Another Spotlight! This One is Shining on…

Molly Crisman!

On to my second spotlight – it is a pleasure to write about another extremely hardworking student. Molly has taken the program by storm and pushed herself to get better. Every time she is in the room, she is always pushing herself and getting as much as she can every single session. In my opinion, it is not only those who have achieved their goal, but also those who are well on the way that deserve to be applauded. It’s one thing to say you want to do something, get healthier, lose fat, gain muscle, whatever it is you desire. It is another thing entirely to come in and work your butt off every single time to get there, which is exactly what Molly does. Here is Molly’s story in her own words:
molly crisman spotlight
“I first started with GFNH back in October 2015 after months of my dad trying to convince me to join. With commuting to work 4+ hours a day, I always had an excuse as to why I could never join. Once I changed to a job much closer in October (and after gaining 20+ pounds), I knew it was time for me to make my health a priority. I also had the added pressure that my wedding was right around the corner, and my dress had become a little snug (a bride’s worst nightmare!). My dad has always spoken so highly of the Get Fit NH team that I figured I’d give it a shot!
My first few classes at GFNH were rough. I was extremely out of shape, always sore, and could barely complete the one hour workout. What has really helped me (and continues to help), is always having my dad there to keep me accountable. We motivate each other to push past our comfort zones. The coaches at GFNH have also been instrumental to my success. Each coach took the time to get to know me and continues to encourage me day in and day out. For me, the accountability of my dad and the coaches is what keeps me coming to class each day.
After the first few weeks of being sore (I never knew how sore I could get!), I saw some major changes in myself, both physically and mentally. I felt stronger, leaner, and my stamina had dramatically increased. I was sleeping much better and would wake up with a lot more energy. How awesome is that? Those small changes were a huge motivation to keep going.
After 5 months I can honestly say that working out at GFNH has been life changing. I have settled into a routine that has set me up for success. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely have days where all I want to do is sit on my couch and eat junk food, but the family environment at GFNH gives me the motivation to keep coming back. We all rely on each other for success. Here’s to hoping that dress fits me in June!”

I can tell you right now that with how hard Molly works every single training session, she will get there, no doubt.
-Coach Adam

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