – I think ☺) and I work out with a great group of people at 6:15 am.  Second, I am held accountable. I know that the coaches know when I miss my workout, and if I don’t let Meagan know, she will send me an email asking where I was! Third, it is part of my morning routine. Even if I am tired, my class helps me to wake up and I know that I will feel better afterward. It also helps that I can roll out of bed and drive down the street to get to class, so I have very few excuses not to be there. Fourth, I am definitely not bored. I love that each class is engaging and designed to have us make progress. I feel like I am a work in progress, and the coaches and program at Get Fit challenge me to be stronger and better.


What results can you share so far?

I have lost almost 20 pounds and am down several inches. Most importantly, I recently had some routine bloodwork done and the results were normal, which was a huge relief.  I had previously tested in the pre-diabetic range which was a red flag for me since diabetes runs in my family.  I knew that I could avoid type-2 diabetes by changing my diet, and I thought that my family ate fairly healthy.  However, this past March I participated in the 21 Day Ticket to Health Challenge, and I gave up added sugar, dairy and grains.  After the sugar withdrawal subsided, I found that I felt so much better and made significant progress with weight loss. I am still adhering to that plan, and although I will occasionally have sugar, grains and dairy, it is not the norm. An added benefit is that my family is eating better too.


What encouragement would you like to share with someone who may be on the fence about starting?

Get Fit NH is a place where all are welcome, you are encouraged and challenged to be stronger and healthier, and you will never be bored!


Thank you for sharing you story with us, Kerrie! Keep making it happen.

Coach Meagan

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